football era

Chapter 216 Temporary Join

It has to be said that Zheng Qi and the others chose Shengshi Jiaren Guild as the partner of cooperation, which is actually the most suitable partner.

Having dealt with each other before, let Qing Huanming and Cun Tianya know the strength of Zheng Qi's team and save a lot of talking. If they go to other guilds, Zheng Qi and the others still have a lot of confidence, but at least it would be a waste It takes a few days to get in touch, so it is naturally not as convenient as finding an acquaintance.

"It's a good thing to be able to cooperate, of course, but our group has been to the scene of the BOSS competition once, and the four of us died as soon as we got there. You just retreated after an hour of persistence. Tomorrow, we will participate Can we play any role in Sheng Jia's fight?" Xin Zai Wandering asked a little nervously.

No wonder he wasn't nervous, that participation in the BOSS battle really left an extremely deep and painful impression on Xin Zai Wandering and the others—countless players fought, the sky was full of flying skills and attacks, and they didn't even have time to get in After reacting, he was hit by a wave of covering blows, and died before even using the hero card.

"That time was different after all." Zheng Qi laughed: "That time we went to hang out, but the three major guilds, Storm and Smoke City, Sweeping the World, and Ancient Legend, were competing for a wild boss. Districts do not appear every day. Generally, if a BOSS participates in the competition, it is not bad to have two of the five major guilds. In addition, the stalemate between the three major guilds attracted over ten guilds from the Super League team. The guilds of several First Division teams formed a very rare big melee, which led to such a complicated situation, generally speaking, it would not be possible."

"Really?" Xinyi asked.

"Yes, a thousand bosses are refreshed a week. It is very difficult for there to be so many big guilds competing, and the professional players participated that day, and we were instantly killed as soon as we entered. Usually, there are two or three guilds in melee. , and finally decide the winner." Dynamic Guangbo said.

"Then I'm relieved...but what shall we do next?" Wandering Heart asked.

"As usual, practice more coordination in the arena. The basic coordination of our team is already pretty good. When it comes to that kind of big battlefield, we must not be attacking the tough ones, but looking for opportunities to kill the opponent's core players. Come on. Create opportunities for our allies, assist, break the formation, kill, and then send us who have penetrated into the enemy's formation, this is what our elite team has to do." Zheng Qi said.

Everyone else nodded. It is also a very complicated job to grab the boss in the field. Although it is not difficult for the guilds of various professional clubs to kill the boss, the key is to win the boss while competing with the opponent. Get the most output and grab the most materials.

Therefore, most of the time, killing the commander headed by the opponent can better disperse the opponent's team, so as to spend the material protection time and wipe out all the materials—unless you are in the BOSS from the beginning to the end Body output, otherwise, there will always be material protection.

As I said before, the material ownership of the field boss is a very complicated calculation. Anyone who outputs damage to the field boss will have a certain degree of belonging probability, and this probability can only be determined by killing the opponent or driving him out of the battlefield. Only when there is no scope, will you lose this kind of belonging, so in the competition of bosses, it is often more difficult to fight against opponents than to kill bosses.

Zheng Qi and the others want to show their competitiveness in the boss competition, so it is naturally more difficult to win the output - the All-Stars in the professional league form a team of ten people, and it is impossible to win any team in terms of output. Of course, if the group is not well-organized, the two sides PK, and the All-Stars have a high chance of winning.

Therefore, in cooperation with the Shengshi Jiaren Guild, what Zheng Qi and the others can play is to disrupt the other party's command system and create a good opportunity for the party to grab the boss.

This is also what the Shengshijiaren Guild needs. They don't lack manpower, and as a first-tier team, they don't have any ambitions to bloom more. It is aimed at a certain boss to ensure a higher success rate.

But generally speaking, when any BOSS is refreshed, it is rare that they are only found by them, or only the first-level team is found, and there will always be at least one guild from a super team. Facing such a guild, Shengshi The disadvantage of Jiaren is that there are no core players who can disrupt the opponent's organization and deployment. Instead, she is repeatedly interrupted by others.

The BOSS competition is a test of the overall level of the guild. Sheng Jia is a team with a long history. There are also many core players in their guild. The number of thugs who have retired from professional players is indeed not small. After the previous incident, not only many fans chose to quit, but also many such top players quit, which directly caused them to degenerate from a Super League guild to the level of a first-tier guild, and the lack of strong players became their biggest problem. Flaws, and Zheng Qi and the others showed a level that was indeed necessary for Shengshi Jiaren Guild.

