football era

Chapter 151 The Great Harvest

He Jing's mood at this moment is the mood of other guild elite teams.

To be precise, it is the mood of every team that encounters the extraordinary guild elite team to grab the boss.

Helpless, especially helpless.

This group of people is like a group of bandits who gather in the mountains and forests, they immediately sweep away when they know there is a treasure, and then snatch the treasure. Whether it is the treasure guardian or other bandits who come to snatch the treasure, they don't care about it, only the treasure is in their eyes , Run after grabbing, quite exciting.

The point is, even if you know they will do this, you can't stop them, because they will be able to make the treasure move directly towards them, and finally be collected by them.

What can you do with a guy like this?
The only thing that can stop them is luck, right?The number of bosses spawned near them is small, and the number of bosses spawned in other places is large, at least allowing others to have more opportunities to snatch them.

Originally, they didn't have such futile ideas, but the process of robbing the boss in the morning made everyone feel a little disheartened.

That time, the Lion and Corning's elite teams arrived first, and the two sides fought desperately for the boss, so that when the Extraordinary Guild's elite team arrived, both the Lion and Corning's elite teams almost got close to 20.00% of the hatred output. Almost halfway there.

Under such circumstances, the rational approach should be to withdraw, taking advantage of the temporary inability of these two teams to engage in other boss fights, to grab other bosses, but Ren Pingsheng, a bunch of lunatics, did not Did not do so.

They took the initiative to attack, began to pull the hatred of the boss, and then continued to output.

It's not that the Lions and Corning's elite team have never thought of joining forces to get rid of these guys first, but firstly, they are also competitors and have no trust in each other. Even if they join forces, they have their own ghosts. % hatred output can be said to be a great advantage - if two teams compete, getting 20.00% hatred rate can be said to be a sure win, and if three teams compete, getting 50.00% may be stable.

It's only 20.00% worse, can't we compare it?

So the three parties began to crazily pull hatred and output crazily. The blood volume of the boss dropped rapidly. However, when the remaining blood of the boss ran away, the elite team of Lions and Corning discovered to their astonishment that during this period of time, they had only Each of them grabbed more than ten percent of the hatred output...

As for the Extraordinary Guild Elite Team, the hatred output obtained at this moment has exceeded 30.00%.

Their mentality was chaotic, and they made more mistakes in cooperation. They were almost killed by the boss's counterattack several times. At this time, the elite team of the Extraordinary Guild showed a fearless revolutionary friendship and resisted most of the boss's offensive. , constantly attacking the boss, attracting the attention of the boss...

But the members of the Lions and Corning's elite team didn't feel any gratitude at all. Instead, they scolded these guys who deliberately robbed the boss in their hearts...

In the end, when the BOSS fell, the Extraordinary Guild Elite team got 30.00% of the seven's hatred output, but what about the Lion and Corning?One 30.00% two, one 30.00% one...

Not a big advantage at all, but the final judgment is based on this, the boss belongs to the extraordinary guild elite team.

With such a fact, what should people do?This kind of advantage was taken away by those guys from the Extraordinary Guild. Of course, there was also a three-party wrestling factor in it, which made the whole situation more complicated. I find it impossible to resist them.

At the end of the morning, Extraordinary Guild got nine bosses.

Many guild elite teams have the urge to cry. They worked hard for two and a half days, and they didn't get as many bosses as the Extraordinary Guild in half a day...

Since we can't compete, there's no need to get angry here, so let's back off a certain distance and go to a place far away from the extraordinary guild elite team's range of activities. At least, we can avoid such unnecessary battles with little chance of winning.

This approach seems cowardly, but in fact it is a decision that professional players must make.

People floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not get a knife.

No matter how strong a team is, there will be times when they are passive in the game.

The top strong team, facing the weak team, the opponent was forced to a dead end, began to explode, and launched a fierce attack...

At this time, to think about the face of a strong team and to maintain its image is an idiot's behavior. The most important thing to do at this time is to defend with peace of mind, and wait for the opponent's anger to die down before making a counterattack.

This is the safest way, but also the most calm way.

This is not called admitting counsel, but judging the situation.

The benefits here can no longer be obtained, so go to other places to fish more, and strive to make up for the losses inside the dike and outside the dike, even if not all, at least part of it.

Make up as much as you can.

If there is any team among them who can't swallow this breath at this time and fights against the Extraordinary Guild with all their strength, then the other teams must applaud them while sweeping away the benefits they gave up.

So when it's time to admit cowardice, you still have to admit cowardice.

Ever since, when the afternoon came, Zheng Qi and the others began to move more smoothly.

