football era

Chapter 206 Tianhe's Advantage


The trap created by Lu Xiaotian's lethality that would never be ignored was also a trap carefully designed by Wen Xiang, so that Li Chengze could only react quickly.

"Lu Xiaotian appeared by Li Chengze's side... I will show you a picture to get closer, and the Assassin will definitely kill him with one blow!"

Yuan Fei shouted loudly, although Lu Xiaotian hadn't done this series of actions yet, everyone knew that Jing Ke would definitely take him away next.

With such a good environment, it would be too wasteful not to make a sacrifice.

Although it will take a certain amount of time for Lu Xiaotian to recover from this wave of taking away, but the terrain he occupies now is not bad, even if he has residual blood, he can switch to other heroes with long-range attack capabilities, condescending against flat ground He Liqiang and the others above launched an attack. Originally, He Liqiang and the others had had a hard time supporting them, but with the attack from above, they would definitely not be able to support them for long.

Although killing opponents is not the goal of Football Era, it is a very important means to achieve the goal. The advantage of numbers is not something that can be squandered so easily. What's more, Tianhe's attacks are all offensive elites. One will cause huge flaws in the entire defense line.

When Lu Xiaotian delivered the final blow, he had already thought about what to do in the next moment, but at the same time, eight brilliant lights ignited around him at the same time!

Zhuge Liang's big move-eight formations!

The Eight Array Diagram, the ultimate move that takes time to prepare, once used, can bless all opponents within the range with eight different negative states, and it cannot be eliminated in a short time.

However, even so, the Eight Formation Diagram could not eliminate the effect of Assassin Qin's ultimate move—every hero's ultimate move has irreversible characteristics, and since it is used, it will not be ineffective unless it is empty.

Of course, Lu Xiaotian couldn't miss it.

However, another characteristic of the Eight Array Diagram played a role at this time.

If there is only one opponent in the center of the eight formations, then the opponent will be completely restrained in a short time, no matter what state he is in.

Lu Xiaotian's whole body froze.

Although his dagger was only one step away from stabbing Li Chengze, with the characteristics of Assassin Qin, even a slight stab at Li Chengze could directly send Li Chengze out of the field, but this one step away is so close.

The control of the eight formation map can't last too long, and Li Chengze can't use the offensive skills when using the eight formation map. This is an opportunity for Lu Xiaotian, but the next moment, the Changfeng players on the sidelines All the complexions changed.

Holding Fa Jue with one hand to maintain the control of the eight formations, Li Chengze's other hand quickly changed a few times.

"Rush!" Yuan Fei yelled loudly: "Beautiful! Li Chengze's tricks are big is this guy's brain!"

Amidst Yuan Fei's admiration, Yan Ziyun and the other three who had just rushed to the top of the peak had returned to Li Chengze's side again. As soon as their figures appeared in the air, they attacked continuously, hitting Lu Xiaotian like a storm body!

No matter how powerful Lu Xiaotian was, no matter how high his stamina was, he would be directly taken away by this wave of blows - there is no doubt about it, even if he added a hundred points to his stamina, it was only a thousand points of stamina. It's too easy to be taken away if you slap your face.

Of course, if it is too difficult to kill the opponent, the penalty of only playing in ten seconds is tantamount to nothing.

Lu Xiaotian was the first to be sent out of the arena, and then Changfeng's situation was very bad. After killing Lu Xiaotian, with the help of Li Chengze, Yan Ziyun and the other three condescendingly bombarded him once again. Originally, even Lu Xiaotian in the formation could not resist If you live in such a pincer attack, let alone now.

Wen wanted to lead his teammates back decisively. However, this situation is extremely difficult for any team. With He Liqiang on the ground chasing after him, and Li Chengze commanding a three-person team on the mountainside to attack, Changfeng's retreat immediately became There was a rout.

After finally retreating to the front of his own gate, when he joined the newly revived Lu Xiaotian, there were only three of Changfeng's eight players left, and even Wen Xiang was killed by Tian Zhixin in one fell swoop.

Although they met with Lu Xiaotian, there were only six players left on one side including the defensive players, and on the other side were nine players who were fierce and fierce. There was no suspense about what happened next. Although Tianhe directly destroyed the ball, they were lucky. Very bad, the football hit by the skill refreshed in Tianhe formation, He Liqiang led Tianhe's offensive players to bombard them indiscriminately, forcing Lu Xiaotian and others away, Li Chengze easily scored, [-]-[-], Tianhe took the lead by two goals!
"Changfeng is now facing a very difficult situation! It is obvious that Li Chengze's preparations for this game have reached a peak. Judging from Tianhe's performance in this game, they won the last China Cup final. They even saved their strength, just for this league championship! Changfeng's strong personal strength was controlled by them using the advantage of the map. If there is no improvement in the next time, Changfeng's failure will only be a matter of time... "Yuan Fei sighed.

