football era

Chapter 275

For amateur games, it is impossible for people to know all the results in the first few rounds. Although the results of each game will be recorded in the announcement of the League Committee, there will be no media reprint-because the game There are really too many, even if it is an online media, there are not so many pages to reprint.

However, in terms of the statistics of the league organizing committee, the results of each game and the holographic video are complete.

The League Committee takes half of the tickets for each game of the Super League, and [-]% of the tickets for each game of the First Division. In addition to the usual ordinary expenses, a considerable part of the income is used to subsidize the amateur league. Among them, if this is not the case, the super team would have been unwilling to be drawn by them-why, you are not a national institution.

Without the sign of supporting the amateur league, the league committee will not be able to draw a smooth fee. If you really want to anger the super team, they will form a professional league by themselves to throw you away, and you can't help it.

After the first round of matches, over 30 matches are naturally rarely watched repeatedly - downloading game videos also costs some money, but it is only two standard coins, and this income is equally shared by the league committee and the team , if the two sides of a game play very well, then the download of the game video can also bring a lot of income.

Of course, not many people are willing to download and watch the ordinary team fights.

The first round of the Extraordinary Club's match could be said to have played some gimmicks. The attendance rate of the new record, coupled with the double-digit score to beat the opponent, made many people interested in downloading the video of this match and watching it. Of course, they His opponents will also watch.

"This Extraordinary Club seems to be very beautiful. This game will definitely attract people's attention, right? In this way, I should also be very beautiful." Gudeng Biluo looked at the game video happily while looking at the game. A group of teammates said.

"Yeah, what the boss says is what it is." His teammates nodded and answered.

Huang Yuanfan curled his lips. Of course he knew that these teammates didn't really care what he said. Anyway, no matter what he said, just answer "Boss is awesome!" "Boss is amazing!" "As expected of the boss!"

But Huang Yuanfan doesn't care, anyway, he spends money to hire someone to play with him, isn't that what he wants.

At least in the first round of the competition, these guys still worked very hard, otherwise I wouldn't have performed well so easily.

I hope the next guy will be stronger, I am a genius who wants to show my level in amateur competitions, and then enter the professional arena strongly!
Huang Yuanfan thought confidently.

He couldn't help but feel confident.

As a guy who was born with a golden key in his mouth, Huang Yuanfan felt that there was nothing he couldn't do since he was a child. As long as he wanted to do it, he would definitely be able to do it.

Until he entered the game of Football Era.

No one would let him there. When he was 16 years old and entered the game of Football Era with great enthusiasm for the first time, he thought that this game was the same as other games he had played. ...

Then he found it useless.

The era of football is everyone's new life.

That year, Huang Yuanfan was abused terribly.

However, as a proud rich second generation, Huang Yuanfan will not give up casually, and the power of money is immediately reflected. He specially invited several professional-level players and coaches to give him advice and teach him what to do. How to do it, tell him how to train, how to push pictures... Although professional coaches and players will not be full to do this kind of thing, as long as a large sum of money is spent, it is still useful.

After this kind of training, plus Huang Yuanfan is indeed very talented, which made him have a good time in the next new area, quickly leveling up, competing for dungeon records, plus spending money to form a guild, and also robbing in the carnival After visiting quite a few bosses, he forcibly created an account with more than 800 points. Such an account is rare in professional competitions. This gave Huang Yuanfan a sense of accomplishment—of course, after entering the mythical zone, This sense of accomplishment was shattered quite a bit. In the boss fight, facing those real professional players, Huang Yuanfan was abused badly.

But no matter how confident Huang Yuanfan is, after learning about the era of football, he also clearly knows that no matter how much money he is willing to spend, no matter how rich he is, it is impossible to occupy a strong position in the mythical area. If he wants to occupy a strong position, he must have a team. Only a professional team...

Ever since, the 19-year-old Master Huang Yuanfan organized a team enthusiastically, and began to hit the amateur league.

However, it is obvious that Young Master Huang is also very thoughtful. Although he is a bit arrogant and proud, he is not a fool.

