football era

Chapter 34 Reminder

The following gladiators really had no chance of causing them too much trouble.

If you die, there will be two gladiators who will go up together. After they are proficient, they will kill more quickly.

After boarding one stand after another, Zheng Qi and the others finally reached a large platform at the top of the Colosseum.

This is a platform that is as big as two football fields—although the Colosseum is a magnificent building with a vast area, it is obviously unreasonable to have such a large platform above the stands .

Of course, this is in the game, and everyone naturally doesn't care about it.

At the end of the platform, there was a huge throne, and Pompey, who was fully armored, sat on the throne, looking at the group of people coldly.

"Full body armor, what should we do?" Chaotic Knife asked nervously.

"Slap in the face, keep slapping in the face."

Butler Meng's answer was simple.

But when Pompey stood up from his throne and strode towards the team, Chaotic Knife knew that what Butler Meng said was really a face-slap in the literal sense...

Pompey was alone, but his aura of charging was more ferocious than thousands of troops.

This is a seasoned general who has conquered the north and the south and made outstanding achievements. The aura he walked out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood can have a great impact even in the game.

And it is covered in armor, only its face is exposed, what else can it do if it doesn't hit the face?

Butler Meng shouted five consecutive blessings on Zheng Qi and the others, and then shouted: "Go!"

Following the breeze, he rushed up first, and then when Pompey was waving the long sword in his hand, he rolled sideways and dodged Pompey's attack.

As soon as he dodged with the breeze, the Chaotic Knife appeared from behind him, and there was a sliding shovel in front of him.

Pompei didn't seem to react. He was shoveled in the middle by the Chaotic Crazy Knife, and immediately became stiff. The Chaotic Crazy Knife quickly got up, and when he was about to shoot the opponent first, he heard Meng Butler's reminder.

"Jump to the left!"

Chaotic Knife was still very obedient, although he didn't know why he jumped out, he did as Steward Meng said. After jumping out, Chaotic Knife in the air realized that the great sword in Pompeii's hand had already disappeared. The chop from top to bottom hit the place where he was standing just now.

If he didn't jump out with a diagonal line, but took off from the spot and prepared to volley, he was afraid that he would be directly slapped to death on the ground by that huge sword...

"Why aren't you stiff!" Chaotic Knife shouted in the air, and he was very upset about this.

"It's not that there is no stiffness, it's that the duration of stiffness is too short!" Su Jing replied, stiffness is mandatory, but the power attribute of Chaotic Crazy Sword should be much worse than that of Pompey, so although Pompey is mandatory He froze for a moment, but it didn't hinder his movements too much.

"Come up with the wind to attract attention. Crazy Knife is ready to attack at any time. Jingying and Bayu, you are also ready to go."

Butler Meng's words began to become shorter, but it was obviously a waste of time to call out his full name at this time.

Gritting his teeth with the breeze, he rushed over again. When he saw Pompey slashing towards him with the epee, he did not hide, but stared at the trajectory of the epee until he was about to hit himself. It was only then that he rolled over and narrowly escaped.

Even so, after being brought by the sword wind, following the breeze to go to more than 100 points of stamina, it immediately dropped by one-third.

While pouring the potion, Steward Meng's voice of command came from the ear that went with the breeze.

"Knife, go!"

Chaotic Crazy Knife is a sliding shovel next to his body, and then get out of the way.

"Still Shadow!"

Su Jing hit a sliding shovel.

"sea bass!"

Although dissatisfied with her abbreviation, Lu Li also made the same slippery shovel.

Although each sliding shovel can only make Pompey stiff for a short moment, three consecutive stiffs also make Pompey unable to move for a short period of time.

This is the time for Zheng Qi to play a role-he is the most accurate volley in this team.

This time he did not disappoint others, a beautiful jumping volley, the ball roared upwards, and Pompey had just recovered from his stiffness when he was hit on the face.

"Dizzy effect! Good luck... Crazy Saber, go!"

Seeing Pompey shake on the spot, Butler Meng sighed, and then greeted——When the boss appears dizzy, it is a good opportunity to attack, but it can’t be attacked by several people——Pangpei’s face is not big enough. How big will it be? If several people attack together, the footballs will only collide with each other in the air. It is not as good as attacking one by one.

Zheng Qi had just finished his volley, and there was a momentary cooldown, so it would be better for others to attack first.

Chaotic Knife's body reaction was faster than his brain reaction. After hearing Butler Meng's yell, he immediately completed a volley and hit Pompey's face.

Then there is Zheng Qi who has recovered, and the dizziness will not last long. Naturally, the attack at this time must be attacked by someone who is sure.

