football era

Chapter 30 Shock Records

"Hey, it's still not enough for one person to swipe the hidden boss alone. It's too difficult for the two brothers to cooperate. No wonder a team of five may not be able to swipe past."

After being praised by the whole district again, Zheng Qi, who walked out of the dungeon, did not look very happy, even though this hidden boss gave him a little extra attribute points, gained him a lot of experience, and pushed his level to tenth. At the first level, he also got three pieces of equipment upgrade materials, but Zheng Qi was still very depressed.

Because he failed to single-handedly hide the boss, without the help of Coach Meng, the Viti brothers showed their full capabilities. The four flexible and enhanced Viti butlers are simply four mobile heavy artillery with huge firepower. The mace hit Zheng Qi like raindrops, and with Wititi's constant interference, Zheng Qi struggled to dodge for less than ten seconds before being hit by the mace continuously. His energy was exhausted and he had to start all over again.

Although Zheng Qi gradually adapted to this kind of dense attack, and there are always traces of systematic attack, Zheng Qi's talent in this aspect allowed him to gradually survive for a longer time. There is always an upper limit to operations.

There is only level ten. Zheng Qi's physique is nine points, and the upper limit of his physical value is only ninety points. He will bottom out, and he will have to start all over again after being hit three times.

What's more, Zheng Qi can't just focus on dodging, keep moving forward while dodging, and then scoring goals is his goal.

In the end, Zheng Qi failed to score a goal before the time was up, which also made him look frustrated after leaving the instance.

"Unfortunately, I can only play once, otherwise, I think this is a good training environment." Zheng Qi said regretfully.

"This kind of training is meaningless. After all, before the twentieth level, the player's room for manipulation is too small." Meng Butler shook his head: "After entering the mythical zone, each player has his own training space. Determine the strength of your opponent and yourself. When you are interested, you can set it up and try again."

"Now I'm looking forward to the Mythical Zone more and more!" Zheng Qi clenched his fists and shouted.

Seeing him recovering to a full of vitality soon, Meng Butler laughed - such a positive appearance is Zheng Qi's characteristic...

After entering the eleventh level, he can no longer hang out in Viti's House. Zheng Qi glanced at this resting point with some reluctance. Next, he will stay in the resting point of the Colosseum.

"Uncle Meng, I'll go alone first, you should level up quickly, and come to level [-] to do dungeons with me!" Zheng Qi bid farewell to Butler Meng.

"Well, young master, I'm looking forward to hearing the news that you have succeeded in your first dungeon." Meng Butler enthusiastically waved at Zheng Qi, making Zheng Qi feel like he was not going to do a dungeon, but to go to the battlefield.

After Zheng Qi left, Butler Meng didn't go to find the wild team to join to gain experience, but took out the communicator and sent a message to several people.

"Uncle Meng, we'll be right there." Su Jing replied through the communicator.

"Ah, old man, is there anything I can take care of?" Sui Qingfeng asked in the communicator.

"Leap over the ranks to brush the Colosseum, come or not?" Meng Butler replied.

"Wait for me, I'll be right there!" Sui Qingfeng almost shouted.

"You guys have finished clearing the dungeons, and I have finished clearing them too. Now let's go to the Colosseum to clear wild monsters and level up quickly, okay?" Meng Butler looked at Su Jing, Lu Li and others who didn't know what was going on in front of him. Go with the breeze, and asked with a smile.

"No problem, we are worried that our experience will not improve in a short time." Su Jing replied with a smile.

"I can leapfrog monsters, and I can also farm monsters with two girls, why am I not happy." Sui Qingfeng said with a smile.

"For four people, it's a bit small...Hey, that young man is talking about you. Are you interested in forming a team to skip the Colosseum together?"

The one who was stopped by Steward Meng was a player who happened to pass by them. After being stopped for no reason, the player looked at the four unknown players in surprise: "What did you say?"

"Leap over the level to spawn monsters. Go to the Colosseum in Pompeii, which our current level can't reach." Su Jing patiently said to this strange player with the ID "Crazy Sword in Chaos" on his head.

"Leapfrog to spawn monsters, how come I don't know? You can't lie to me, right?" Chaotic Kuangdao looked cautious.

"Rookie, right? First time playing football era?" Sui Qingfeng said contemptuously: "You don't even know that there are coaches who can leapfrog monsters with you?"

"I don't know, but I can brush the dungeon between Weiti by myself, and I will be level eight soon." Chaotic Knife proudly pushed his chest.

"A newcomer can only do dungeons? Bragging?" Sui Qingfeng went to express his disbelief.