In the qualifiers, he just found a group of ordinary players with decent strength to smash them over, because at this time, even if he wanted to poach outstanding players, he couldn't poach them—even professional players who had been eliminated were unwilling to play. In amateur competitions, after all, the salaries of players are fixed. The professional league stipulates how much players can only get. The income of great players comes more from the box office share and commercial appeal. This rule cannot be broken, even if you have No amount of money can be spent.

This is also a rule that makes many consortiums feel helpless. If you want to buy a professional team, you can't buy it, and it takes too long to start from scratch. However, although such rules seem rigid, they make the professional league always In an environment of orderly growth, not wild growth.

Huang Yuanfan is also a very smart guy, and he is young, so he doesn't need to worry about anything, so his plan is that it is enough to have a group of ordinary players with decent strength in the early stage. The opponent has a player with good strength. After eliminating the opponent, spend money to introduce the opponent, use the future to attract the opponent, and gradually strengthen their own strength. After reaching the final round, the team's temptation will increase exponentially, and then Demonstrating the strong financial resources of the team, at least it can attract a lot of quasi-professional players to contribute.

Even if one year is not successful, the next year, and the next year, it is always possible to succeed.

And the victory in the first round seemed to prove that his self-confidence was not in vain.

Under such circumstances, Huang Yuanfan began to watch the extraordinary club's games with great interest.

Although he gave his team a very high school name, Huang Yuanfan doesn't think he is a high school student. In amateur competitions, the team name can be chosen casually. After entering the professional competition, you can choose a name that sounds good. , the name of the professional team has priority, except the name of the existing professional team can not be used, others can be used.

"Extraordinary Club? It's a good name. When we enter the professional competition, we can change it to this name." Huang Yuanfan said.

Then he started watching the game.

Then his eyes started getting brighter and brighter.

"This team is not weak!" Huang Yuanfan said excitedly.

The others looked at each other, wondering if the boss had lost his mind.

The opponent is not weak, what is there to be happy about?Wouldn't it be more difficult to fight?
"This Chaotic Crazy Saber is very powerful, and its characteristics are similar to mine! But his experience is obviously not as rich as mine, and he is the best of the opponent. If we compare with each other in this way, we will have a lot of advantages." Huang Yuanfan continued. .

The others nodded again and again, and this time they nodded with sincerity, because what they said made sense.

Although the strength of Huang Yuanfan's group is average, and they are ordinary guild elite group double-bonus thugs, most of them have rich experience. At least they have watched many competitions. How strong is a player? It can still be seen.

The level shown by Chaotic Crazy Knife is already better than the highest masters they have ever experienced. The combination of skills and speed talent are all enough to prove that Chaotic Crazy Knife is a very good player.

"Not at the level of a super player, right? But in a first-tier team, it shouldn't be difficult?" Someone asked cautiously.

"It's normal for such young people to hang out in amateur leagues." Huang Yuanfan said proudly: "The reason why I want to lead the team to start from amateur games is because in amateur games, it is possible to find such buried players." talent!"

The subordinates began to complain deep in their hearts - how could it be so simple, all the clubs are really fools, these games will send people to focus on, hoping to get a few buried players, you It's just good luck this time...

Of course, the level shown by Chaotic Crazy Knife is very good, but it is not particularly outstanding. It is normal not to be favored by other clubs. If Huang Yuanfan beats the opponent next, and then contacts, it is not a big deal to dig him. very difficult thing.

"Well, this Jingying Chen Bi is not bad either, she has been quite accurate in several assists! She is still a girl."

"Dynamic light wave... the name is a bit of a joke, but the assistance and overall deployment are also very good. There are really some good guys in this team." Huang Yuanfan sighed while watching, and his subordinates had already It's starting to feel bad.

"There are three good players in an amateur team, can we win?"

"It's hard to say, although the rest of them are average, but there are a few who can compare with us."

"Looks like this is the pill."

"It's okay, anyway, we have already received our salary for the whole year, even if we lose halfway, it will not affect our income."

"The boss's self-confidence is still very strong..."

"So does he really have no idea? Or does he feel that he is already as strong as Lu Xiaotian?"

"I think with the boss' personality, Lu Xiaotian is nothing to him..."

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