football era

Chapter 19 Anti-killing (1)

"Has that guy run out of town yet?" the assistant coach said in surprise.

Liu Shibo frowned for the first time, he closed his eyes and thought for a while, then shook his head decisively.

"No. When the second team was killed, the location was north of the center of Pompeii, and the House of Viti was in the south of Pompeii, and the first team was attacked at that location. These two locations The distance between players with a speed of 1 points will take 2 minute to reach it without hesitating to run with all their energy. The time between the second team and the first team being killed is only [-] minutes. Although it is not impossible, but It’s too difficult, and there’s not enough time to restore light energy, if it’s really a person who wants to fly alone...then he’s too scary, so I’d rather believe that there’s another person who can’t get along with us.”

Although Liu Shibo had said a lot before, he had never said so much in one breath. It can be seen that his heart was not as calm as before.

"So we need to observe again." Liu Shibo finally came to a conclusion.

The assistant coach nodded. Although Liu Shibo is a rookie, he has accumulated a lot of experience in the previous district last year. He started over in the new district to create a stronger role. If he has a bright future, the club will not deliberately waste a year to let him create his own character. From this point of view, although the assistant coach is well-informed, the judgment of some player roles may not be as good as Liu Shibo. precise.

This can be regarded as the biggest difference between the theoretical school and the practical school - in top clubs, the number one star is no less important than the head coach. There is a great relationship.

As a theoretical assistant coach, he really has no advantage in front of a future star like Liu Shibo.

Inside Pompeii.

Zheng Qi continued to run around. It wasn't that he didn't know that the players he killed before would come back soon, but he wasn't worried.

No matter how many people are on the other side, it is impossible for me to run back to the rest point without any chance, and now I can just play with them.

With the help of complex terrain, he can fully display his talent in walking. Although the map of Pompeii is not a secret, the roads are intricate, with endless forks and so on. In addition, he can use continuous skills to climb over walls. With a little advantage, it is not difficult for him to run away.

The hunted person in turn becomes the hunter hunting each other, this feeling is very cool.

After encountering a small team again, Zheng Qi followed the same pattern and launched an attack from the air, splitting the three opponents apart. After killing one of them, he saw that the other two had joined together, unable to quickly deal with the opponent in a short time. He immediately crossed the wall again and disappeared from the opponent's sight.

"Seeing that there is no chance, he will never take advantage of it. He will run away after killing him, and he will not even pick up supplies... A very calm assassin." Liu Shibo sighed in admiration.

"There are very few players like this in the league." The assistant coach nodded.

"At least one more." Liu Shibo said after thinking about it.

"Is the ranger Li Xieyi?" The assistant coach asked in surprise, "Did you think too highly of him?"

"Now it seems that the style is very similar, but of course he is not Li Xieyi. A god-level character commits suicide to play in the new area. Li Xieyi is not that boring." Liu Shibo said with a little respect. Although his character is a bit lazy, but for He still maintains enough respect for those god-level characters in the professional league.

"The fifth team that came to support was ambushed by him..."

There was a trace of surprise on Liu Shibo's face. This was something he had never thought of. Originally, when attacking the seventh team, he killed one person and ran away. Round up for help...

"Let them all get together, don't disperse, otherwise, they will be more passive." The assistant coach suggested.

"In that case, if you want to fly, you may just run away." Liu Shibo shook his head: "Let's maintain the status quo, at least we should pester him for more time... let the team that has lost personnel assemble, and continue to search and press."

The staff next to them quickly conveyed the instructions. It is not good to not build a chat platform by yourself, so they can only notify each team one by one.

When the Nanguo people felt a little helpless, Zheng Qi continued to run around in the streets and alleys, showing his own characteristics to the fullest, killing one if he could, and running away. If a team was in a hurry to support him, he ran into it. Take the opportunity to kill one or two more people. Anyway, he is alone, he can run as he wants, and he is very flexible.

However, after killing six or seven people again, Zheng Qi began to feel troublesome. First, the number of opponents was obviously decreasing, and second, the remaining people began to form more teams, at least in groups of four. Under such circumstances, Zheng Qi didn't dare to move out easily. Even if he could kill one person quickly, it would be troublesome to run away if he was entangled by the other three.

"Let's go back to rest and play with them tomorrow." Zheng Qi thought in his heart.

