football era

Chapter 219

Although he was very upset that the two strong men teamed up to bully him, Qing Huanming also knew that if he was the boss of Meteor Pavilion, Yinma Meteor and the boss of Jieliu Hall, he would make the same choice ——Aside from other things, weren't those obviously very weak stragglers cleared out by them in the first place?
Meteorite Pavilion and Jieliutang sent out eight regiments at the same time, obviously not trying to destroy themselves, but just blocking the progress of their own team. The team should rush in and prepare to find opportunities.

Just when Qing Huanming was about to direct in this way, he suddenly received a message from Cun Tianya.

"Boss, Ren Pingsheng said, let's get entangled with them now, and wait for the people from Meteorite Pavilion and Jieliu Hall to really fight at the place where the boss is refreshed, then we'll talk!"

Qing Huanming was taken aback for a moment—waiting for the opponent to fight?But even if there is a fight, the interceptor in front of him is still there. If he goes around, it will take a lot of time. Is there still time?

"Boss, Ren Pingsheng asked me to tell you to believe him. Anyway, it is very difficult to get the boss in the current situation. Why don't you take a gamble."

Qing Huanming shook his head, and decided to show some sincerity for cooperation first.

"Attention all regiments, stop and confront them, one against one, take advantage of our numerical advantage, and slowly wear down their offense!"

Qing Huanming yelled loudly, and Sheng Jia's elite group immediately began to block the opponent according to the team. If this kind of battle is fought against each other under the command, they can only fall into mutual struggle.

Obviously, the Meteorite Pavilion and the Jieliu Hall will not be monolithic - their temporary cooperation is to clear the obstacles in this area, not to be close brothers with each other, after driving away Sheng Jia's people , they have to fight to the death.

Therefore, the eight regiments on both sides did not mix together, but one on the left and one on the right, and there was still a long distance in the middle—of course, they were not worried that the other party would rush through this gap. It will be hit by the two wings, and only fools will do this.

The reason why the two sides have a tacit understanding is that each of them sent out eight regiments to put themselves at a numerical disadvantage when facing the Shengshi Jiaren Guild Alliance. That is because their mission is to intercept. , if they really wanted to defeat them or even wipe them out, both sides would have to form at least a dozen guilds on each side. In this way, Jieliutang, which had a relatively small team, would naturally not do this foolishly.

When your side has more than 40 regiments, it is not a big problem to be seven regiments less than your opponent, but if your side has less than [-] regiments, it may be a big problem if you have seven regiments less than your opponent.

Eight regiments each is an acceptable result for Jieliutang.

As long as they can stop most of Shengshijiaren's team and miss a few regiments, it will have no effect on their overall situation.

But soon, no matter whether it was drinking the horse shooting star or throwing the whip to cut off the flow, they all got the news from their subordinates-the Shengshi Jiaren Guild did not send a few groups to go around from the two sides, but relied on the advantage of numbers from the front, Launched the shock.

When they heard the news, the two of them couldn't help laughing at the same time——Qing Huanming is stupid, right? 21 regiments rushing against [-] regiments is indeed a relatively large advantage, but if you want to rush through the defense, it will not happen in a short while. When you rush through the defense line, the ownership of the boss has already come out.

However, it cannot be ruled out that the other party deliberately did this to make them lose their vigilance, so they gave orders at the same time to drink the horse meteor and throw the whip to cut off the flow-no matter what the fight inside is like, it is a great achievement for you to guard it for me.

Sixteen regiments can't fight against 21 regiments, but even if they stick to it, they can hold it for a while.

After such an order was issued, the Meteor Pavilion and Jieliu Hall officially started their fight.

The confrontation between regiments and regiments has always been very tragic. First, the long-range skills are thrown into the opponent's formation, and then the players who are good at melee combat rush to the opponent's formation. Under the command of the orderly confrontation with the opponent.

No matter how fierce the peripheral battle is, it is often not the theme. The real contest is the battle between the elite team near the boss.

Throwing Whip Duolu commanded the elite group under his command to rush towards the boss, while Meteor Pavilion, relying on the superiority in numbers, arrived at the location of the boss first, and the two main offensive groups started to attack the boss, while the others launched defense.

Naturally, the players in Jieliutang would not easily let them succeed. The two teams sacrificed themselves and launched a desperate attack from both sides. After attracting part of the opponent's attention, the other elite groups launched from the front. The violent impact caused the elite group of the Meteor Pavilion to allocate part of their strength to resist their impact. At the same time, the long-range attackers in the Throttle Hall kept throwing long-distance attacks towards the place where the boss was, just to Contain the hatred of BOSS.

