football era

Chapter 295 Talent

When the players from both sides came out, the stands erupted into cheers.

For Bode fans, there is no doubt about their loyalty to Bode. Even if Bode doesn't play many games every season, this will allow them to support the team with greater enthusiasm.

This is the power of tradition.

These fans may have someone to support in the Super League, but their first home team is still BOSS, there is no doubt about it.

And before the game started, they saw so many people watching the game, and they knew very well in their hearts - so many people must have come to support Fan Fei.

It gives them a sense of solidarity — in a situation like this, what they need to do is nothing more than to use a louder voice to justify their existence and prove that they persist for a reason.

This is a very tragic emotion.

But for the audience who came for the extraordinary, it was relatively more relaxed.

Members of the Extraordinary Guild, of course they have much deeper feelings for the First Team of the Extraordinary, but just a little more than a year will not allow them to have such deep feelings. Their current mentality is more like that When they came to a competition that their acquaintances participated in, they just came to join in the fun. Although they basically joined the Extraordinary Guild because they admire Zheng Qi and others, they still don't have the desire to win the competition.

They haven't passed the real test yet, and of course this doesn't make them less enthusiastic. Although they may not be as enthusiastic as the fans they won, but there are so many of them...

As for those fans who were originally Sheng Jia and Haitian, now they have a different mentality when they come to watch Fanfan Club's games. They are more like going to a movie theater to watch a blockbuster movie, entertainment is paramount.

In any case, these three emotions immediately made the atmosphere of the scene extremely lively.

Although they couldn't hear the outside sound inside the venue, just seeing the forest-like arms outside the venue and the crazy looks of the fans, the players on both sides knew that the atmosphere of this match was extremely enthusiastic.

"There are so many people..." Some winning players sighed. Although they are also considered professional players, they actually lack such experience. Last year, with so many competitions, they faced the final promotion in the semi-finals When Yunwu was at the scene, so many people came to the scene-this was because Yunwu was a team that had just been relegated last season and had maintained enough popularity.

But this extraordinary club can also have such a high popularity?
"We have to be careful." Wang Chong turned his head and said to his teammates.

"This team...should be good at making gimmicks, so they have a lot of fans, but it doesn't mean they are outstanding." Cheng Yizhou laughed.

"In short, it's better to be careful. In the knockout round, if there is a mistake, it will end the season." Wang Chong said seriously.

Cheng Yizhou nodded, of course he understands this truth, and this is the cruelty of the amateur league.

"Today's map is..." Wang Chong looked up at the field, and at the same time, today's map gradually appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Poyang Lake?" Wang Chong said a little depressed.

The battle of Dingguo in the Ming Dynasty was naturally the battle of Poyang Lake between Zhu Yuanzhang and Chen Youliang. In this battle, after more than a month of fierce fighting, Zhu Yuanzhang defeated Chen Youliang's army and killed Chen Youliang himself. The Ming Dynasty unified Jiangnan, and then unified China, laying the most solid foundation.

This battle was the largest water battle in the world in the Middle Ages. The number of participants and the duration of the battle on both sides are quite rare in the history of human warfare, so it is impossible to put the whole picture on the map. In fact, the place of the battle is set It's just on Chen Youliang's serial boat.

This battle is actually a bit similar to the Battle of Chibi. They all win with less and more with the weak. Just richer.

In terms of maps, the battlefield is somewhat similar to the Battle of Chibi. They are all on a chain ship, but the difference is that the chain ship on the map of the Battle of Chibi is already on fire, and the rising flames will bring additional damage. The chain ship of the Battle of Poyang Lake The ship is surrounded by fire, but it is safe on the serial ship.

This setting is actually equivalent to the map of the Battle of Chibi is an enhanced version of the map of the Battle of Poyang Lake, but the Battle of Poyang Lake also has its own characteristics. The biggest feature is that the deck is safe, but the chain ship is surrounded by flames. Surrounded by it, once it leaves the range of the deck, it will die directly, which will bring more variables to the game.

And such variables are not random. If you can keep repelling your opponent and knocking him into the circle of fire, then you will naturally gain an advantage in numbers. On such an unobstructed deck, football is even Refreshing will also be easily found, so in such a game, how to gain a numerical advantage will be a key.

In this kind of game, apart from fighting for the overall level, the flexibility of offense is still very important. Although the mobilization of the opponent and the support of the own side are relatively simple, they need more tacit understanding in cooperation.

