football era

Chapter 201 Unexpectedly

When the map of this game was revealed, almost everyone exclaimed.

Yuan Fei's judgment was not wrong, Li Chengze did not choose the complicated maps he mentioned, but the map Li Chengze chose for this match was something that even he hadn't thought of.

Lion camel mountain map.

That is, the map that was randomly selected in the last China Cup final!
This kind of choice immediately surprised everyone—the map that was just played in the last game, the opponent will be more familiar no matter what. out?

Such a choice is really incomprehensible.

Yuan Fei's voice was also a little surprised and flustered: "This, this... Tianhe's choice of this map really surprised me, but I think Li Chengze and Tianhe must have their own considerations... At least in terms of suddenness, They have achieved the ultimate. Can you imagine that Tianhe will use the same map for two consecutive games? You can't think of it, I can't think of it, everyone can't think of it. From this point of view, this choice can also be regarded as an exquisite choice. Of course , It depends on the outcome in the end. If Tianhe wins, then there is no doubt that this is a brilliant move. If Tianhe loses, then this is a bad move. Of course we are not hurting our backs when we stand here as commentators, but as a choice , To make such a choice, in itself possesses great courage.”

When Yuan Fei's words spread to Zheng Qi and his room, Zheng Qi couldn't help laughing: "This commentator really knows how to put money on Li Chengze's face, and he doesn't say anything dead, leaving a way out at both ends. talent."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Butler Meng rarely refuted Zheng Qi's sentence: "Senior Yuan's words are very profound, and he didn't say the deeper meaning. If he did, the fans would be easily spoiled in advance."

"Oh? Uncle Meng, tell me quickly. I'm not afraid of spoilers. When I watch TV dramas, I search for the episodes first and then read the rest." Zheng Qi said enthusiastically.

"How can there be someone like you?" Lu Li was taken aback. As a person who hates spoilers the most, seeing the existence of Zheng Qi is simply unbelievable...

However, as self-professional players, they are indeed not afraid of spoilers.

"Li Chengze's choice is a very delicate one. First of all, what Senior Yuan said before, neither you nor I would have imagined that he would continue to use the map from the previous round, and neither would Changfeng. In preparing for the battle, they naturally It is at a disadvantage, and in this way, the advantage of the home court has not been lost, but has been strengthened." Meng Butler said after thinking about it.

The others listened carefully, Su Jing frowned slightly, and Butler Meng called Senior Yuan Fei?Indeed, Yuan Fei, who is in his 60s and almost [-]s, is a senior in front of everyone, but ordinary players would call a former professional player a senior?
The title of senior, at least, must be called by the same practitioner. Then the question arises, has Meng Steward been a commentator or a professional player?
Others naturally did not think so much as Su Jing, but listened attentively.

"The deep-seated reason is because Changfeng just played against Tianhe on this map a week ago."

Butler Meng smiled slightly: "In a week, people's memory won't be so bad, but it won't be so good that they still remember all the details when they don't remember it specially. In the game, they will have some specious illusions. These illusions are variables. And such variables will not disappear with the passage of the game. The maps used in professional games are very large and cannot be seen at all. No matter how long the game is, there will always be places that cannot be taken care of. Tianhe There is a week to prepare. They must have specific tactical arrangements in certain places on the map. There will be more than one location for these arrangements, and Tianhe may continue to suffer. From this point of view, Tianhe has mental calculations but no intentions. The advantage is even greater.”

"It turned out to be like this. Only in this way can Changfeng make some mistakes and mistakes, and Tianhe can have a chance to win, because only victory is useful to Tianhe." Yixin Xiangfei let out a long sigh.

"But this is still very risky." Dynamic Guangbo frowned and said, as a scientist, he naturally has the rigor of a scientist.

"Adventures are of course risky. It is impossible for you not to take risks in any game. Choosing the game with the highest probability is the only way to win. However, what is the most likely is a difficult point that is easy to make mistakes. This is also the charm of the football era game."

Butler Meng concluded with this sentence, and then smiled: "Now, let's enjoy this game."

With these words, the players from both sides have already appeared.

Obviously, the Changfeng players already knew the map of this game in the locker room-the game map will be reported to the league organizing committee two hours in advance, and will be made public. Of course, the two Hours can't do much.

When the Changfeng players came out, their expressions were very calm, but their head coach, Luo Qichuan, had a gloomy expression.

"Li Chengze's idea is very unique."

When shaking hands with Tianhe head coach Zhuo Mang, Luo Qichuan said coldly.

Zhuo Mang is definitely not as sharp-edged as his name, on the contrary, he seems very restrained. He didn't have any special reaction when he heard Luo Qichuan's rude words, but just smiled: "I have discussed with him many times, and I feel that this It was the most unexpected choice."

