football era

Chapter 158

In the fifth carnival, the elite team of the Extraordinary Guild finally got 25 bosses.

Eleven on the first day, and seven on the second and third days. Although this number is also very large, it is not a number that no club or guild can achieve. If you are lucky, you can get such a number. Boss is not too difficult.

"I got an extra 170 attribute points." After the day was over, Zheng Qi said to Yi Xiangfei with great satisfaction.

"160 three." Yixin Xiangfei answered simply.

"Tsk tsk, you two are really good. I'm still in my early [-]s." Fu Lei couldn't help but sighed. Although he caught up when he gained the most, he fell behind too much before, but even so, He felt that if he got an account with [-] attribute points, there would be no problem at all.

However, after seeing the dynamic light wave, Fu Lei felt a little sad again. The dynamic light wave came later than him, but in terms of extra attribute points, it was more than 20 points more than him...

It's not that I got enough extra attribute points in the dungeon, but because of the luck of dropping attribute points scatteredly, the dynamic light wave can be called against the sky. Others have obtained only twenty or thirty points of scattered attribute points so far. And the dynamic light wave has already obtained a scattered attribute point of about [-] points-this is not impossible, but it depends on a lot of luck, no matter how strong the technology is, it cannot be mastered.

Zheng Qihe wanted to fly, which represented strong operation, and dynamic light waves, represented strong luck, but Fu Lei, who had been mixed for ten years, did not possess these two points...

However, after ten years of ups and downs, Fu Lei already had a stable enough mentality.

"Continue to upgrade and create better characters!"

Zheng Qi waved his arm, and he has gradually become the backbone of the team—Yinxiangfei's operation is also very good, and the four of them are his best friends, but Yixinxiangfei rarely talks and is taciturn. Dynamic Lightwave is also excellent and brings monster pulling techniques that can grab more bosses. However, he is relatively young after all. Although he looks steady, he doesn't want to take the initiative to lead the team, even though he is responsible for The role of a commander, in this way, pushed Zheng Qi to the position of team leader.

In fact, Zheng Qi is not considered a qualified leader, but his enthusiasm and passion can catalyze the overall fighting spirit of a team, just like now-every time after the carnival, the mood of the team is relatively stable. A little depressed, because compared with the carnival, ordinary monster spawning is very boring, but now he is waving his arms and shouting, and the others immediately have more interest.

Quickly level up and get ready for the next carnival!

The members of the Extraordinary Guild Elite Team now have an unusual desire for the carnival. After all, there are at least twenty extra attribute points that can be obtained every time. For Zheng Qi and the others, they must obtain harvest.

The first five carnivals took place within the range of levels [-] to [-]—in the era of football, before level [-] was the novice stage, allowing players to familiarize themselves with the basic operations. Let players be familiar with the operation of heroes. Between level [-] and level [-], a total of [-] heroes will be produced. These heroes have relatively obvious characteristics, allowing players to have a general understanding of the characteristics of heroes in the football era learn.

After reaching level [-], the hero's drop will no longer be fixed, but random. Whether it is a personal copy or a team copy, there have been great changes compared to before.

Although there is still a personal dungeon and a team dungeon every two levels, the dropped things have begun to change. In the personal dungeon, there is a probability of randomly dropping the hero cards of the fifteen heroes before level [-], while in the team dungeon , there will be three bosses, these three bosses are not divided into No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] as before, but are all big bosses, composed of three heroes on this map. The number of bosses is three times more than before. The number is also three times higher than before.

In this way, after reaching level [-], players can have a total of [-] heroes, which is also the total of [-] heroes in the football era. There are mainly [-] heroes, and there are quite a lot of materials needed to upgrade heroes. How to upgrade the hero you are best at to the top is a very critical thing.

For professional players, although what most professional players are really good at is [-] to [-] heroes-this number is definitely enough. After all, in professional games, only ten heroes can be selected to play, and the hero pool has [-] to [-] heroes. , enough to be exchanged continuously, so that the opponent needs to spend a lot of time to observe which ten heroes he brought out-under such circumstances, of course, he needs to upgrade all the heroes he is good at to the top, otherwise, The other party can judge in advance from this aspect.