Just when he was about to leave Pompeii and end the hunt started by others but already under his control, there was one thing that forced him to stop.

Quietly climb over the top of the wall, and after two alleys, you can go out of the city-Although Pompeii has only four gates, in fact, if you have the courage and skill, you can go around from anywhere on the city wall, so Zheng Qi is not afraid I was blocked by someone.

Cautiously leaning over the wall and taking a look, Zheng Qi happened to see four players walking by together - so he was about to retreat. The four players at this time must be a small team besieging him.

Zheng Qi wanted to wait for the other party to leave before leaving through this gap. This could be regarded as catching a blind spot in people's psychology. It was impossible for the other party to just stand there and guard, otherwise there would not be enough people.

In fact, the same was true. The team wandered around for a while, but when they didn't find Zheng Qi, they began to prepare to head into the city.

However, at this moment, a player came in from outside the city. After seeing the four-person team, he immediately rushed towards them.

"It's exciting to watch." Zheng Qi shouted in his heart, and continued to peek furtively.

"Are you the ones who hit me for no reason just now? Die!"

The players rushing over were astonishing, and they didn't hide their IDs. Zheng Qi took a closer look and found that he was an acquaintance—the one who reminded him to go with the breeze in Novice Village...

Seeing Sui Qingfeng's appearance of being at odds with these people, Zheng Qi thought for a while and knew what was going on - it seemed that these people were not only besieging and killing him, but also besieged and killed himself while besieging and killing him. Still clearing the field, clearing out some players who were alone in Pompeii. This player who went with the breeze was probably killed by the opponent during this process. He couldn't swallow this breath, so this will come for revenge.

Being attacked by a lunatic suddenly rushing over without thinking, the four-person team was startled at first, but the four of them would never be afraid of one person, although because they were caught off guard, one of them was stiffened by a sliding shovel following the breeze Players, but the other three are not vegetarians, and immediately surrounded and attacked with the breeze.

There is no difference in the level of going with the breeze compared with others, but his bonus points seem to be well thought out, and his physique, strength and speed are not low, which makes his survivability very strong, although he is flexible. He didn't seem to add many auxiliary attributes such as , balance, and burst, which made him suffer a lot from the unstable output. However, he held back these four players.

Picking four out of one, at this stage, even a professional player can't do it. Although he is a veteran, he didn't expect himself to be brave enough to kill four in one. I just want to take a breath and fight with the other party.

He is very skilled in movements and has good experience, but after being entangled by four people, even though he tried hard to take away more HP from the opponent, his physical strength was about to bottom out soon.

A roll opened a little distance, and he stuffed a medicine bag into his mouth to recover more stamina, but the opponent naturally wouldn't just watch him recover his stamina, and three footballs hit him at the same time , interrupting his physical recovery.

Seeing three opponents rushing towards him, he accelerated with the breeze and dodged a distance, but the remaining opponent stopped him again. Seeing that he could not dodge the opponent's sliding shovel, he followed Qingfeng decided to give the opponent a ball first.

This time he was shoveled until he became stiff, and with the amount of blood that went with the breeze, he would definitely not be able to withstand the end of the stiffness.

However, at this moment, the body of the opponent who had already shoveled over suddenly tilted, and slid past the body that was carried by the breeze.

Missing a sliding shovel is a terrible thing-the opponent will be forced to freeze if the shovel is hit, and if the shovel is empty, you will also be forced to freeze, unless you cancel this skill halfway.

But this opponent obviously didn't expect that he would shovel empty, so he didn't cancel this skill. After sliding past with the breeze, he immediately lay there stiffly, although he didn't know what happened , but as an experienced veteran, he naturally knew what to do at this time.

Picking up the ball, then jumping up in the air, smashing the ball hard in the air, hitting the immobile opponent's face.

His strength is not bad, although due to the general reasons of other statistics, this combo skill was done slowly and cautiously, but the chain bonus damage effect of combo skills and kicking the face was still hit.

This time, the opponent let out a scream, and then returned to the city, dropping supplies all over the place.

Going with the breeze, he picked up a few from the ground. His supplies were almost used up just now, so it's just a matter of replenishing them this time.

If he could kill one, he felt that he had already paid back his capital, but there was a problem he didn't want to understand-how could this product be shoveled empty?

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