"The range of activities of those guys is a bit far away from us. We can expand the range of activities and circle more territories." Zheng Qi said with a smile after watching the information.

The others nodded repeatedly, expanded the range of activities, and came out in more circles, which meant that the probability of refreshing bosses appearing in their range of activities would be much higher.

Although the probability thing also depends on luck, but the higher the probability, the greater the possibility of success. This is also the truth.

Zheng Qi and the others are moving around. When the BOSS is refreshed, they can choose to find the BOSS. For example, attack the peripheral BOSS first, and then go back and attack the BOSS under their control. Just send a few teams to look after it, don't disturb it, wait for the elite team to come back and clean it up...

This is a way to grab the most bosses in theory, and it is generally impossible to appear in reality, but now, it has appeared to a certain extent.

Zheng Qi and the others are like plowing the land. They start plowing from the outside first. After cleaning the outer bosses, they go to clean the inner ones. The system refresh did not make them too difficult. Basically, they can find one or two bosses every hour. BOSS refresh is within their sphere of influence.

Ten, eleven, twelve...

As the numbers on the boss kill list and the numbers behind the Extraordinary Guild Elite Team jumped up and down, more and more people began to exclaim.

The hearts of the other guild elite teams are bleeding—these guys are really going too far!

You must know that even for the Grand Guild, in a carnival, if you get three bosses a day, you are considered qualified, and if you get five bosses, it is considered a very good result, let alone a double-digit boss. .

And now?Two hours before the end of the carnival, the Extraordinary Guild has already obtained sixteen bosses!There are a total of one hundred a day, how many are you going to grab!
But they can't go there to grab the boss of the Extraordinary Guild. There are still nearly twenty bosses that have not been refreshed this day. If they all go to the Extraordinary Guild, then they will give up the competition for other bosses in advance...

Just when they were struggling, the number behind the Extraordinary Guild Elite Team jumped again, reaching seventeen.

A total of 84 bosses were refreshed, and the Extraordinary Guild snatched [-] of them.

There are sixteen more.

Fifteen, fourteen...

As the bosses were refreshed and killed one after another, the elite teams began to fight for the bosses even more frantically, but the elite team of the Extraordinary Guild was still fighting for the bosses in an orderly manner.

One hour before the end of the carnival, the Extraordinary Guild has snatched eighteen bosses.

Half an hour before the end of the carnival, the Extraordinary Guild snatched nineteen bosses.

"One more, one more!"

Zheng Qi laughed in the team channel, if he really only got [-], he would be the one who won the bet!

"Quick, refresh two at once, right by our side!" Others began to mutter.

Zheng Qi rolled his eyes violently, but even so, he did not ignore a message that the boss had refreshed, and the whole team began to move quickly, rushing to the front of the boss.

Pull hatred, output, pull hatred, output...

The elite team of the Extraordinary Guild fought the boss safely. Five minutes later, the boss fell to the ground. The number of bosses in the Extraordinary Guild reached twenty.

"Fuck, our boss is really awesome!"

The players of the Extraordinary Guild made such exclamations one after another. Although most of them are rookies, they have played the game for two months, so they naturally know what this number means.

Since the establishment of the professional league and Carnival became the hunting ground for professional clubs to create characters, no guild has ever been able to get so many bosses in one day.

There are very few bosses who reach double digits in one day, and there are only a handful of bosses with more than fifteen bosses. This is still scattered over the past few decades, which shows the difficulty.

And now?They've got twenty of them!
"We still have hope! There are still four bosses that haven't been refreshed yet, I think we should rush out now and grab another boss." Wandering Heart said solemnly.

"That's right!" The others responded one after another, Zheng Qi smiled wryly, and rushed out.

There are still four bosses that have not been refreshed, and there are still 10 minutes before the end of the carnival.

Next, a boss refresh message came, Zheng Qi laughed, and everyone else was very unhappy.

The BOSS was spawned far away from them, and there were at least a dozen elite teams closer to them. They rushed over, and it was too late.

No. 90 eight bosses, No. 90 nine bosses, refreshed successively, the distance is also very far.

The last boss, refreshed in the last 5 minutes of the carnival!

It's not far from Zheng Qi and the others. Although there are several professional teams around, they still have a chance.

"Come on, let Ren Pingsheng buy a big meal!" The others shouted, speeding up at the same time, rushing towards that coordinate.

Zheng Qi followed closely behind them.

How about grabbing one more boss and treating me to a big meal?
Anyway, today, I, as well as the Extraordinary Guild, have already achieved a great harvest!
Besides, it's not about cashing in now...

While sprinting, Zheng Qi was thinking obscenely in his heart.

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