football era

Chapter 179 Shame

Listening to the discussions of players from all walks of life around, Cun Tianya felt particularly refreshed.

The discussion of these people is what he thinks in his heart.

Fame, fame is also very important. If an ordinary guild can attract a lot of attention, it is also a political achievement.

Even if the victory is ineffective, as long as you can defeat your opponent cleanly, you can still win praise.

As for the fact that 20 of our party were wiped out by the opponent's nine-member group... and no one else saw it, let's pretend that he doesn't exist!

Cun Tianya has already figured out how to show his bearing later, how to use a subtle overall siege to make the opponent die instantly, in this way, at least it can become a topic of conversation for a few days-there are no occupations in the past few days. In competitions, players are more likely to chat.

After gaining fame, it will be easier for the guild to recruit people, and it will be easier to be noticed by the club's senior management.

And the group of newcomers who don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth, after being fooled by them once, will probably be dispelled from their arrogance. At that time, if they try to get in touch with them, there is still a chance to recruit them... I heard that this gang The guy is making a lot of noise in the new area. There is a guild alliance with tens of thousands of people. If it is really possible to pull it over, it will be really flattering. Maybe I can be the leader of all the guilds in this club...

This is Cun Tianya's greatest ambition.

He was loyal to Shengjia Club, and he never thought of pulling out a group of people to join other clubs.

It's just that Cun Tianya overlooked one thing - since the opponent has created such a big situation in the new area, even if he kills him once, will he be willing to join a guild of a first-tier club?

I really didn't think about this...

Now he was only worried that Zheng Qi and the others would not come.

Obviously, Zheng Qi and the others didn't want to bear a reputation of being dishonest once they entered the Mythical Zone, so after Cun Tianya and the others spent an hour scavenging monsters, Zheng Qi and his party appeared in front of everyone. in the field of vision.

All kinds of idlers who were brushing monsters around and waiting to watch the excitement immediately began to get excited-the Lord has finally arrived!
"Well, Ren Pingsheng, that's a very impressive name."

"It's very famous in the new district."

"My younger brother joined their guild in the new area, and he is almost worshiped to death. This kid, isn't our Tianhe not good enough to join an amateur guild?"

"It's okay, when we get to the mythical area, the facts will let them know that ordinary guilds have no future..."

The chats of the spectators kept getting into other people's ears. Zheng Qi's face remained unchanged, and he was still smiling.

Su Jing felt a little nervous.

"Are you really going to fight them? It's still on land. If it's a water battle, we might still have an advantage..." Su Jing said in the team channel.

"Shui Zhan people are not stupid. Didn't you see the nearby terrain? There are reefs all around the water surface. Occupying the reef means occupying a high point. They have two teams on the reef to prevent us from entering the water." Zheng Qi I looked around and said with a smile in the team channel.

"If it's really a ground confrontation, it will be dead." The dynamic light wave looked at the surrounding situation and sighed.

"There was a system message before, didn't you all pay attention?" Zheng Qi asked.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, but smiled when they wanted to fly.

Just when Chaotic Crazy Sword was still thinking about some system news and started scrolling through the system message bar, Zheng Qi had already walked not far from Cun Tianya.

"Come as you say, do what you say, it's not bad." Cun Tianya gave a thumbs up, fully showing the appreciation of a senior.

"I said I'm coming, of course I have to." Zheng Qi laughed: "There are quite a few people in your guild, how come there is only one group?"

As soon as this was said, the other players who watched had only one thought in their minds: "Is this guy crazy?"

Nine out of a hundred, in the Mythical Zone, it is basically equal to the number advantage that can crush nine professional players, but Ren Pingsheng still said that there are fewer people?
"I think he thinks it's going to be hanged anyway, so it's better if the other party has more people, and it's not so embarrassing to hang up."

Someone in the crowd started to complain, and it fell into Cun Tianya's ears, which relieved the suspicious Cun Tianya.

Yes, this is probably because I want to die more gloriously...

"No need, we are an established guild, and such a group of people is enough." Cun Tianya laughed.

"Treating us so preferentially?" Zheng Qi asked.

"You are newcomers, you deserve some preferential treatment." Cun Tianya said brazenly.

"Well, that's easy to say, that is to say, today's confrontation is between our Extraordinary Guild and your Shengshijiaren No.80 third guild." Zheng Qi laughed.

"Do you have a guild?" Cun Tianya was taken aback.

"How fresh, our guild is very famous in District 108!" Zheng Qi pointed to the top of his head.

Only then did Cun Tianya notice that the ID above Zheng Qi's head, compared to the previous few days, had a prefix besides the name Ren Pingsheng.

Extraordinary guild.

