football era

Chapter 27 Hidden Boss

"Fortunately, the two of us came to the new area one day earlier, otherwise we would have had to spend a long time in Xinshou Village."

Su Jing controlled her "Quiet Shadow Shenbi" account to clear the monsters, and at the same time said to Lu Li who was brushing the dungeon together.

Her original account was called "Ye Lan Feng Jing", but after changing to a new district, she found that this account had been robbed, so she could only use this new account.

Lu Li was very happy. The "Songjiang Sea Bass" she was used to was not robbed by her.

Although the two are veterans, it is still a bit difficult to swipe alone. In addition to each of them getting rewarded attribute points by swipe alone at the beginning, the next two people swipe dungeons. There is no problem with the cooperation of the two, so there will be no loss of experience .

Fortunately, they came earlier. After hearing about the lively situation in Xinshou Village today, they are just thankful that they came early and were not drowned in the suddenly numerous Xinshou Village. Takes more time than usual.

"The Dark Knight is really powerful, such a strong record has been broken by him!" Lu Li said sincerely while killing monsters.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for a record that can't explain anything, this point alone would be enough for him to clear his suspicion of cheating." Su Jing also said with a smile.

"Actually, that's nothing. He shouldn't have any problems becoming a professional player. Compared with the football era, the era king can only be regarded as a trail."

Lu Li replied that her dream in the past was to become a professional gamer, because professional gamers have a very high income and belong to the upper class of society. Nowadays, there are plenty of food and drink, and most of the manpower is replaced by machines. In this idle world, professional players are the fastest shortcut for ordinary people if they want to improve their status and get better enjoyment...

At least compared with other upper-class people - rich people, scientists, and system engineers, professional gamers have the lowest threshold.

However, Lu Li soon discovered that she didn't have that talent—this job required more talent than ordinary work, so Lu Li gave up on it later and devoted herself to helping Su Jing with her work.

"With his ability, there is nothing wrong with being a professional gamer." Su Jing is also very confident about this.

While the two of them were working hard to level up, Zheng Qi was already online, and was going to complete the five copies of Viti House with Meng Butler.

Today his plan is very simple - after completing five copies of Viti House together with Meng Butler, Meng Butler will go around looking for wild teams to leapfrog to upgrade - such a low-level coach like him is the best among veterans. Very popular and not afraid to be idle.

Zheng Qi began to attack the achievement of the first brush with the Colosseum.

But Zheng Qi didn't expect that his luck today was very good, and he didn't know if it was the special treatment that broke the record of the entire era yesterday.

After brushing the dungeon twice, when the dungeon was swiped for the third time, a system message that only Zheng Qi and Butler Meng could see appeared in their notification bar.

"Hidden BOSS Viti Brothers appear."

"Fuck, there is a hidden boss? We are lucky!"

Zheng Qi shouted, his joy was beyond words.

Although he is a rookie, he has put in a lot of effort before playing Football Era. There are four types of bosses in Football Era.In the Colosseum, such bosses are Roman gladiators.

The second type is the BOSS in the team dungeon that will only appear after level ten. This kind of dungeon requires at least five people to spawn. There is no such dungeon before level ten, but there are three such dungeons in Pompeii. The dungeon bosses are Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar, and they are also one of the heroes that players can get.

The third type of boss is a field boss that will only appear after entering the veteran area after level [-]. This type of boss is the object that all trade unions and clubs will compete for, and will drop a lot of materials. Of course, ordinary field bosses in the ordinary area The materials dropped by the bosses are not particularly precious. The objects that professional players compete for are those wild bosses in the mythical area. Those bosses will drop the materials for creating legendary equipment. For professional clubs, that is the real thing. of strategic materials.

These three kinds of bosses can be regarded as fixed bosses, personal dungeon bosses and team dungeon bosses. Everyone has a certain number of attacks every day, and the improvement of everyone's equipment is basically completed by the materials dropped by these bosses, even the rarest ones. The field boss will be refreshed at irregular times and locations every week, so everyone can grab it according to their ability.

And the fourth type of BOSS depends too much on luck—that is, the hidden BOSS that occasionally spawns in personal dungeons or team dungeons—the so-called hidden BOSS will only appear randomly, and generally speaking, the probability of randomness should not be low , but as long as you look at what the hidden boss will drop in the football era, you will know how low the probability will be-hidden boss will drop attribute points!