Theoretically, two groups can kill the boss, but it still takes a long time and requires concentration. If you can't concentrate, you will be killed by the boss with a few big moves. It is common, so when faced with the crazy impact of the Shuttle Hall, Yinma Meteor can only command his team to intercept one by one, so as to gain time to kill the boss.

However, under such circumstances, Jieliutang showed that the money spent by their bosses was not in vain - the real core team of Jieliutang is almost all composed of former professional players or young players who have not been able to meet the requirements of professional competitions His team, like a group of fierce tigers, broke through the interception of the two elite groups in the Meteor Pavilion, and rushed directly to the vicinity of the boss!

Drinking Horse Meteor scolded Hongyuan's boss in his heart that he was full of food. You must know that there are actually quite a few players like this. Not every player can find a position in the club, and they will often fill in the guild as the core.

Of course, this does not mean that the giants will take some advantage in this regard. After all, many players who cannot gain a foothold in the super teams can still go to the first-level teams. It is considered sufficient, and it is still possible to raise a few former professional players. Although these regionally based amateur teams do not have professional leagues to earn income, they can earn a certain amount of income from some friendly matches and small-scale cup matches. .

Being able to play as a professional player is of course much better than playing in a guild, so although there are such players in each club and guild, there are not too many of them. Although it is possible for the five major guilds to organize such an elite group, but they But it will not be organized like this. After all, spreading out can improve the strength of more teams.

If Meteor Pavilion really wants to gather such top players in the guild, it's not that they can't make up a group, but it means that many of their core guilds will lose a certain amount of combat power, and only Hongyuan is rich and powerful. With more than 40 core guilds, it is still possible to organize such a top-level and powerful elite group...

In addition to the team composed of professional players, such a team composed of all quasi-professional players can basically represent the most luxurious lineup in the Mythical Zone...

If it wasn't for the incentive of money, there was really no way to organize such a team to rush in regardless of life or death.

After all, it is much easier for quasi-professional players to accumulate equipment. This team is almost all red equipment, and some people still have legendary equipment. For the sake of the guild, they rushed in and lost the lost red equipment legendary equipment materials. Wouldn't the guild make up for it?Although this thing can be bought with money, it is expensive.

That is, Hongyuan can be so rich and powerful.

Seeing the breakthrough of our own defense line, Yinma Meteor had to arrange the rest of the reserve team to intercept it. At the same time, it withdrew a regiment that was besieging the boss, and asked the remaining regiment to contain the boss temporarily. Let's talk about the destruction of the elite group.

Although even if the opponent's elite group is destroyed, it will not take long for the opponent to come back to support, but although the address refreshed by this boss is close, it will take nearly half an hour to speed up and move over, which is enough to decide the winner .

The two regiments that were broken up by the breakthrough, the two regiments as the reserve team, and the one regiment withdrawn from the boss, with a total strength of five regiments, began to attack Hongyuan's elite regiment.

Naturally, Hongyuan wouldn't just watch his biggest trump card being surrounded and wiped out like this - among other things, one less death would also save some materials, wouldn't it?Immediately, Throwing Whip Duolu began to command the few regiments he could still command to start a fierce attack, trying to rescue his elite regiment.

The innermost one is Hongyuan's elite group, and the five groups surrounded by Xingyu are fighting outside. Throwing the Whip and Duoliu led five powerful teams to attack from the outside, to open the connection channel with the elite group, and Xingyu With Hongyuan's other less powerful regiments, it was the interception of interception, the obstruction of obstruction, and the strength of both sides began to be completely strangled together.

Even if Xingyu's remaining group wanted to deal with the boss, it was a little too late. Hongyuan's elite group was indeed top fighters composed of double-bonded red sticks, and they were still fighting towards the boss even though they were surrounded by five times as many enemies. Attacking in the direction of the boss, Xingyu's defense line was thrown into chaos.

"Take the boss and run first...others, intercept them!" Drinking Horse Meteor continued to command. Of course, after the wild boss is refreshed, he will not stay still. Now it is a melee. Let the only remaining That regiment took the boss far away, at least making the impact distance of the opponent's elite regiment longer and the losses greater.

Drinking Horse Meteor will not forget that there is another party that is eyeing him. Pulling the BOSS away is just to increase the impact distance of the Thrift Hall. Ambush, then I really can't cry.

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