football era

Chapter 203 Tactical Suppression

In the last contest, no matter how loyal the fans of the two sides were, most of the time they watched it a little drowsily. After all, the two sides spent most of the game scheduling and blocking back and forth. Nervous, but not too many exciting shots, although Lu Xiaotian's explosion at the last moment killed two people to open the situation is worth the fare, but at the beginning stage, the audience's interest will not be particularly high.

However, this time, at the beginning, there were extremely exciting scenes and extremely touching suspense!
Changfeng succeeded in seizing the mountain, Tianhe took advantage of the situation to attack Changfeng's weak defense, Changfeng quickly returned to the defense with the intention of attacking from both sides to establish an advantage in one fell swoop, Tianhe's strange soldiers stood out to intercept Changfeng's reinforcements, Gan Yutian made a big move to clean the ground, and after Lu Xiaotian's blessing, he became strong Counterattack!
All this made the fans dizzy and showed a very high level.

However, when Lu Xiaotian approached Gan Yutian and quickly used Zhao Yun's big move, seven in and seven out, planning to take Gan Yutian away in one wave, Gan Yutian conveniently used Lu Xun's skill scholar as a general for himself, and after blessing attributes, Quickly switched Guo Jin hero card!
Bronze walls and iron walls bless the shield, impregnable into a short period of invincibility, the counter charge rushed towards Lu Xiaotian, and entangled him!
"Is this all calculated by them?" Such a thought flashed in Lu Xiaotian's mind.

In fact, this is not the first time such a situation has occurred. Li Chengze's estimation of people's hearts has reached an extremely high level. Even Lu Xiaotian has to fall into a few of the traps he carefully set up in every game. He has long been used to it— —It’s not ashamed to be cheated by Li Chengze!
But usually being cheated is always in a head-on confrontation. If you get cheated once, you will die. It is nothing more than ten seconds to come back. Most of the time, even if Lu Xiaotian is constantly cheated by Li Chengze, it is still Lu Xiaotian who wins in the end.

But this time it was different. In front of his goal, he was entangled by Gan Yutian, who was weaker than him. This time, he might not be able to defend...

Sure enough, when Gan Yutian was entangled with Lu Xiaotian, Yu Gang led the other two players without looking at this side, but directly launched an attack.

They didn't even want to waste time giving Gan Yutian an extra blessing, because now, they couldn't afford to delay for a second.

Changfeng's two support players are also very helpless. If Lu Xiaotian stops in front of them, they can use various support skills to make Lu Xiaotian resist the opponent. After a long time, they can't do it. It can be done, but now that Lu Xiaotian is being entangled by Gan Yutian, they have no ability to fight at all.

Of course, this is not because Lu Xiaotian made a mistake in judgment, because this is not something that can be solved within a minute or two. Wen thinks that they will never be able to come back within a minute or two.

So Lu Xiaotian chose to take a gamble, but unfortunately, his reaction was within Li Chengze's judgment, so Chang Feng couldn't hold on for a while even for this 2 minutes.

Under the cover of two teammates, Yu Gang easily sent the ball into the goal, one to zero, less than 3 minutes into the game, Tianhe led Changfeng.

The fans of Changfeng were silent, while the fans of Tianhe, who were a little frustrated at first, let out crazy shouts!
"At any time, don't doubt Li Chengze!"

They shouted loudly, "Don't doubt Li Chengze at any time" This is a famous saying of Tianhe fans, and now, this goal has once again proved this truth!
From the selection of the map at the beginning, to the fact that the opponent occupied the peak at the kick-off, coupled with the situation before the game, many fans of Tianhe did feel anxious-in fact, Tianhe's performance this season is already very good , has kept at least two runner-ups, and its popularity is also growing rapidly. For Tianhe, which was only a mid-range team ten years ago, such a result is already quite good, but the expectations are higher than in the past. It filled them with anxiety, so at that moment just now, many Tianhe fans had a sense of distrust towards Li Chengze deep in their hearts.

Now, this sense of distrust has disappeared, replaced by feelings of shame and even more crazy respect for Li Chengze.

Li Chengze encouraged Tianhe's fans with subtle tactics, while Lu Xiaotian encouraged Changfeng's fans with his wonderful performance.

"Li Chengze is a very strong opponent, but it is because of this that it is interesting."

Lu Xiaotian smiled slightly at Wen Xiang who returned to his side: "If we didn't have such a strong opponent, what would our achievements be worth?"

It was just a few words, because the pressure brought by Tianhe's exquisite tactics to advance by one goal has gradually disappeared from the hearts of Changfeng players.

After re-kick-off, Changfeng quickly launched a counterattack.