There must be a guild prefix in front of the ID. Of course, you need to join the guild. Newcomers who join the guild in the common area will have their own guild prefix after entering the mythical area, but there is a prerequisite, that is, the guild in the ordinary area is the mythical area. Branches of the General Sanhedrin, so that they have the prefix.

On the top of Zheng Qi's head, there was no prefix before - because the Extraordinary Guild did not have a guild in the mythical area before.

And now there is.

This means that the Extraordinary Guild in the mythical area has already received the response of 100 people and has been established!
It was only at this time that Chaotic Crazy Knife turned to the previous system message - that was already a day ago, but the rough-tempered Chaotic Crazy Knife didn't notice it.

"The Extraordinary Guild has received 100 responses and is formally established."

The guilds in the mythical area do not need to be upgraded—including the newly established guilds. As long as the connected guilds in the common area reach level [-], then as soon as the new guild is established, it will be at the full level of [-].

Of course, for such a guild, the guild warehouse is empty, and it will not be conjured up for you out of thin air.

After noticing this, Cun Tianya immediately realized that he was fooled again!
Obviously, Zheng Qi has been bringing the topic to the confrontation between the two guilds. This is digging a hole...

Even if Cun Tianya wants to mobilize all members of his guild, there is not enough time...

"Come on, kill them!" Cun Tianya waved his arms and shouted loudly.

Now he doesn't care about his temper or anything else, nights are long and dreams are many, let's kill these nine guys first.

"Let him kill." Zheng Qi snapped his fingers and laughed.

There was a huge shout of killing all around.

The bored onlookers noticed at this time that there were a lot of low-level newcomers among them. By low-level, I mean that these newcomers are not high-level, basically in their early [-]s. However, there are many of them...

If you count them casually, there are no less than a few thousand people rushing over - I don't know how they rushed all the way from the low-level area to the full-level area - there is no level limit in the mythical area, players at level [-] There is no limit to entering the full-level area, as long as you can get by.

Obviously, thousands of people organized together, it is not difficult to cross those low-level areas.

But now, these thousands of people have surrounded the elite group of Cuntianya from the outside.

"Don't be bullied by too many people..." Cun Tianya said weakly.

"Now it's a contest between the guilds. Who will be fair to you? It's okay to be fair if you really want to. You give us ten and we give ten, heads-up!" Zheng Qi shouted.

Cun Tianya has nothing to say now, originally they wanted more people to bully the few...

"Come on, kill them." Zheng Qi waved his hand without talking nonsense.

Thousands of members of the Extraordinary Guild simultaneously attacked the pitiful 100 people in Cun Tianya.

Although there is a huge advantage in level, if you beat level [-] to level [-], even if you hit, you will lose very little stamina, but you can't stand the opponent's crowd—what do you mean by killing an elephant with too many ants?That's how it is now...

Cun Tianya's elite group struggled for less than a minute, and died tragically—almost fifty to one ratio. Under such a concentrated fire, it is really difficult to survive...

"This challenge was not initiated by us, but our Extraordinary Guild will not take the initiative to provoke a fight, nor will we avoid it!" Zheng Qi said to the surrounding onlookers.

The onlookers were a little speechless. Damn it, thousands of you beat up 100 others, and you can still speak so righteously...

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that the Extraordinary Guild did nothing wrong with this challenge. After all, Ren Pingsheng asked why the other party only came to a hundred people at the very beginning. It is Cun Tianya's generous expression that we only need to come to 100 people...

At that time, everyone thought that Cun Tianya was shameless, but now it seems that this group of newcomers are even more shameless.

But as the boss of an old guild, it would be too embarrassing if he couldn't even beat the newcomers shamelessly.

Refresh Cun Tianya in the safe zone again, with a dull expression on his face.

Today, the loss was too great. Originally, I wanted to have a crushing game, but was crushed by the other party.

Cun Tianya will not naively think that the other party's despicable behavior will bring them sympathy points. As a veteran, even the despicable can't match the newcomers, so they can only be laughed at. Besides, they can't just limit the other party to only those nine personal?Ren Pingsheng and the others have the name of the boss in the new area, and a group of core teammates, can they let the other party not use it?

No matter how you think about it, it's a shameful thing for him.

It doesn't matter if he loses face, the entire guild will also lose face, and at the same time, the entire Shengshijiaren guild alliance will also be affected. In the next few days, the news of "Cun Tianya was fucked instead of pretending to be coercive" will probably become the heart of many players. Are you talking about money?

With such bad consequences, Cun Tianya seems to find that his dream of being a professional gamer is going far away from him...

The most important thing is that after losing such a big person, he can't even keep his current position as the president of the guild, right?

"I'm wronged!"

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