football era

Chapter 415 Yuan Fei's Expectation

Li Chengze did not underestimate Fan Fei.

Perhaps other top clubs are not familiar enough with Fana, thinking that they are just clubs with potential, and don’t think they can create outstanding results now-after all, Fana has excellent performances on other fronts, all kinds of hardware The software is being enhanced every day, but in the competitive world, results are still the last word. How can a team that can only hover around No. 9 in the First Division be so good?

However, Li Chengze will not underestimate this team. Although he has never known Fei Fei very well, he does know Chang Feng—a team like Chang Feng, or a player like Lu Xiaotian, if he hadn't noticed something, They won't always play friendly matches with Fei Fan, their time is very precious.

Although more than a year has passed, the Extraordinary lineup should have changed a lot, but their core has not changed, so the factors that made Changfeng pay attention to it at that time will not change.

This point alone is enough to make Li Chengze feel that he takes it seriously.

To a certain extent, if Li Chengze valued this match, Fanfan would not have any more chances, but Zheng Qi didn't know this.

Extraordinary’s subsequent performance was normal. They continued to have a wonderful performance of home wins and away losses in the league. The ranking has been hovering around the ninth place. This gave them some advantages, because other teams will always have some draws. Some points will be lost virtually, but they will not have such a problem.

However, their performance has disappointed some people. These people think that Feifan will become the most news-prone team in the First Division in the second half of the season, but they are still the same as the first half of the season. There is no news, even the fluctuations in the rankings will not be too drastic, the sky is high above the sky, Hongyuan Yinshuangbi falls in the No.2 position, striving to have a certain advantage in the play-offs, Yaokuangraginghuo's position is relatively stable , their fifth and sixth positions will basically not change, but starting from No.7, they will compete for the three play-off positions of seven, eight or nine, but there are six teams, and it is quite a big competition .

There are competitions in the ranking, but the overall is relatively stable. Such a first-tier league can't bring any surprises. If there is something to attract attention, then it will get a play-off...

But there is still a long time for the play-offs, and most of the attention paid to the first division league falls on Fei Fei.

Because they are the only first-tier team to reach the quarter-finals this season, which has rarely happened in the past five years, and the opponent is Tianhe, which is full of enough interest.

For the fans of Tianhe, after four years of getting used to the victory and the championship, they are a little uncomfortable with the decline in this year's performance. It is impossible for the league to hit the championship. Falling a long way down with only a theoretical hope of winning the title.

Under such circumstances, they began to pay more attention to the China Cup - what the league needs is long-term outstanding performance, but the cup competition only needs a good performance one game at a time...

The opponent in the quarter-finals is a first-tier team, which makes them even more optimistic about this game.

"Extraordinary is a very good opponent. This game must have enough training meaning for us. We used to win at least one championship every year. I don't want to stop this year, even if we are in the throes of a blood change this year. Changfeng is very good, but they have not won five championships yet, we will try our best to do our best."

Li Chengze said in an interview before the start of the game that he didn't mention Fei Fei too many times, but seemed to have plans for Changfeng. Such a performance seemed to look down on Fei Fei...

"The attitude shown by this guy can't be taken seriously." Zheng Qi said to Xu Shan in private: "This is a very cunning guy, we have to think that he actually attaches great importance to us."

"Really? But it's normal for Li Chengze to ignore our threats..." Xu Shan hesitated.

"What if not? Coach, your tactics often have a very low error tolerance rate..."

Zheng Qi's words made Xu Shan make up his mind.

Treat this game as the most difficult situation, that is, Tianhe will go all out and play with his team very familiar!
Coaches who are good at tactical details are often very cautious, and Xu Shan is no exception.

His prudence made Fei Fei appear less passive in the next match.

The quarter-finals of the Cup of China officially kicked off.

There is no difference between home and away games, but it is obvious that Tianhe fans have an absolute advantage in the stands.

As one of the two most popular teams right now, Tianhe always has a high number of spectators for every game, and this time, 2000 million fans of Tianhe also came to the scene, covering the sky like the sky It was packed tightly.