Changfeng's tactics are naturally not as careful as Tianhe's. Wen Xiang is also a player with strong tactical ability, but no one can do better than Li Chengze in terms of meticulous attention to every detail.

In fact, after having the sharpest knife, Lu Xiaotian, instead of using tricks, it is better to drop ten times with one force.

Therefore, Changfeng's style has always been open and close. What makes Yangmou stronger than conspiracy is that Yangmou doesn't need to be afraid of being known by others.

For so many years, Changfeng's only game was a conspiracy. It was probably the last time that Lu Xiaotian used the extra attribute points he had accumulated for more than a year to violently break Li Chengze's fine tactics. Win, not by tactics.

So after the re-kick-off, Changfeng began to compete for the commanding heights in a very orthodox manner, and then played steadily and steadily.

Lu Xiaotian took the lead and rushed to the top of the mountain. The No.1 level was vividly displayed. Facing the double-teaming of Tianhe's two god-level players, he did not retreat a step, and stood on the top of the mountain abruptly. Coming up to support, Changfeng once again occupied the peak.

However, Li Chengze's commanding ability was even better under such circumstances. He constantly blocked the loopholes and competed with Wen Xiang in terms of tactics. With the ball in hand, they played quite patiently, constantly intercepting, constantly Block, don't let go of any player in Changfeng, and keep your goal in a safe environment.

"Li Chengze's adventure has paid off the best. The advantage of the opening goal has made their slight difference in strength no longer a weakness. This should be Li Chengze's biggest tactical idea... On the whole, Tianhe is inferior. This is especially true when Changfeng occupies the peak, but Li Chengze took advantage of the situation to give up the midfield and set up a sniper line on the mountainside... You see, at this moment, they have completely blocked all of Changfeng's offensive routes. This approach seems very conservative, but after having a leading advantage, such a conservative will not put them at a disadvantage."

"So, Tianhe's biggest disadvantage has now become their advantage?"

"That's right, they can pass the time logically. Even if Changfeng can control the ball all the time, they still need to break Tianhe's defense line to do so... Changfeng's overall strength is stronger, but apart from Lu Xiaotian, Tianhe's five Tiger will not be inferior to any player against Changfeng, and even slightly higher than the front line. What is even more frightening is whether Li Chengze has laid a trap somewhere. Changfeng can't tolerate a second mistake. Let their offense be more cautious and consume more time."

Yuan Fei's vision has always been sharp, and the next match, as he said, began to enter a stalemate.

Wen Xiang constantly dispatched troops to tear apart Tianhe's defense line, but what Yuan Fei said, Chang Feng's concerns also made it impossible for Wen Xiang to fully use all his forces. In terms of Tianhe's tight defense line, it can only be regarded as scratching the surface.

Ten minutes later, Wen Xiang organized a surprise attack. Lu Xiaotian led two of the Eight King Kongs from the other side of the ridge and suddenly launched an attack, but was blocked by Yan Ziyun. Immediately afterwards, ambushes ensued, and the six adopted stealth Skilled Tianhe players appeared in the surrounding area, and almost wiped out Changfeng. At the critical moment, Lu Xiaotian abruptly broke through Tianhe's siege, and only two Changfeng players were killed in this wave of ambush. Tianhe Failed to take advantage of the trend to regain the commanding heights of the peak.

"It was my fault."

This wave of confrontation was the last climax of the first half, and both sides spent the rest of the time moving and scheduling. After the first half, Wen Xiang returned to the locker room and said something immediately.

In terms of tactical confrontation, although Wen Xiang did a great job, she was still suppressed by Li Chengze. At other times, it was fine. That wave of almost wiped out was indeed a major mistake for her.

"This kind of mistake is a mistake we can accept." Luo Qichuan just said lightly, without any blame.

Of course, this is not because of Lu Xiaotian's face - Wen Xiang can become an important player in Changfeng after Lu Xiaotian, of course it is not because of the relationship between her and Lu Xiaotian.

"In the first half of the game, we were temporarily at a disadvantage. This was because we were passive at the beginning. We have not been able to reverse it until now, but everyone should not worry. You must know that it is not us who can afford to make mistakes now, but them. We are the champions in a draw, although we don't just think about a draw, but this is a real advantage. Be patient and advance step by step, what we want is just a goal!"

Luo Qichuan emphasized this point. There is nothing to say about the specific tactics. In fact, in the current football era, many fans of traditional football have criticized that the role of the head coach's on-the-spot command is not very great. The players play and make judgments on the spot, and the coach can only serve as a firefighter and helper on the sidelines. Unlike football in the past, the position of the head coach is becoming more and more important.

However, there is no way around this. Compared with the previous professional football, the games in the football era are more complicated and diversified. The role of the head coach is more in the usual training, not on the sidelines.

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