football era

Chapter 417 Trap

"Advance steadily, don't worry. The key to this map is that when the two armies confront each other, don't show any flaws...The camp can hide our actions, how to mobilize the opponent to seize the position will be the key...The possession of the ball is very important, don't take it lightly lost."

After the game started, Lee Seung-ze said on the team channel while advancing.

Tianhe's players responded one after another, and then began to move forward. This map is exactly as Lee Chengze said, there is no problem at the beginning, the key is the confrontation and scheduling before and after the river.

The length of the river is sufficient, and the width is also the kind that can be easily crossed. Under such circumstances, there are only a dozen people on both sides, and it is impossible to hold all the routes. Under such circumstances, how to mobilize the opponent's heavy troops to initiate Raiding is a very important thing.

Moreover, the tents on this map cannot be jumped on, and everyone's field of vision will be greatly affected. If you can't find the opponent's movement, then it is very likely that you will stay in the middle foolishly, and the opponent may have already broken you. the door is open...

In this regard, the judgment requirements for the main general are particularly high.

However, Tianhe's players believed in Li Chengze's judgment.

On such a map, there are often a lot of goals, because there may not be many encounters, and most of them rely on sneak attacks, so ball control is also important. You don’t know when you will be sneaked. is the key.

Tianhe's players set up a fairly strict formation and began to move forward in an orderly manner. They could form echoes with each other, and at the same time, they could observe as many places as possible.

The speed of the top teams has always been very fast. Even if they advance in a strict formation, the speed is not much different from that of individuals. Soon, they came to the river, ready to launch a tentative attack.

"They may not be able to move as fast as us, let's go and investigate first?" He Liqiang asked Li Chengze.

"No, there are a few fast guys in their formation. Besides their captain Zheng Qi, there are also two people, Li Guorui and Huang Yuanfan. It's a problem, so let's not ignore this point, if you want to pass it, pass it all, otherwise don't pass it." Li Chengze shook his head.

"Hmm... It's better to play it safe when we control the ball." He Liqiang nodded thoughtfully.

The next moment, he immediately saw a guy coming out from behind the tent on the other side of the river.

"It's Zheng Qi." He Liqiang said.

Li Chengze nodded slightly, Zheng Qi appeared at this time, is it just a person?Or is it trying to use itself to draw our attention so we can attack from another position?

For a moment, he couldn't think of what Zheng Qi wanted to do—this was also related to his unfamiliarity with Zheng Qi. If he was an opponent in the Super League, Li Chengze basically knew the opponent's personality and temper. Based on his personality, he could infer that the opponent might have There is generally nothing wrong with any action.

Li Chengze's thinking ability is second to none.

"Let's concentrate our forces first...we control the ball, it's best not to disperse." Li Chengze said in the team channel.

He had just finished speaking when he saw Zheng Qi jump up a few times standing on the bank of the river. After attracting their attention, he shouted loudly: "I'm Zheng Qi, is Li Chengze here? Come out and fight! Whoever loses will admit defeat directly, dare you!"

There was an uproar.

In Football Era games, you can type or voice, but often the chat in the team is typing, which is more hidden. Of course, you can chat in a low voice when there is no one around, but whether it is chatting or typing, it will be clear to the surrounding audience Hear and see.

So Zheng Qi's shout immediately spread throughout the arena and everyone's ears.

"Do you want a face?"

Countless Tianhe fans cursed angrily, while Fei Fan fans laughed out loud, thinking that the captain is really messed up...

Even if Li Chengze is one of the current double arrogance, you are an attacker looking for a support player to single out, are you embarrassed to say?
No matter how good a support player is, his combat power is not reflected in face-to-face battles, there is no doubt about it.

Although everyone knows that a player of Li Chengze's level has already surpassed the limitations of the genre. In the league match that was related to the championship of the league the year before last, Li Chengze used a few combat cards to entangle Lu Xiaotian for a few minutes. The scene where our side scored a key goal was enough to prove that even in a head-on confrontation, Li Chengze is capable of dealing with any player.

However, after all, it was Li Chengze who dug a hole. In such an ordinary game, would Li Chengze possibly carry a fighting hero card?No qualified support player would do such a thing.

Although Tianhe is a dual support, he doesn't have to worry about the skill cooldown period, but in intensive battles, as the support core, an extra support hero card can allow his teammates to last for a long time.