The more heroes reach the top level, the more heroes there will be to choose from in professional games.The tactical role that can be played will be greater.

At level 5, what players have to work hard is to play more hero cards to exchange for materials to upgrade their heroes. After the hero is upgraded, the cooling time of skill points will be much shorter. Originally, they could only be used within [-] minutes. With three skills, if the hero reaches the full level, he can use it about ten times. Such a skill switch will naturally increase the player's lethality a lot.

At the same time, in the interval from level [-] to level [-], the number of carnivals has not increased significantly, but the number of bosses that can be refreshed in carnivals is fully doubled compared to before. During this period, the number of bosses that elite teams can obtain It is often twice as much as before. Whether the quasi-professional players can get enough extra attribute points often depends on the results during this period of time.

The days began to pass day by day, and all the members of the elite team began to practice hard, brush up dungeons, and collect materials...

Naturally, there is nothing to talk about between these things, there are competitions and collisions, but relatively speaking, everyone is already familiar with this rhythm.

Compared with the normal competition in District 108, the league during this period has started to make waves.

In the first ten rounds, Changfeng and Tianhe were outstanding, showing good form, but when the league began to enter the middle stage, other teams also began to perform well.

In the No.12 round, Changfeng was blocked and defeated by Nanguo, while Tianhe was not in good condition and was tied by Tianlong.

In the No.14 round, both Changfeng and Tianhe faced a draw, while Nanguo, after a series of victories, surpassed these two teams and climbed to the first place in the standings.

However, their results fluctuated next. Shenhua rose strongly. Starting from the No.17 round, they took the lead in the standings and continued to lead until the No.20 round. In the end, they were defeated by Changfeng in a face-to-face contest. Gave up the first position.

At this point, the first half of the league is over, and the horses are fighting hard, and they are about to participate in the East Asian Cup competition.

Although they have encountered some twists and turns, Changfeng's strength seems to be shown again. In the league, they are still the team with the least number of losses, and the number of draws is not much. Although Tianhe has fewer losses than them One match, but with more draws, the gap between Tianhe and them began to gradually widen.

Similarly, although clubs like Shenhua and Nanguo still have the strength and possibility to hit the championship, with the deepening of the league, it may be difficult for them to achieve such achievements.

However, the coming of the Asian games will give them some opportunities. Although there are not many games in Asia, the opponents are all from the powerhouses in East Asia. The teams from Japan, South Korea and India are all quite strong, especially India, with this population. In the world of the football era, the big countries also have quite deep foundations.

Although everyone has great confidence in Changfeng winning the East Asian championship, and even the world championship, but after fighting against the East Asian powers, how much good state can Changfeng still use in the domestic league?
Changfeng certainly has the sharpest spear in the league, but after piercing through the bodies of the powers of East Asia and even the world, how much sharpness can this spear have, and can it be invincible again in the domestic arena?
Such a statement seems a bit shameless, but if you want to get all the honors, you have to face a schedule that is more difficult than all opponents. Only in such a cruel environment will the five-time champion be considered the greatest in the world The glory, the glory that no one has ever been able to achieve.

Changfeng is ambitious and confident. They want to advance towards the greatest honor. Although the domestic league competition is so fierce, it will not shake their confidence in the slightest.

The schedule of the East Asian League is relatively long, but each continent has a large number of countries. Continents with more countries, such as Asia, Europe, and the Americas, are divided into two regions for competitions. In this way, it can be compressed to less than ten games. Africa is rather special. There are many African countries, but they are not divided into two regions. However, there are not many of these countries with complete football leagues, and the schedule can be well arranged.

In a month's time, Changfeng will play seven games. Although the pressure is great, Changfeng does not have any fear.

With great goals, naturally there will be no fear of war!

Changfeng, set off.

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