Everyone knows the rarity of attribute points, so just think about how low the probability of hidden bosses will appear. What's more, after the level is high, no matter how you farm the small dungeons, you will not be able to spawn hidden bosses. The level of the House of Mention is limited from level five to level ten. Once you reach level eleven, it is impossible to get the hidden boss of the House of Mention, Brother Viti.

"It's a pity, if this luck is placed in the [-]th level dungeon, it will be great." Zheng Qi said regretfully.

Hidden BOSS drop attribute point rules - the highest level of the copy is divided by ten and then multiplied by two.

The highest level of the Viti House dungeon is level ten, so the dropped attribute points are only two per person.

"Something is better than nothing. You don't have to force this kind of thing." Butler Meng chuckled.

"That's right, don't be too greedy."

Zheng Qi nodded again and again, but he said it easily, but he didn't act so easily - the appearance of a hidden boss also means that the difficulty of the entire dungeon will be increased. Previously, only the butler's room will become Viti's room. Brothers, the pair of bosses, and in the other 21 ordinary rooms, there will be several room monsters ranging from ordinary monsters to small bosses like Viti Butler.

Of course, such a small boss will not drop too good materials, and the only thing that can be obtained is experience.

Generally speaking, encountering a hidden BOSS is not worth it from experience, but it is worth it no matter how much time it takes, just because it will definitely drop attribute points.

Zheng Qi was full of confidence in this. He alone had the confidence to run such a dungeon alone, let alone having Butler Meng around him to bless him.

Clear the strange, clear the strange, clear the strange.

Zheng Qi was able to deal with the monsters in the room with ease. Whether it was ordinary mace guards and defensive guards, or a room with a small boss like Viti Butler, he cleaned it up very easily.

With the blessing of Meng Butler, he scored twelve goals in the game where he cleared the most mobs. This also made Zheng Qi feel that his luck and state were extremely good yesterday.

However, such an extreme operation really depends on some luck.

It took nearly an hour for Zheng Qi to clean up the other rooms and finally came to the last room.

"Why don't you go in?" Seeing Zheng Qi standing in front of the door without moving for a long time, Meng Butler couldn't help asking.

"Damn it, I didn't expect to encounter a hidden boss. I haven't read the strategy before, and I don't know how to fight it. Let's take a look now." Zheng Qi replied.

"It takes a long time to read the strategies. Those strategies are written in great detail, with a lot of words." Butler Meng said after thinking about it.

"That can't be helped. You have to be careful when you finally meet a hidden boss." Zheng Qi replied.

"Don't look, I'll tell you." Meng Butler said: "The hidden boss of this dungeon is the Viti Brothers. The two brothers, Viti Brother has a blessing stunt, which can make Viti Butler move and increase the attack speed by 50.00% at the same time. , Vitidi has blocking skills, summoning the soil on the ground to rise up, which can interrupt your rolling, sliding shovel and other actions, but jumping can't stop it. There will be four Viti butlers next to the Viti brothers, and each butler brings A defensive guard and a mace guard, so you're actually dealing with a dozen monsters..."

"Four housekeepers, eight mobs and two bosses, isn't that fourteen monsters?" Zheng Qi asked.

"Witi Brothers can't move, and they can't directly attack the player, so they can be ignored." Meng Butler explained.

"Hmm... Although I can't move, Brother Viti can make Butler Viti move and speed up. They may not all be able to score three goals in five minutes." Zheng Qi sighed.

"It's like this... The speed of the butler Viti firing the mace is already as fast as the two mace guards. Once accelerated, it is equal to three. Four Viti butlers are twelve mace guards, plus the four mace guards they carry. As a guard, the sixteen maces can completely form an attack without dead ends, even if there are five players, it is very difficult to dodge and score a goal." Meng Butler nodded.

"Under such circumstances, there is not much difference between one person and five people, not to mention I have you as a coach to help." Zheng Qi chuckled.

Meng Butler also laughed. It was obvious that Zheng Qi had grasped the key to killing this hidden boss—in such a situation, a coach played a greater role than five ordinary teammates.

The key lies in the "shock" of the four basic skills of the coach. This skill has no cooldown and can be used continuously. After using it, it can reduce the enemy's attributes by a part. When there are too many enemies, this skill can play a big role.

Of course, this is also a great test of the coach's grasp of the rhythm and timing of using skills. If he throws them around in a hurry, it will not have a good effect.

Butler Meng did a good job before, but it was only against one or two, and three enemies were killed. The average coach player can do it with ease, but now he is facing twelve enemies. It is a big burden to judge which enemy is more threatening.

"Is Uncle Meng okay?" Zheng Qi asked.

"Of course no problem." Butler Meng smiled.

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