football era

Chapter 285 Welcome

"Aha, it's a worthwhile trip this time."

Huang Yuanfan said cheerfully when he and Zheng Qi and the others were leaving the boss to compete for the venue.

In his opinion, this time was indeed very enjoyable. After all, he acted together with Zheng Qi and the others, and finally reached the place where the boss was fighting. He was chased away by Changfeng's elite group, but it was the first time Huang Yuanfan had such an experience.

However, his elated expression was obviously a bit inappropriate, because this boss was finally snatched away by Changfeng, and the Four Harms Alliance was in vain.

Although it's normal for anyone to win or lose when robbing a boss, you either succeed or you fail, and losing a boss is nothing special, life has to go on—but the atmosphere is always a bit dignified, and in this dignified atmosphere, suddenly came out A jovial guy, that's a bit of an eyesore.

"Are you so happy that we didn't get the boss?" Chaotic Kuangdao said to Huang Yuanfan angrily.

"Ah? No, no." Huang Yuanfan immediately shook his head. Just because he is a secondary school student, it doesn't mean he is a fool. Now he is surrounded by people from the Alliance of Four Evils. If he really shows gloat, they will kill him with just a single fire. .

"It's just that I haven't seen the boss before. I finally saw it today, and I gave it back to the boss. I'm happy." Huang Yuanfan said.

This is true, don’t look at the fact that a thousand bosses are refreshed in the Mythical Zone every week. There are really many experienced players who have never seen a BOSS once. Ordinary players may have seen it when they were helping the guild to scout around. On the contrary, Huang Yuanfan, the boss of a small guild, really had no chance to witness the boss, let alone fight the boss.

"Cut, what is this? We won't fight a few bosses someday. If you really want to see it, follow us today and let you have a good eye-opener." The Chaotic Knife laughed.

"Okay, then I'll follow you." Huang Yuanfan nodded excitedly, forgetting the reason for his visit - if he had known that these guys could even participate in the BOSS battlefield, Huang Yuanfan would have come to participate with a shy face.

"Then follow along, but there are a few points I want to tell you..."

Zheng Qi, who watched coldly from the sidelines, said to Huang Yuanfan that Huang Yuanfan nodded. He really couldn't join the battle of the Extraordinary Club just now. Not very useful.

Zheng Qi and Su Jing looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Being able to see this clearly, instead of being arrogant, this second generation is really interesting.

In the next day, Huang Yuanfan began to hang out with the Extraordinary Guild.

With his arrogance, it is difficult to get along well with a new team, but this team is different, and there is an opponent in the Chaos Knife, which he thinks is very good, so he doesn't feel that this is demeaning to himself, but is full of interest directly participated in it.

Then on this day, Huang Yuanfan had an eye-opening feeling.

The competition for the highest arena in the mythical area does have its charm and its difficulties.

When he led his men to push through the seven dungeons, Huang Yuanfan once thought that this was the pinnacle of the football era, second only to the professional game. Although it seemed a little far away, the difference between professional games and amateur confrontations should be so far away. ?

Although he had suffered a great loss in the boss fight, Huang Yuanfan only believed that it was because the opponent had a large number of people, and this was not something that could be solved by individual ability.

However, what happened next day subverted his view.

The reason is very simple. On such a huge battlefield, individual abilities are really insignificant, but truly outstanding players can rely on their individual abilities to drive the whole team.

Chaotic Crazy Saber's first charge, Jingying Shenbi's just-right support, dynamic light wave command makes the opponent's players constantly be controlled and skills interrupted... All these can make the team of the Extraordinary Guild invincible, one-on-one, Almost no long-winded team can stop them, even if it is a one-on-two, they can still have an advantage.

What's more, the Four Harms Alliance has an excellent commander. Although Huang Yuanfan doesn't know where this person is, he can feel the importance of command.

Although the number of elite groups in the Four Evils Alliance is larger than that of Changfeng, if the two sides really open up their battles, Changfeng will most likely win, because their overall strength is much better, but in the complex boss In terms of competition, there will be no such opportunities. The overall scheduling of the Four Harms Alliance allows them to form a situation where they fight more and fight less, thus occupying the overall advantage.

Of course, the Alliance of Four Evils is not just struggling with Changfeng. They also often go to grab bosses in other directions in Chang'an City. Compared with those guilds, their advantages are even greater, and they often return with full rewards.

"For one boss, you will divide four or five pieces of materials, and you will make a fortune this day." Huang Yuanfan couldn't help but said to Chaos Crazy Sword.

"What kind of wealth do you have to keep for yourself?" said Chaotic Mad Sword.

"You know that the price of a piece of legendary material on the black market has been raised to 100 million, and you guys keep it for yourself?" Huang Yuanfan asked in surprise: "If you have nothing to do, just take it and sell it. Your club just sits and counts the money."