There are far fewer extraordinary fans, and only one-tenth of Tianhe fans really support them. However, the number of people who came to the scene for this match is very surprising. Apart from the fans of both sides, there are also Nearly ten million neutral fans came to the scene...

They were basically attracted by Fan Fei's wonderful performance during this period of time - although this is not a league game, Fan Fei's wonderful record of home victory in the First Division also made people feel more interested in this game. Much to look forward to.

"The cup draw usually draws a very complicated map. We just want to see whether Fei Fei's unbeaten record on such a map will end here!"

"Although Fei Fei can get into the Super League, this doubt can be solved, but after all, it will take a long time. Maybe they won't be able to get into the Super League this year?"

The neutral audience randomly interviewed by the media before the game basically had the same attitude...

"A contest that was originally thought to be the least suspenseful and the most disparate in strength in the quarter-finals of the China Cup has received great attention... Judging from the identities of the two sides, you can see how disparate the performance of the two sides is, Tianhe It is an undoubted strong team. They have won countless championships with gold content in the past four years. Although their performance this year has declined somewhat, they are still one of the best teams in the Super League. And what about extraordinary? In the past 63 rounds of the First Division, they ranked tenth, but they are very close to the sixth place. Their points are 62 points, while the points of Agni are [-] points, and the seventh and eighth nine points are all [-] points. From this ranking, it can be seen that Fanfan is considered a strong team in the First Division. However, compared with Tianhe, they are just an ant at the foot of an elephant... However, what is different from their status is that their The standard is not bad. In the [-] games in the first division, they won [-] home games! Correspondingly, they lost all [-] away games. This performance has continued since the beginning of this season. Yes, they will only use the seven most complicated maps at home, and in the games they won in the Cup, they also won on those seven maps. This game will draw such a map? And if they get drawn, will they continue their unbeaten record on complex maps?"

The commentator Yuan Fei said with great interest, originally he would not be allowed to comment on a game of this level, but this game was hyped by the media before the game started, and his extraordinary performance in this year's League One It attracted many people's attention. The China Cup quarter-finals is also a hot match. After Yuan Fei became interested, he naturally wanted to explain this match.

"Through our intelligence collection, Fanfan's current overall level is quite good. Their 22 players all have professional level and have an overwhelming advantage in attribute points against any team... This is due to their outstanding performance. The method of robbing monsters in the new area has achieved a good harvest again this year. Although extraordinary is not a pivotal force for the entire league, after they appear in everyone's sight, they have prompted all clubs to invest in the new area and to The study of tactics, presumably in a few years, 'Extraordinary Phenomena' will become an object of research for many people."

Yuan Fei gave Fan Fei a high praise in the comments, which made Tianhe's fans a little unhappy, because Yuan Fei didn't mention Tianhe much...

And for Yuan Fei, such a performance is naturally as it should be - Tianhe is outstanding, everyone knows this, so there is no need for him to talk nonsense.

Moreover, the reason why Tianhe's performance has declined this year has basically been analyzed by other media. Tianhe's situation is not complicated, so there is no need to keep mentioning it-he has not yet reached the point where he has to rely on fried rice to confuse the number of words.

For Yuan Fei, he came to explain this game because he wanted to have a better understanding of the extraordinary team.

The more he studied this team, the more Yuan Fei became interested in Fan Fei—they still have many flaws, but they have already shown amazing potential, and there are several very good players in this team. The whole, such a team, itself has the possibility of success.

Although they are still only a first-tier team, don't forget that this club has only been established for less than two years. In terms of results, they have already done quite well.

In Yuan Fei's opinion, although the current Super League is very exciting, it is a bit rigid. The scene of Changfeng Tianhe's two heroes fighting for hegemony has been going on for several years. No matter whether it is Nanguo Shenhua or Xiongfeng, it is actually difficult for other teams to deal with this. The two teams caused an impact, and it's not interesting to watch too much duozhuan.

If there is a team that rises up and turns the structure of the Super League into the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, that would be pretty good...

Yuan Fei is very much looking forward to the fact that Feifan will be such a third team.

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