football era

Chapter 263 1 years

"Mavericks should be able to take care of these people, right?"

After seeing Zheng Qi, Su Jing asked worriedly.

"You shout like that again, be careful that she hears it and comes to beat you." Zheng Qi warned.

Su Jing couldn't help laughing, but Zheng Qi couldn't stop, and burst into laughter.

"Let's... don't, it's not good, what's so funny about someone's name." Su Jing said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, there's nothing wrong with it. The main thing is that the Queen has a resentful face when she says it. I think it's funny when I think of her." Zheng Qi laughed.

Now that the club is organized, the name of each shareholder must be reported, and the names of other people are nothing rare. Dynamic Lightbo has a name that fits his characteristics—the number of sheets. It seems that his father knew that he would be a member of the club. Like a scientist, but thinking about it, he was born in a scientific family, and it is quite normal to use mathematical numbers to name him.

Chaotic Knife has a very loud-sounding name——Li Guorui. He said proudly that his parents felt auspicious when he was born, so he planned to dedicate him to the country.

The names of Xin Zai Wandering and others are relatively common. Originally, Zheng Qi always felt that the reason why he wanted to fly and refused to reveal his name was probably because his name was a strong local name like Da Zhuang Suo Zi, but After checking the list of Changfeng's new players, Zheng Qi unexpectedly discovered that the name of Yixiangfei was not worthy of ridicule by others, on the contrary, he had the style of a protagonist—the name Shen Ruofei could be used in novels. protagonist's.

On the contrary, the former Her Majesty Queen, and the current Xin Kela, hesitated for a long time when they knew that the shareholders were going to report their names. An extremely local name - Niu Lihua.

"I want to be called Cleopatra! I want to change my name!" Her Lady Queen Niu Lihua yelled very tragically.

"That little cow, I remember that you can change your name at will." Su Jing asked with a smile at that time.

"I was so stupid, how did I know that I could change my name! It's all my parents' fault. I heard such a name from a master who told me that I would be lucky if I named it. Damn, old lady Where is the bad luck!" Her Lady Queen roared angrily: "In the end, when I wanted to change my name in the future, I said that I couldn't change it without a legitimate request. I have such a name, isn't it a legitimate request!"

The others could only hold back their laughter to try to persuade them, but if they really wanted to be depressed, Her Lady Queen would have been depressed to death long ago, and now it was just a little depressed.

"That's why I didn't want to accept Corning's request to become a professional player! Then I will be ridiculed by the opponent's fans in the arena!" Her Lady Queen shouted.

"No, you can only report your ID for registration. Although your real name will be filed with the league committee, you can choose not to report it. There are many people in professional competitions who only disclose their ID." Su Jing persuaded.

"That's good, if I knew I would have joined Corning... I warn you, don't reveal my name!"

"Don't reveal, don't reveal." Everyone shook their heads very seriously.

"It's no wonder I believe you, anyway, my old lady has an incomparably strong ability to withstand pressure!" Her Lady Queen said at the time.

"Okay, we don't care about the new area for now. We have sent [-] core members to the guild, which is enough to form a strong guild. The high-end combat power includes the queen and those five. We can fight against any club. It's true, and the queen has already learned how to pull monsters, and their personal strength is also very strong, so we don't need to worry about them." Zheng Qi said.

"Well, the battle for bosses in the Mythical Zone will be affected to some extent, but our four-guild alliance will not be affected too much. Compared with most mid- and lower-level clubs, our situation is already very good." Su Jing replied.

"So next, our goal is to gradually shift to amateur competitions...have you already signed up?" Zheng Qi asked.

"Yes, I have signed up, but there is a one-month period for early registration. During this time, let's accumulate some strength in the mythical area first. There is no need to collect information or anything. There are too many teams, and there is no point in collecting. We What we really need to pay attention to is the four clubs that were relegated last year, and a dozen former professional teams, they are the obstacles on our way to promotion." Su Jing nodded.

"Looking at it this way... we and Lao Fan are going to be rivals now." Zheng Qi sighed.

"It doesn't necessarily mean that they will meet together and be divided into four areas." Su Jing comforted.

In fact, Fu Lei is well aware of this.

"You guys want to compete in this year's first division league, maybe you will become opponents." After seeing Zheng Qi, Fu Lei said with a smile.

"It depends on the situation, anyway, such tragedies happen every year in amateur competitions..." Zheng Qi shrugged.