Wanting to take the head of a general from among thousands of armies—it has never been an easy task. There are very few people who can do this in ancient Chinese records. Similarly, in the game of football era, if you want to be around It is also very difficult to kill the opponent's regiment leader and commander under the organization and protection of the regiment members.

You must know that in the mythical area, no player can hide the guild mark above his head-plus there is no vest, those with outstanding abilities cannot open a trumpet to murder the other party's leader, even though everyone knows , at the level of the general guild elite group, basically you still have to rely on the leader to command the captain, so that a group can be commanded like a finger. If the leader dies, the whole group is likely to be at a loss in the chaos Confused performance, and then easily eliminated by the opponent.

On a battlefield where there are nearly ten thousand people at every turn, no organization, no matter how strong an individual is, it is useless.

But of course Zheng Qi and the others would not foolishly attack the opponent's group face to face. Even if they succeed in doing so, they will be easily remembered. Before that, they also need to cooperate with other people.

So when the next day arrived, after reuniting with Qing Huanming and the others, Zheng Qi offered to be with Cun Tianya's team.

Immediately, except for Qing Huanming, the eyes of the other 20 guild leaders all turned to Cun Tianya——as the guild leader of the No.[-] guild, Cun Tianya blushed quickly after seeing them...

"It's not because of other reasons, but the team members of President Cun Tianya are more familiar with us, and we can play a better role in covering up by mixing among them." Zheng Qi explained.

Qing Huanming nodded. He also knew that the elite groups of other guilds had never cooperated with Zheng Qi and the others, and there would inevitably be some conflicts. It was normal for them to join the elite group of Cun Tianya.


"President Cun Tianya's team is usually responsible for the mission of sniping outside..." Qing Huanming said to Zheng Qi.

"Isn't it just a matter of changing it?" Zheng Qi said.

The bosses of the other guilds immediately booed everywhere. As the elite group of the core guild, it is natural to charge the front line, which is the main group. The one responsible for interception and finishing is the ordinary group. The elite group of Cun Tianya could only be regarded as a second-line team before. , now you want to transfer to charge?Where does this make the top-ranked presidents face?
Cun Tianya's head was almost down to his chest. As the guild leader promoted by Rocket Speed, he seemed a bit out of place among the original [-] core guild leaders. Participate, but every time he does the work of blocking opponents from the outside, and he doesn't do it very well. After all, compared with the twenty professional teams, his team has a certain gap in experience and strength .

"How about this, Ah Guang, you feel wronged today, take on the blocking mission, and let Cuntianya's regiment replace yours."

Qing Huanming thought for a while, and said to a loyal president beside him, this president was also one of the few people who didn't boo.

Gaslight nodded. His guild is also ranked in the top three in the Shengshi Jiaren guild. Every time he fights tough battles, but he is famous for his honesty and loyalty to the Shengjia club. Qing Huanming used to be a big fan of Qing Huanming, Qing Huanming knew this, and at the same time he usually reused him, he could only wrong him at this time.

Gaslight did not disappoint Qing Huanming, but the other two guild leaders were also extremely strong, so they were a little unhappy.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Although the Shengshijiaren Guild Alliance is not a powerful guild alliance, as the president of the core guild, everyone is a proud generation. Domineering Flying Eagle and Tengjiao Qifeng are two such people , their guilds are all ranked in the top three in the Shengshijiaren guild alliance. Although they can't tell the difference between each other and compared with Gasguang's guild, but anyway, Gasguang's character They are firm, honest and kind. Even if their relationship with Gas Light is not particularly good, they still admire him as a person. Now replace Gas Light with a Cuntianya team that they looked down upon before. How can they do that?

After all, every time he fights for a boss, the strong-mannered Gaston would do all the dirty work, and let the two of them do the brilliant things. Even if this Cun Tianya is kind, his elite group has such ability?
Immediately, the two were ready to speak to stop it, but Qing Huanming waved his hand immediately: "Okay, everyone obeys the command, if the effect is not good, we will talk about it next time!"

After all, Qing Huanming is the former captain and legendary player of the club, as well as the president of the general guild. Anyway, he still has some authority. After he said this, Domineering Flying Eagle and Teng Jiao Qifeng immediately wanted to say All the words were swallowed.

"Don't worry, with us here, the important task of breaking through the opponent's defense line is very easy!" Zheng Qi patted Cun Tianya on the shoulder and said.

"You old man, just don't cheat me too much." Cun Tianya said with a wry smile.

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