"Tch, what are you bragging about, let's watch the battle, and I'll show you." Chaotic Knife said unhappily.

Su Jing and Lu Li were also interested in this time, and started watching the battle right away—after obtaining their consent, they can watch the player's dungeon. Of course, the time will be delayed by about ten seconds. Let someone use the way of watching the battle to remind newcomers what to do.

Although forming a team together can be directly reminded, but in that case, the more people there are, the less experience points will be gained. In order to prevent newcomers with veterans from using this method to set records, the system of Football Era has been considered very carefully. .

Anyway, I have finished clearing my copy, and I don't care about the time to go to the level to fight wild monsters. Meng Butler and others began to watch the performance of this awesome rookie with great interest.

Just as Meng Butler said, if you want to leapfrog monster spawning, it is actually more beneficial to have more people, because you can farm faster, and there are not many people who are capable of leapfrog monster spawning, and the previous leapfrog spawners like Zheng Qi and the others have probably already arrived At level eleven, you can go to farm the Colosseum dungeon. Under such circumstances, the wild monsters in the Colosseum are in a blank period, and no one comes to farm.

Just when Su Jing and the others began to watch the performance of the chaotic world, Zheng Qi had already started his own journey in the copy of the Colosseum.

The Colosseum is one of the three major dungeons between level [-] and [-]. It is divided into personal dungeons and team dungeons. Personal dungeons can be done individually or with no more than five people together, while team dungeons require five Talents can swipe. Of course, these five people refer to combat players, and coaches are not included. With coaches, you can swipe faster. This is also the difference between ordinary players and union players backed by professional clubs.

Organized trade unions, forming teams with unique characteristics one after another, and pairing them with a coach, are really more work than men and women. Ordinary players who are not organized can only try their luck to join the wild team.

Right now Zheng Qi can only do personal dungeons, team dungeons can only be done after he has a few good partners, but Zheng Qi doesn't care about that, temporary field teams can also do team dungeons very well, and even more so What's more, with the coach Meng Butler by his side, it will be him who picks the wild team, not the wild team who picks him.

The personal copy of the Colosseum is almost the same as the Viti House. It also has 22 rooms. In the ordinary room, there is a Roman light infantry and a beast. In the final BOSS room is a Roman centurion, leading two Roman light infantry and two beast.

In the background of the story, the Colosseum is in charge of Pompey, the most skilled and ferocious of the former three-headed alliance in ancient Rome. The warriors and beasts under his command fought in the Colosseum for fun.

Of course, for players, this has no effect on them.

Zheng Qi entered the dungeon and began to brush up the Colosseum dungeon.

Compared with the House of Viti, the combat mode of the Roman light infantry and the beast has not changed much. The beast pounces forward, and the Roman light infantry with a shield can block the advance, but the beast pounce is naturally more powerful than the mace attack. It is more dangerous and difficult to dodge. The Roman light infantry has the ability to attack in addition to blocking. The daggers they hold are also very lethal. For many ordinary players, it is necessary to adapt to new battles. Time.

Zheng Qi was not affected, he did not waste a room to adapt to the environment, but directly launched an attack.

Flexibly dodging the pounce of the beast, Zheng Qi started to move forward. Facing the resistance of the Roman light infantry, Zheng Qi made the opponent freeze with a sliding shovel, then quickly jumped over the opponent's head, and then shot in the air!

The ball flew into the goal like a shell - this dungeon is much more difficult to dodge than Viti's House, but there are advantages - at least when shooting, you don't have to worry too much about the beast that will rush over quickly. The ball is blocked.

The attack of the mace has a small defense, but the speed is faster, and the range of the beast's pounce is large, but the speed is relatively much slower.

Therefore, players with good timing and accurate shooting can take advantage of such dungeons. It is not uncommon to score more than a dozen goals. The Colosseum dungeon has a record of [-] goals in a single room. It is precisely because of this that this The record of the room is not easy to be broken, and the one who created the record is not a famous legendary superstar.

As far as Zheng Qi was concerned, he felt that he also wanted to try to break such a record.

The first single record, five consecutive record breaks, and the goal record, if all of them are won, there will be at least seven attribute points, which is an extremely huge number.

Zheng Qi scored eight goals in the first room, and this was when he was taking it easy. After all, he wanted to save a little energy, so let's start with two easy-to-get records.

But what Zheng Qi didn't expect was that when he entered room No. 13, a system message fell into his eyes.

"The player is as immovable as a mountain. For the first time, the personal copy of the Colosseum is successful, and the reward is two attribute points."

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