football era

Chapter 246 Invasion

When they set off for Chang'an and Hongnong, Qing Huanming and the others felt apprehensive.

Of course I would be anxious. Changfeng is not a traditional strong team, and Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves Club is not a traditionally powerful guild. However, in recent years, their strength has indeed been at the peak of the sky.

Against such a team, of course it will make people feel uneasy.

It's not that Qing Huanming and the others didn't make any comments, asking if they should not fight against the top guilds like Changfeng. After all, it's a bit troublesome to play like this. If Tianhe's Sweeping the World and Southern Kingdom's Windy and Smokey City are the first level, then the majestic Xiongzi Pavilion and Shenhua's Ancient Legend are slightly weaker than these three guilds, and it is more appropriate to take them first.

Especially the ancient legends, although it was once the most powerful guild, but now there are some low-level guilds in the five majors. Jun Lintang of the Tianlong club has always wanted to grab their five major positions.

However, after analysis, Zheng Qi rejected all these proposals. His reason was that the other four major guilds actually stayed in this position for a longer time. Although they were rivals to each other, to some extent For example, they joined forces to suppress Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves, because Changfeng had already risen strongly in the league at that time. If the guild also rose up, other clubs would have no way out.

That is to say, the other four of the five majors are all enemies and friends. Although they are hostile, they will sometimes unite together. If they attack any of them, it may attract the help of other guilds.

But Changfeng is really different, quite special—their performance in the professional team is too good, and the guild is a strong rise. At a glance, they are enemies, and there are no friends everywhere...

It is indeed very strong, but they have no foreign aid.

If the Four Pests and Changfeng fight, the other guilds will just watch the fun.

This reason is obviously very tenable. After thinking about it, Qing Huanming and others agreed with Zheng Qi's opinion. At this time, the troops of the Four Harms moved towards Chang'an and Hongnong.

At the same time, another key reason is that, compared with other guilds, the professional players of Changfeng are the latest to return to the team - because they went to participate in the World Cup, the time to start their vacation was half a month shorter than other guilds, delaying It is also normal to come to the club to report for a period of time.

When the members of the Four Harms Alliance appeared in Chang'an and Hongnong City, Feng Qiyun, the president who was riding the wind and waves, was a little surprised.

"Sheng Jia and members of the Fei Fei guild appeared in Chang'an City."

"In Hongnong City, people with a ray of sky and firmament appeared."

Feng Qiyun frowned. It's not that he didn't know about the Four Harms Alliance, but the Four Harms Alliance had only tossed about in other cities before, and never dared to do things in the sphere of influence of the five major guilds, so he didn't care too much, even in the In the past week, in the face of other guilds with professional players, the Four Evils Alliance has been unfavorable, and Feng Qiyun didn't care too much.

After all, he is the guild leader who rides the wind and waves, and riding the wind and waves is not something that ordinary guilds can resist.

But now, the Alliance of Four Harms has appeared within Changfeng's sphere of influence, which is a bit...

In fact, it is normal for people from various guilds to appear in Chang'an City. As the major cities in the center of the mythical area, the five major cities of Chang'an, Yecheng, Luoyang, Xuchang, and Xiangyang are all gathering points. Newcomers, players from various guilds , often appear in these five major cities with the most convenient transportation, so even though these five major cities are already the main residences of the five major guilds, they cannot be so overbearing that players from other guilds cannot appear in these five major cities. in a city.

But this time the four evils came differently. Their elite groups all flocked to the two cities of Chang'an and Hongnong. I just want to compete with Changfeng for the boss.

Feng Qiyunyong did not immediately get angry. As the president of Changfeng, he is naturally a shrewd person, otherwise he would not be in such a position. As a former professional player of Changfeng, he can reach such a position. The position is not only because of his outstanding personal strength - in fact, the previous Changfeng was a mid-range club, and Feng Qiyong was not a great player back then, but just an ordinary professional player.

To be able to serve as the president of Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves General Guild, Feng Qiyun's careful thinking and scheduling ability are the key, that is to say, he is a very standard management talent.

"Why did you come to us? Did you want to catch us off guard?"