So after seeing this picture, Wang Chong is still very relieved. In terms of tacit understanding, Bode should be much stronger than this new club team.

Wang Chong is absolutely confident in this point. Although the level of the people he won is not particularly high, they were gradually assembled after being relegated. After several years of running-in, in terms of tacit understanding, there is no problem at all No.

No matter how good the other party is, how long will it take for the temporary formation?Can there be a good tacit understanding?That's just a joke. It's not that a few geniuses will soon have a tacit understanding when they get together. Even if they can, they won't be able to bring other people along.

Butler Meng actually agrees with this point.

"No matter how many lanes they play, your formation should not be chaotic. When the opponent attacks, shrink the defense. If the opponent defends, press the attack as a whole. Don't divide your troops. If you divide your troops, you can't play against them."

As soon as he saw the map, Butler Meng immediately said something to everyone in the team channel.

Zheng Qi nodded, and then led the others onto the stage.

Huang Yuanfan rubbed his hands and sat on the bench, but for the substitute players in the official football game, their field of vision is also limited, and they can't watch everything on the field from the perspective of God like the audience. Same, just have the perspective of 11 people on the field.

Therefore, in the top professional competitions, a basic training for the players on the stage is to try to let the 11 players see as many positions as possible, so as to give the substitute and the coach more space to observe. If the vision overlaps, It will cause waste, and the level of the two sides' fighting is also closely related to this.

For a strong team, it is not enough just to pile up some outstanding players. The tacit understanding of the overall cooperation and the sharing of vision are also a science.

Obviously, Zheng Qi's team still lacks a lot in this respect.

Both sides played, the game is about to begin.

After drawing lots, the first tee-off was the extraordinary club.

"Advance in the middle? You are not small."

Coach Bode sighed in his heart, and then began to direct the whole team to intercept.

Extraordinary attacking formations are daring, or rather amateurish.

Zhao Feng and Lin Qinghe lead the way, and the Chaotic Crazy Sword is hidden behind them. A little behind is Zheng Qi, Su Jing and Dynamic Guangbo are in the middle, and beside them are Xin Zai Wandering and other four people, except for one player guarding the door. Besides, the other ten people rushed forward at the same time after kick-off.

"I can't see the ball under whose feet, but I can be sure that it must be under Jingying Chenbi's feet... intercept it head-on, and two people on each side of the wing will outflank it and attack their center!"

Bode's coach directed, and Bode's players immediately started intercepting according to his arrangement.

Wang Chong kept moving forward in the middle position, and at the same time constantly swayed the buffed skills. These skills can be maintained for a long time after buffed up. If you don't use it now, it will be wasted in the future.

Auxiliary players seem to be very simple to say, just keep throwing out the buff skills, but in fact, they need extremely rich experience and understanding of teammates-what kind of buff attributes to use for teammates who are good at, and when to use them. , in order to make the attribute blessing play a greater role every second, how to show only a part of your hero card in the process of continuous blessing, and keep the rest as a backup, and constantly observe the opponent's skill usage to judge the opponent's ability. What kind of hero card did you get...

All of this requires a strong observation ability-there is no special requirement for memory ability, because after observing, you can completely write down these materials on your own note panel.

Observe the opponent's skill usage, and then the coach records it on the sidelines, so as to constantly remind all the players what skills the opponent may use in such a situation. This is a very cumbersome job, but it must be done .

While blessing the attributes, Wang Chong observed the other party's Jingying Chenbi, and then he was shocked to find that Jingying Chenbi's rhythm of releasing skills was not bad compared with his, and so far she was only the blessing of five heroes The skills are released back and forth, so that before the two parties come into contact, the extraordinary people and horses are full of skills, but what about me?It took the skills of six heroes to maintain this blessing rhythm.

"The sense of rhythm is better than mine? This is a talent..."

As a good support player, Wang Chong certainly knows that the most important thing for a support player is the sense of rhythm, when to switch skills, and to fall on the most appropriate teammate within a second, it all depends on experience , but also rely on a talent-like sense of rhythm!
If you have an excellent sense of rhythm, then it is almost instinctive, and you can get to know your teammates as quickly as possible and give them the most powerful help.

And this thing, even after hard training, the level of improvement will not be too high, it is pure talent!
Obviously, Jingying Shen Bi is such a talented player.

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