"Just to sell money, why are we forming a club? Haven't you seen how awesome we are? Which club doesn't want to get us there and just pay wages directly." Chaotic Maddao laughed.

"That's right." Huang Yuanfan patted his forehead, mainly because of his previous experience of buying legendary materials on the black market, which was quite painful for Huang Yuanfan. He felt quite a pain - this is a consumable.

"In fact, there is a reason for the high black market price, because it is too rare. Professional clubs have their own needs, and it is impossible to sell them for money. This will lead to such a high price. If we have nothing to do, we will release a batch, idiot Just buy it, the club has its own way of materials, ordinary players can’t afford it, and there are not many local tyrants like you, where can we find so many idiots?” Zheng Qi laughed.

"I'm not a fool!" Huang Yuanfan said angrily.

"Well, you are for a lofty goal, but there are very few people like you." Zheng Qi replied.

Huang Yuanfan had no choice but to nod.

The price of legendary materials on the black market is indeed outrageous, but there is no market at all. Firstly, there is no way, and secondly, there is no buyer. No matter how high the price is, it is still false.

"How do you feel after today's day?" Zheng Qi continued to ask Huang Yuanfan.

"Your club is very professional." Huang Yuanfan nodded: "I really didn't expect you to be so professional, but can I still come tomorrow?"

"Yes, your ability is also very helpful to us." Zheng Qi nodded with a smile.

"What kind of words, in addition to being very helpful, it also has a lot of connotations, okay?"

Huang Yuanfan muttered, didn't say anything, and went offline directly. Today's competition was too fierce, which made him feel a little tired. At this time, he just wanted to take a good rest after going offline, so that his energy could recover. better.

"This guy is very funny. In the morning, he said seriously that he would take us on the Golden Avenue or something. He didn't say what he was doing after he came here, but he went to fight the boss with us. I really don't know what he was thinking." Chaotic Knife sighed.

"Don't think about it if you don't understand it." Zheng Qi laughed.

"Why did you invite him to participate in our action? He didn't cooperate at all. He just likes to take the lead by himself. Although he is working hard, it is easy to hold us back." Dynamic Guangbo said a little depressed.

As one of the commanders on the field, in the view of Dynamic Lightbo, Huang Yuanfan's joining was completely disrupting him. He often refused to listen to the instructions, and sometimes he couldn't complete the tactical task, which had a great impact on him.

"I think he is very interested. It seems that he really likes the atmosphere of robbing the boss, and his strength is not bad, so it still has a certain effect?" Zheng Qi asked the dynamic light wave.

Dynamic Lightwave nodded, which he admitted. Anyway, Huang Yuanfan's personal strength is not bad, except that Zheng Qi can stabilize his head, the characteristic of Dynamic Lightwave is not the type of confrontation. There may not be a chance of victory either. Chaotic Crazy Knife and Huang Yuanfan are almost at the same level, and if there is an advantage, it will not increase much. For a team, having such a good player is still beneficial.

"That's it. It doesn't have a big impact on our overall performance. Sometimes there are supplements. Besides, people don't pay and work for free. There are not many Lei Fengs like this now."

Su Jing couldn't help laughing, the dynamic Guangbo was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head.

That's right, since the other party is free, it's really hard to say anything...

Ever since, Huang Yuanfan, the foreign aid, stayed like this.

Every day when he goes online, he will happily come to hang out with Zheng Qi and the others. After winning the boss, he is extremely happy. He is happier than Zheng Qi and the others regardless of anything. He is very sad when he does not win the boss, as if he has lost. Like a large fortune.

His heartfelt and superficial performance quickly made other members of the Extraordinary Club feel good about him—a boss of another guild who came to work for our guild for free every day. Pay more attention than us, what kind of nerve is this... oh no, spirit, this is the spirit of internationalist fighters!
It only took two days for Huang Yuanfan to get the players of the Extraordinary Guild to accept him, which made Huang Yuanfan feel that he was extraordinary and unstoppable.

Until the third day.

After Huang Yuanfan went online, he found that Zheng Qi and the others were not there, only a group of players from the Extraordinary Guild came up to greet him warmly.

"Hello, everyone." Huang Yuanfan finished dealing with each of them one by one, then clicked on his friends column, saw that Chaotic Crazy Knife was online, and immediately sent a message.

"What are you doing, why don't you come?" Huang Yuanfan asked.

"We won't participate in the BOSS fight today, other people will lead the team." Chaotic Knife replied.

"If the boss doesn't snatch you, why go? You don't have to do business?" Huang Yuanfan said dissatisfied.

"We're going to play a game today." Chaotic Crazy Sword replied.


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