Feng Qiyun thought in his heart that during this period of time, Changfeng was actually relatively weak, because professional players would not be able to join in until a few days later. This was the price of playing in the World Cup. Shrink the area of ​​control, even if you lose some profits, it doesn't matter. Other clubs have sent professional players to show their own level, but they can only rely on their own strength, of course they suffer.

"Could it be that you know that other guilds are going to join forces to deal with them, and you feel invincible, so you come to pinch our soft persimmon?"

It may be a joke to say that Changfeng is a soft persimmon, but it is clear that it is not a joke.

The past few years have been so beautiful, the so-called prosperity must decline, although in the first team, they have no signs of weakening, and because the main lineup is relatively young, they will become stronger as time goes by. However, at the guild level, they no longer had the vigorous upward momentum they had before.

The rise has reached a limit is one reason, and the other reason is that the first team has dragged down the guild—after professional matches, it has become a common practice for displeased fans from both sides to fight each other, although such fights will not Injury to manpower, after all, there is no hang-up in the game, but the dropped equipment materials are necessary, and in the constant battle, it is inevitable that there will be a large number of players who will feel burnt out-not every player is good Fighting, in fact, most players are not very aggressive.

Every time a PK is played, the equipment will be downgraded. Even if the guild can replenish, the materials of the guild are not endless.

Changfeng's performance is good, so the number of large-scale PK after each game will be more. They not only have to fight with Tianhe, but also with Nanguo, with Xiongfeng Shenhua Tianlong and other clubs...

These clubs also fight with each other, but they haven't fought so fiercely. In other words, when they fight with each other, it's over after the fight is over, but when they fight with Changfeng, they use more force...

In this way, the strength of Riding the Wind and Waves Guild will naturally be damaged to a certain extent.

In addition, the return of their professional players is later than other guilds, so Riding the Wind and Waves seems to be strong now, but in fact it is already a little weak.

"You can see this, the Four Harms Alliance is not easy."

Feng Qiyun thought in his heart.

But since the other party has made it clear that they want to invade the sphere of influence of Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves, if they don't react at all, then of course it won't work.

What's more, although most professional players have not come to the club to report - professional players are also very tired. After a year, Changfeng's professional players have played a lot of games. Naturally, they need to take a good rest, although there is nothing in the world right now. Sunny Beach or something...

However, there are still many professional players who come to the club to report in advance and contribute part of their strength to the club.

He is actually one of them.

There are many types of newcomers these days, some are more individual, some are more conformist, some are more low-key, He Jing works harder.

Although he became famous in this year's professional competition, after all, despite his mediocre performance in other competitions, his eye-catching performance in the China Cup final is enough to make him a rising star. Many critics Everyone thinks that he can bring new vitality to Changfeng. Wen Xiang has always been in command of the whole team alone. Although He Jing is still very immature now, he has the ability to share something for Wen Xiang at certain times.

But even so, he still kept a low profile. After the team won the World Cup, the team disbanded, but he didn't go on vacation, but took the initiative to come to the game to help Changfeng Guild make more contributions.

Such things are sometimes considered to be a deliberate show, but He Jing didn't mean to show at all. He just greeted the head coach, then logged in in the game, directly found Feng Qiyun, and said that he would obey Just direct.

For He Jing, Feng Qiyun is actually not very easy to arrange. After all, he is already famous now. It is not appropriate to treat him as a double-bonus red stick who charges into the battle. The main reason is that people say that he will be Wen Xiang. Good successor?Although from a professional perspective, He Jing and Wen Xiang are two different types of players.

But this problem, He Jing was solved by Feng Qiyunyong from the very beginning, he volunteered to attack together with Feng Qiyunyong.

Feeling relieved, Feng Qiyunyong led He Jing to fight a few battles to grab the boss, and then he began to sigh, how correct the ancient saying is that if you have a cone in your pocket, you will stand out sooner or later.

He was in the front when charging, commanded when there were difficulties, and stopped when retreating. Relying on his superior level and excellent overall view, He was like a fish in water in the guild.

In this way, there will be no problem if he is responsible for leading people again. Soon, He Jing joined the second guild of the Riding the Wind and Waves Guild Alliance as the temporary leader. He came to lead the second regiment.

With such a professional player by his side, Feng Qiyunyong felt a little more at ease. Although there are so many professional players in the Four Evil League, there is not a shortage of core players at the first-level level. Changfeng is really not too short...

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