football era

Chapter 32

Meng Butler usually has a weak sense of presence. Even if he is such an important coach in the game, he still doesn't have much sense of presence.

He will use various skills at the most appropriate moment to help his teammates perform better, but his sense of presence is very low. Sometimes you can hardly feel his presence while fighting monsters.

But at this time, Butler Meng showed his presence.

Both Zheng Qi and Chaotic Crazy Sword have never played a team dungeon. Although Su Jing, Lu Li and Sui Qingfeng have played it, they are not familiar with this dungeon—after all, this is an early dungeon, and their memories will not be so good. detailed.

"The boss of the Colosseum team dungeon is Pompey. He has an extremely capable army. The two elite monsters under him are the lieutenant general and the tribune. The location is first in the Colosseum. We need to kill ten The first beast and ten Roman light infantry will meet the tribunes who lead a ten-man team. The tribunes have recovery skills, so let's not entangle with the ten-man team, quickly pass their defenses, and break the tribunes You can kill him with ten shots... The second level is the lieutenant. Like the tribune, he also has recovery skills and excellent combat capabilities. We can't focus on attacking him this time, but attack him one by one. Eliminate twenty of his Roman heavy infantry." Meng Butler explained.

"Why not just kill the lieutenant general? Since the tribunes can be killed, the lieutenant general is a bit more troublesome. Clearing out twenty Roman heavy infantry is too troublesome!" Chaotic Mad Sword expressed his confusion.

"It will be really troublesome to do this." Meng Butler explained: "If all the heavy infantry are not killed before the lieutenant is killed, the heavy infantry will send out a signal, and countless soldiers will flood out of the Colosseum." Gladiators, beasts, or even cavalry, so our dungeon will fail." Meng Butler replied.

"That's right, when I opened up wasteland, the teammates who formed a team didn't know this truth, and they died horribly as a result." Follow the breeze to use the painful facts as evidence.

"So that's the case, that's really dangerous!" Chaotic Knife sighed.

"Go ahead." Su Jing said to Butler Meng who kept her mouth shut.

Butler Meng smiled: "The next step is to attack the king's stand and kill Pompey... On this way, we will continue to meet gladiators. These gladiators are much better than infantry, but they are relatively small in number. We will clear them all the way." In the past, the problem was not big, the key is that when we enter the Colosseum King’s Stand, we will face Pompey’s attack. Among the three giants of Pompeii, he is the only purely offensive hero, with extremely strong lethality, the more blood the less lethal The bigger it is, and the ability to summon cavalry, the key factor in dealing with Pompey is..."

Butler Meng talked carefully for ten minutes. Zheng Qi did not interrupt, but listened carefully. He knew that although Butler Meng said this to everyone, he was actually speaking to himself.

Among these teammates, Su Jing and Lu Li are all balanced points, which can contain the opponent very well, and the points that follow the breeze can be used to create opportunities for others. His bonus points are very strange. He seems to like the skill of jumping very much. He has added jumping points to as much as [-] points, and the other attributes are relatively small. This kind of bonus points makes him more than enough to harass and not enough to attack.

Only by myself, the speed is too fast, and other attributes are not bad, so I still have to do the key things by myself.

But about this, Zheng Qi was very happy.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility." Zheng Qi thought in his heart.

After talking about it, the six members of the team entered the team copy at the same time.

The huge Colosseum appeared in front of the eyes of the six people. Except for the smiling butler Meng who followed behind, the other five people were shocked by such a realistic and huge majestic building.

"I didn't realize how big this Colosseum was when I was spawning wild monsters!" Chaotic Knife yelled.

Going with the breeze is better with Su Jing and the others. After all, they are old players and have been shocked before.

"Of course, when we brushed wild monsters before, we were in the inner corridor of the Colosseum, how can we see it from inside." Sui Qingfeng said.

"But when I entered the Colosseum, I didn't think it was too big." Chaotic Knife said plausibly.

"Okay, get ready to go in."

Zheng Qi came out of the shock, waved his arm, and said.

Follow the breeze to lead, and the Chaotic Crazy Sword followed closely behind him. Su Jing and Lu Li were a little behind, surrounding Zheng Qi in the middle. This was the formation arranged by Meng Butler.

With the light wind, the blood volume and strength are high, and it can be carried. The Chaotic Crazy Knife bounces well and can attract most of the attention. With the protection of Su Jing and Lu Li, it can attract the opponent's attention very well. Zheng Qi can better display his true qualities as a silent killer.

After entering the Colosseum, traces of monsters began to appear in the huge venue.

Zheng Qi is very familiar with Roman light infantry and beasts in his personal dungeons.

"Come on!"

With the breeze, he shouted, and rushed towards the infantry phalanx, while the Chaotic Crazy Knife jumped in front of the group of beasts, preparing to attract the attention of those beasts.