"No way, Changfeng is so vulnerable? It's unbelievable..." Zheng Qi muttered in surprise.

"It's not that Changfeng is vulnerable, it's that Li Chengze's tactical thinking is too good, and he restrained Wen Xiang very well, as can be seen from the goal just now...Wen Xiangxiang used tactics to take away Li Chengze first, but Li Chengze ended up But he took Lu Xiaotian away with all his plans. The difference in this goal was only a hair's breadth away. If Li Chengze hadn't been prepared, Lu Xiaotian would have easily taken away Li Chengze, and then launched an attack on Tianhe condescendingly. Tianhe led by He Liqiang How long can the main force last?" Meng Butler asked with a smile.

"That's just a matter of a few seconds..." Yixin Xiangfei nodded.

"That's right, when the Tianhe army is completely wiped out, Yan Ziyun and the others will be farther away from the goal than Lu Xiaotian and the others. Changfeng's side is still in possession of the ball, so it will be easier for them to score...Of course, Tianhe will be able to counterattack and win The goal is also related to their good luck, the ball happened to be refreshed in their formation, otherwise, Changfeng might not be two goals behind." Meng Butler nodded.

"Luck also depends on strength. Changfeng is really dangerous now, but Lu Xiaotian has been silent so far. I look forward to his outbreak." Yixin Xiangfei replied.

"Tianhe's current advantage lies in the fact that Li Chengze used tactics to suppress Wen Xiang...Wen Xiang did not perform well today." Dynamic Guangbo said suddenly.

"It's not very good. However, even if Wen Xiang was inferior to Li Chengze to Tianhe before, he would not be suppressed to such an extent. There is something wrong with Wen Xiang's performance today." Su Jing also began to express her thoughts.

"Could it be that the Tianhe side poured ecstasy into the holographic cabin!" Chaotic Knife shouted.

"Of course not. Don't have too many associations!" Su Jing said dumbfounded, "I'm talking about Wen Xiang's condition today is not very good."

"It's not good, but it's normal. I just fought against Li Chengze with all my strength a week ago..." Zheng Qi stopped in the middle of his words, and looked at Yixin Xiangfei in surprise.

"Have you noticed it too? I think so, otherwise, Wen Xiang's condition couldn't have been so bad all of a sudden." Yixin Xiangfei nodded.

Butler Meng laughed, while the others were very confused.

"Can you two speak Chinese?" Dynamic Guangbo protested.

"In the last match, Wen Xiang had a fierce confrontation with Li Chengze. He had been fighting against Li Chengze's tactical scheduling. Under such circumstances, Lu Xiaotian's outburst directly penetrated Tianhe's defense line." Zheng Qi said.

"Isn't this normal? Everyone knows..." Dynamic Guangbo said halfway, and suddenly reacted: "Ah, you mean, the fierce confrontation in the last game was also intentional by Li Chengze, so that Wen would like to Is the overdraft too big to affect the game?"

"That's right." Zheng Qi nodded.

"No way? Is there still such an operation?" Chaotic Knife asked in surprise.

"Looking at it now, it's very possible that Wen Xiang's performance so far in this game is indeed not at her best level. In such an important game, there will be a lower-than-expected performance, and it will definitely not be due to her psychological factors. The problem can only be said to be a status problem." Yixin Xiangfei nodded.

"If this is the case, it will be really bad. The sluggish state cannot be changed with just a few words. Wen Xiang is obviously working hard, but she can't hold it anymore." Su Jing said worriedly.

Although Wen Xiang is not the number one female player in the league, she is also a strong player in the eyes of countless female fans. In terms of personal honor, Wen Xiang can be called the most female player among the female players - of course, it has something to do with her being in a team like Changfeng, Su Jing She has always admired Wen Xiang, even though Wen Xiang is only a little older than her.

"If Changfeng realizes this, it shouldn't give Wen Xiang such a heavy responsibility... However, Changfeng has always relied on Wen Xiang for its organization and tactics on the field. It is impossible for them to give such a key position. Put a substitute, where can we find someone who can take responsibility now?" Butler Meng shook his head: "Changfeng's situation is really difficult now."

"Li Chengze sacrificed the last game to achieve this. This is quite an extreme situation. No club will prepare a substitute for such an extreme situation. Besides, in Changfeng's main lineup, except for Wen Xiang. Apart from the tactical core and the breakthrough core of Lu Xiaotian, there is no room for another core... It seems that if Chang Feng wants to win the five crowns, he can only wait for our brother Fei to go." Zheng Qi laughed, He patted the shoulder that wanted to fly.

"I'll take it as you are praising me." Xin Xiangfei replied.

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