What Zheng Qi said made Tianhe's players feel angry. They all respected Li Chengze. Zheng Qi wanted to challenge Li Chengze to a duel. From their point of view, this was an insult.

"Calm down, it's just trash talk." Li Chengze said flatly.

At this time, Zheng Qi was still clamoring beside the river bank.

Obviously, Zheng Qi has now fully grasped the boundaries of trash talking. His shouts did not contain any insulting meaning, but they kept teasing Tianhe's nerves.

"To attract our attention?" Li Chengze thought in his heart.

"Maybe they have already sent people to outflank it from the two wings? It takes a long detour, so they deliberately delay like this?" He Liqiang asked.

"It's possible, but if this is the case, the trap is too simple. Their head coach Xu Shan is good at digging out tactical details. It's not like he would use such a simple trap. Could it be a trick?" Li Chengze nodded slightly, and then I waved my hand.

"The whole army attacks and breaks through head-on."


Although He Liqiang didn't understand that Li Chengze chose to attack with the whole army since the other party might be playing tricks, but if Li Chengze commanded like this, he would definitely do it.

After using a teleportation skill, the three attackers Han Yiming, Yu Gang, and Tian Zhixin were immediately teleported to the opponent's river bank, and they wanted to take the lead in seizing points on the opponent's position.

The others surrounded Li Chengze and He Liqiang and moved forward quickly, protecting Li Chengze and He Liqiang as they quickly passed through the inconvenient river.

Originally, the Tianhe contestants thought there would be a fierce battle, but when Han Yiming and others appeared at the river, Zheng Qi, who was still shouting just now, turned his head and ran away, quickly left the river, and then fled into the camp In a few strokes, he disappeared behind the tent.


Han Yiming was taken aback. He was very interested in fighting Zheng Qi. As a talented rookie, Han Yiming knew that what he lacked now was experience. If he didn't strengthen in this area, it would be difficult to grow quickly.

This season, Han Yiming has encountered many top players. Every time he plays against such players, he can gain some experience. There are all kinds of good players in the league, and each good player can bring him something new. perception.

He knew that Zheng Qi was also a very good player, and he was also very eager to play against such an opponent.

However, before the fight, Zheng Qi ran away - which made him wish he could catch up immediately.

"Don't chase the poor."

When Li Chengze's shout was heard, Han Yiming immediately stopped in his tracks. Now the large army has already crossed the river. On this map, the river course is a battleground for military strategists, but the opponent gave up so easily...

No matter how you think about it, there is a problem, and the other party must have a conspiracy.

"Keep moving forward, keep the overall movement, we won't be afraid of any conspiracy when we control the ball." Li Chengze said calmly.

Tianhe's players all nodded. Li Chengze's words were on point. On such a map, the ball-controlling side is indeed more flexible and has an advantage. As long as they don't have any problems, there won't be any problems.

Han Yiming took the lead, and Tianhe's players began to advance in a uniform manner. Naturally, there was no problem with their cooperation. Most of them had cooperated together for several years. established a tacit understanding.

Nobody, nobody, or nobody.

After going through three tents in a row, Li Chengze frowned slightly without seeing any extraordinary players.

"Stop." Li Chengze raised his hand suddenly.

The entire Tianhe formation stopped neatly immediately, showing their excellent tactical execution ability.

"After going around the front camp, there will be a relatively wide area, enough for ten of us to go in, but there will be as many as six passages around it. There is only one such place in the entire half." Li Chengze said in the team channel.

"Does this mean we are vulnerable to ambushes?" He Liqiang asked.

"That's right, if you want to ambush, then this is the best position." Li Chengze said.

At this time, in the stands, Tianhe's fans cheered happily and kept clapping their hands. From the perspective of God, in front of Tianhe's team, extraordinary players formed an encirclement circle, but Tianhe's formation was only one step away from the encirclement circle. Far away, but just don't step in.

"You still want to ambush us? In your next life! Li Chengze's thinking is not something you can just fool!"

Many fans of Tianhe shouted at the stands occupied by extraordinary fans from a distance. Although it was so far away, everyone knew what they were shouting.

This made Fei Fan's fans very depressed, but they couldn't say anything more - if Tianhe didn't find Fei Fei's trap, then it would be their turn to laugh at each other crazily.

This is how the game is like, the side that has the advantage can naturally laugh at the other side unscrupulously, no matter how angry the side being ridiculed is, there is nothing they can do.

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