"It's only a week, can we discuss a lot?" Luo Qichuan said coldly, but he didn't say that you, as a coach, have to discuss this kind of thing with the players. Li Chengze has been famous for several years, and similar arguments have always been Yes, but Zhuo Mang has fully demonstrated the level of a capable head coach, and has been cooperating very well with Li Chengze. If this provocation is useful, then he would have broken up with Li Chengze long ago.

After the head coaches of both sides let go and returned to their positions, the players of both sides had already appeared.

The starting lineup naturally didn't change much. In fact, in the professional matches of Football Era, the starting lineup seldom changed. The changes were only in the middle of the game. Li Chengze and his five generals, Lu Xiaotian and his eight King Kong all appeared on the field.

The last domestic battle is also a key game related to whether Changfeng can win the five crowns, and it is about to start.

Lu Xiaotian stood at the bottom of the hillside, looking at the majestic peak, the equipment all over his body shone with strange and colorful colors-this is also a feature of legendary equipment, the style and color can be customized, and it can be regarded as a feature of the peripheral development of Football Era .

Lu Xiaotian's set of equipment is quite gorgeous, which is also related to his personality. Now he is standing under the Lion Camel Mountain, looking up at the peak. His demeanor of a master has simply fascinated countless people.

And Li Chengze has another style, the color of his equipment is very elegant. Compared with Lu Xiaotian's armor style, his equipment is more like the style of a scribe's long gown-the two have different styles, one is a fierce general who charges into battle, and the other He is a commanding Confucian commander-in-chief.

Although in the traditional Chinese concept, Confucian generals seem to be a little bit higher than fierce generals, but in fact, in the football era, the value of fierce generals with outstanding personal abilities is also very good.

The equipment of each professional player is very individual, and there will be no misidentification during the game-the ID above each player's head is extremely conspicuous, and the color of the ID will distinguish the two players.

The equipment is full of personality, it is for selling peripherals, and the ID is clearly distinguished, it is for the competition. The professional league of the football era has found a pretty good balance between competition and business.

The map of Lion Camel Mountain is quite special. The special feature is that the mountain occupies the center of the entire competition field, so the kick-off location is on the right side of the map. Many times, should more players be deployed at the tee-off location, or should a large number of people be sent to seize the commanding heights of the mountain?

This is a very thought-consuming thing. Of course, even if the judgment is wrong, the most frightening consequence is nothing more than a goal behind. There is still time to catch up.

After the referee electronically randomly drew lots, Tianhe was the first to kick off.

Standing on the kick-off point were Yu Gang and Gan Yutian, and there was only one person standing opposite them, and that was Lu Xiaotian.

Although there is only one person, his momentum is like a thousand troops.

League No.1 is worthy of such momentum.

"Does Li Chengze want to occupy the high ground? Didn't you learn enough lessons from the last match?" Lu Xiaotian's voice came coldly. Among the two guys he was facing, one was killed by him at a disadvantage in the previous match, and the other Never being able to stop his own attack, Lu Xiaotian's aura is unparalleled.

Yu Gang and Gan Yutian glanced at each other, although their expressions didn't change much, but deep down in their hearts, they still had a huge fear of Lu Xiaotian.

"The last match and this match are two different things." Yu Gang replied.

"I'm not afraid to tell you, I'm the only one guarding the bottom of the mountain now, and everyone else is going to grab the high ground. If you have the ability, just rush past me." Lu Xiaotian sneered again.

This is a bit embarrassing, no matter what he said is true or not, it will definitely cause huge psychological pressure on Tianhe.

"We have our own rhythm." Gan Yutian replied.

"We have already seen it in the last game." Lu Xiaotian said indifferently.

These words were more powerful than anything else, and the expressions of Gan Yutian and Yu Gang finally changed slightly.

At this time, the referee blew the whistle to start the game.

Yu Gang quickly passed the ball to Gan Yutian, and Gan Yutian kicked the ball back from a distance.

Tianhe chose to be safe.

The Changfeng fans in the stands laughed, because they could see from the panoramic view that except for a goalkeeper and a defender in the back position, everyone else in Changfeng really went to the Lion Camel Mountain to seize Gao Feng, from the kick-off point to the Changfeng gate, there is only Lu Xiaotian on the whole road, but what about Tianhe?Behind Gan Yutian and Yu Gang, there are still two supporting players. Only Li Chengze, Yan Ziyun, He Liqiang, Tian Zhixin and other five players are preparing to seize the peak in Shangshi Tuoshan.

In other words, Tianhe did have a chance to risk a breakthrough, but he let it go because of caution.

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