A boss like Pompey, even if there is nothing special in ability, at least the boss has blood volume. He is not afraid of being hit with thick skin and rough flesh.

During the short stun period, Zheng Qi and the others hit Pompey in the face four times, and after Pompey came out of the stun, Butler Meng continued to direct everyone to attack patiently.

In this way, he attracted attention time and time again, became stiff again and again, and hit Pompey's face again and again...

In the beginning, everyone's cooperation was not a tacit understanding, which allowed Pompey to break out of the frozen state several times, but later, everyone's tacit understanding began to form, controlling the boss with a very rhythmic sense, attracting, freezing, and attacking...

After forming a wonderful sense of rhythm, the next thing seems to start to be simple.

In Football Era, you can't see the health bar, but experienced players can calculate how much blood the boss has based on factors such as the attack frequency, number of attacks, strength attributes, and the ability of the boss to automatically restore blood.

Logically speaking, Zheng Qi's team doesn't have that. Sui Qingfeng and Su Jing and Lu Li are veterans who have played for many years, but their level is not particularly outstanding. Even if they have experienced such things as fighting bosses, Most of them are mixed in the crowd to make soy sauce. Zheng Qi and Chaos Crazy Sword have excellent abilities, but they are pure rookies.

So if someone else judges, it will be difficult for this team to successfully complete the team dungeon at the beginning-in fact, for most players, the most important way for them to upgrade is personal dungeons or wild monsters, team dungeons Well, it belongs to forming a wild team to try their luck, and then being killed by the boss in the dungeon to bleed into rivers, only occasionally can we get the experience of the team dungeon...

For this kind of thing, most old birds will not be discouraged, because this is normal.

But now, it seems to be different.

After grinding for half an hour, Butler Meng reminded me.

"Be careful, the boss is about to go berserk."

When Butler Meng reminded him, Zheng Qi and Chaotic Crazy Knife didn't feel anything, but Go with the Breeze and Su Jing and Lu Li turned their heads to look at Butler Meng in surprise—how did he judge?
Going with the breeze is even more muttering in my heart-is it true...

It was a coincidence that he knew Meng Butler. Yesterday, when he went to follow the breeze to brush the book, Meng Butler greeted him and said that he wanted to brush with him. As a veteran, he naturally knew that there was a coach following him What a great thing it is to be around, of course he readily agreed, and when he knew that Butler Meng and Ren Pingsheng knew each other, he even planned to hang out with Butler Meng.

However, although Meng Butler was very proficient in operating the role of coach before, and grasped the timing in a timely manner, although this kind of operation was good, it did not exceed the level of ordinary players-after all, they are relatively old enough to be coaches. In the era of all players, at least ten years of experience in the era of football, it is not surprising to have such a level of operation.

But now this kind of judgment ability... Is it a level that an experienced old player can achieve?
Sui Qingfeng doesn't know, but he only knows one thing. He has been playing for more than ten years and has met many coach players. There has never been a coach player who can calculate the blood volume of the boss very accurately.

After all, this is a very complicated calculation method, and various factors must be taken into consideration. Perhaps experienced coaches and players can detect when the boss is about to go berserk by feeling, but that feeling is not accurate. A few minutes of error is normal.

Butler Meng's should be the same, right?In order to ensure that the teammates will not be instantly wiped out by the suddenly runaway BOSS, so remind them in advance and let the teammates make preparations.

It must be so.

Go with the breeze and say to yourself, otherwise, if you really have a very precise judgment ability, you may be able to mix it up as a coach in a professional team. Is it necessary to bring a new area?
Five seconds later, the thought of affirming with the breeze was shattered by reality.

When Zheng Qi hit Pompeo in the face with another beautiful volley, Pompey raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, then raised his fists to the sky, and his whole body began to glow red.

When Chaotic Knife was still wondering why there was such a change, the old bird like Go with the Breeze could be seen at a glance-this is the harbinger of the BOSS's blood volume dropping to 30.00% and starting to go berserk!

Meng Butler's judgment is accurate to the extent of five seconds?Is this a joke?
Shocked, he went with the breeze and stayed there for a while. He didn't even hear the "back and forth" shouted by Meng Butler. It wasn't until he realized that he ran backwards for a long distance before stopping.

At this moment, Pompey's rampage was completed, and the armor on his body suddenly split into countless tiny pieces, which hit the ground around him like raindrops, revealing his naked upper body.

Seeing the ground being beaten like a piece of rag, he stuck out his tongue following the breeze. If he hadn't retreated, he would probably have died on the spot after being hit like this...

"What do you do next, grandpa." Chaotic Knife asked Butler Meng.

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