The fierce beasts have great lethality and a large attack area, but they only act on instinct. Chaotic Crazy Sword is enough to attract one person. Although it is a bit dangerous, but with his jumping ability, he can use his jumping skills to avoid and amuse him constantly. Those beasts, together with Butler Meng's care, will have no problem for the time being.

And Sui Qingfeng and Su Jing Luli will attract the attention of the light infantry and create opportunities for Zheng Qi.

Butler Meng's tactics were good.

Chaotic Crazy Knife jumped around, attracting all the beasts to the other side of the Colosseum. The Colosseum has a large area, and after being attracted away, it will not be able to affect this side for the time being.

And go with the breeze, hide as much as you can, and carry as much as you can. With the assistance of Su Jing and Luli, they fought with ten light infantrymen.

Zheng Qi speeded up silently, rolling towards a light infantry on the edge of the battle. Before the opponent had time to react, a beautiful sliding shovel hit the opponent. The light infantry stiffened, and Zheng Qi jumped up and landed on the ground. Behind him, he quickly lifted his foot and shot the ball into the goal behind the light infantry.

The light infantry disappeared into the Colosseum, and there were nine more.

Zheng Qi's team, although they were opening up wasteland, they went very smoothly after receiving the advice from Butler Meng.

Chaotic Crazy Knife kept dodging the pounces of the beasts, and several times he narrowly escaped. The pounces of ten beasts could seal most of his movement space, but every time when the Chaotic Crazy Knife seemed to be surrounded After staying, he seized the opportunity to jump far away and escaped again...

After a few times like this, the light infantry had been wiped out one by one by Zheng Qi. The combination of the beast and the light infantry was the most lethal. After being separated from the beginning, their fate was already doomed.

"Okay, don't rush to hit the last one, and recover a little energy first."

When the last beast was left, Steward Meng stopped their attack, and added a recovery skill consolation to Chaotic Frenzied Knife, allowing him to continue teasing the remaining beast, while the others seized the time to recover their physical fitness and let their skills cool down.

It wasn't until everyone recovered to their peak condition that they attacked together and wiped out the beast.

After the last beast had disappeared, the tribunes appeared with ten light infantry.

It would take a lot of time to fight one by one, but it would be much easier if the others just entangled the light infantry and created opportunities for Zheng Qi.

If the tribune had any sense, he would have yelled "You humans are so despicable", but he didn't, so he could only be attacked by Zheng Qi's all-pervasive attack, and then disappeared with aggrieved eyes.

The tribunal who died dropped four pieces of materials, all of which were collected by Zheng Qi. There were quite a lot of materials dropped by the team dungeon, so everyone should distribute them at that time.

The tribunal was killed, which meant that one-third of the dungeon had passed. Next, Zheng Qi's team would cross the Colosseum and rush to the stands.

The spectators in the stands began to retreat, and twenty heavy infantry in heavy armor and Lieutenant General Pompey in full armor appeared in the stands.

"They can't enter the venue, concentrate their firepower, and kill them one by one!" Meng Butler continued to remind. Although it has been said before, it is obviously good to remind them more at this time.

Sui Qingfeng took the lead and carried a heavy infantry on the front. Su Jing and Lu Li made a sliding shovel to the two sides, making the two heavy infantry who came to support stiff. With the attention of the infantry, Zheng Qi quietly walked out from behind the Chaotic Crazy Sword, circled behind the heavy infantry, volleyed, and broke through the goal behind the opponent before the other heavy infantry had time to react.

The heavy infantry disappeared into the stands, Zheng Qi and the others naturally paid the price for killing a heavy infantry so quickly, their blood volume almost bottomed out with the breeze, Lu Li and Su Jing also took a hit each, in troubled times Under the protection of Kuang Dao and Zheng Qi, the three quickly exited the stands and returned to the venue.

"Wow, they really didn't rush out." Chaotic Knife sighed in admiration.

"The system always has loopholes that can be exploited. Besides, if we didn't cooperate tacitly and be able to kill a heavy infantry in one fell swoop, then even if there is such a loophole, we can't exploit it." Meng Butler laughed.

"Yeah, we used to be hard-boiled. Whoever's stamina bottomed out immediately retreated to recover his stamina. It was because he couldn't kill a heavy infantry in one go. Otherwise, if everyone retreated, the blood volume of the heavy infantry would be reduced." He was also recovered by the lieutenant general, so it would be exhausting to fight." Sui Qingfeng sighed.

"But this trick can only be used five times. When there are five heavy infantry left, you have to fight it hard." Meng Butler reminded: "Otherwise, the deputy general will call the gladiators in the Colosseum in advance."

"The remaining five are enough for us to fight hard, not to mention your blood replenishment, Uncle Meng." Zheng Qi laughed.

The others nodded again and again, this is indeed the truth.

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