"Yeah, besides, it's not necessarily divided into the same district, is it? But all the matches before the final match are randomly arranged opponents, the chance of us meeting... is not impossible." Fu Lei said after thinking about it.

"Ha, then I will ask your subordinates to show mercy. You are strong, and we are a new team!" Zheng Qi laughed.

"Don't make trouble, is there a new team like yours? Even though you want to fly away, there is also a team like you with more than 900 attribute points, and six or seven with about [-] attribute points... Don't say anything else, just look at you guys The attribute points, you can mix it up in the Super League." Fu Lei sighed.

"You also know that it's just about attribute points? Although attribute points are important, personal operating skills are more important. We can't get rid of them. It's not just these few people. How can you be better than you." Zheng Qi replied.

"Are we talking about business?"


Just kidding, but both Zheng Qi and Fu Lei knew that although the two parties might become competitors, this would not affect the cooperation between the two guilds.

Although sometimes competitors don't necessarily need their own side to get much benefit, but they want to get more benefit than the other side. However, in fact, the income from robbing the boss in the mythical area is very difficult to affect the next game, the sky In any case, the foundation is stronger than that of the Extraordinary Guild, and even if the Extraordinary Guild works harder in the next year, it will not have an advantage in this area. Cooperation is beneficial to both parties, and naturally it will not be due to a temporary possibility. What cracks are created by the confrontation.

As for Shengjia and Haitian, they won't be troubled by it. Feifan and Cangqiong are still amateur teams, and even if they are promoted to the first division, they may not be competitors for relegation.

From Sheng Jia and Haitian's point of view, with the continuous cooperation, their material accumulation has gradually become better than before. In the new season, their goal will not be to avoid relegation.

Maybe after Fei Fei and Cang Qiong are promoted to Grade A, they will already be a super team...

So when the new day came, Qing Huanming, Yi Yiqianli and the others just congratulated Zheng Qi when they saw Zheng Qi, and there were no unnecessary words, let alone any conflicts.

Without a conflict of interest, there is no conflict.

With the gradual increase in the number of elite groups of the Extraordinary Guild, their role in robbing bosses is also increasing. Compared with Shengjia Haitian, they have an advantage that after the start of the season, after the professional players leave, Zheng Qi's role in the Mythology Zone will be even greater.

Although the schedule of the amateur league is more intensive, but with Zheng Qi's level, as long as they don't meet those former professional teams, the possibility of their victory is too great, and they don't need to prepare much.

Of course, it was impossible for Zheng Qi and the others not to prepare.

The new year is coming, Zheng Qi has experienced a lot and gained a lot in this year.

"Oh, when I was preparing to participate in the new district last year, I really didn't know anyone. Looking at it now, I actually know so many people?" Zheng Qi sighed to Butler Meng.

"Yeah, I also think this year is very interesting. Although serving the young master was a very fulfilling thing in the past, but if you do too much, you will inevitably get bored. This year, I also found my place in the football era. My position!" Meng Butler also sighed.

"Uncle Meng, you're already very good. I'm starting to wonder if you're some famous retired general." Zheng Qi smiled.

"Actually, I'm really not." Butler Meng shook his head.

Zheng Qi nodded. He didn't have the habit of asking the truth, but he did check Meng Feifei back then. Meng Feifei's appearance was no secret. After all, he was too famous at that time, and his status was even higher than that of Lu Xiaotian now. Although there are not many commercial activities, it will not be like a certain master who has not appeared in the public camera once in his career in the past ten years. He has seen photos and videos of Meng Feifei, although he has a little bit of a relationship with Meng Butler. Two people who are similar, but completely different.

More importantly, in terms of age, Meng Butler looked quite old. In fact, he was only under 40 years old. Compared with Meng Feifei, who was theoretically 45 or [-] years old, there was a big age gap.

"Anyway, if it wasn't for you, Uncle Meng, I wouldn't be able to get involved in such a big scene. Uncle Meng, you must continue to help me in the club." Zheng Qi raised his glass to Butler Meng.

"No problem." Butler Meng also raised his glass, and the two clinked lightly.

This year is almost over. This is Zheng Qi's first year in the football era, but it is obvious that it will definitely not be the last year.

"I don't know how long I can maintain my interest in Football Era, but it should last for a few years." Zheng Qi said after putting down his cup.

Butler Meng smiled slightly, but didn't say much.

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