football era

Chapter 149

Although Zheng Qi was struggling to resist, he still signed such an unequal treaty under the oppression of the other nine people.

Emperor's Prestige Global Package.

This reputation sounds rustic, but in fact, the original name of this package is just called the global package.

From the most iconic delicacies of all countries in the world, the raw materials are cultivated and cooked in the original way, freely matched and selected, and delivered to your table in the first time through the fast logistics system - this series of consumption is not cheap, although from the taste Generally speaking, it is no different from artificial food, and there is not much difference in nutrition, but the value is something that ordinary rich people may not be able to afford.

At least Zheng Qi, a guy with an annual income of 2000 million and a life of extravagance, was not willing to eat it before, and he only ate it once...

Such a bet can be said to be costly.

"I didn't tell you to hire him today, but you can hire him later when you have money." Fu Lei said with a smile.

"It's really kind of you to turn over...well, I'll talk about it later." Xin Zai Wandering laughed.

"What do you mean, am I bound to lose? See if I adjust my form tonight, and I will take down twenty bosses tomorrow, one not too many and one not too few!" Zheng Qi waved his fist.

"Boss is rich, if you lose, we will treat you tomorrow!" Chaotic Knife said cheerfully.

"Hey, this has to be discussed slowly." Zheng Qi hesitated.

Everyone laughed and went offline one after another. After Zheng Qi got out of the holographic cabin, he couldn't help but sighed heavily.

He was stubborn just now, but now, he is really worried.

Exactly [-], this is too harsh, it's not something he can control at all, and after hitting [-] bosses tomorrow, he will release water next time, so that he can't get a single boss?This is too unreasonable!
Depressed, Zheng Qi ran to the gym, sweated profusely for an hour, rested for a while after eating, and fell asleep.

Zheng Qi slept soundly that night, although the bet made him feel the pressure, but the moment he lay down on the bed, he had already forgotten about it - this is his long-standing habit, no matter how old he is It won't keep him awake at night.

After waking up the next day, Zheng Qi began to feel that he was full of energy - the performance in the football era is also closely connected with the state of the human body. Whether the character attribute is strong or not represents what kind of ability you have, but whether it is Being able to bring out these abilities also depends on your state.

Therefore, the players in the football era professional competition also need to maintain their physical conditioning and exercise habits in reality. Only with good physical fitness can the attributes of their characters be fully displayed. For veterans who are over [-] years old, if their physical fitness declines very much If it is powerful, the power of the character cannot be well displayed.

Of course, there are no exceptions. There are many well-known players in the league who are old and strong. They have rich experience, strong characters, and their physical fitness has not declined much. This ID seems to be very prosperous. In fact, Bin Shiqiang was indeed a thriving young man back then. However, after playing in the league for more than ten years, when Bin Shiqiang played with such an ID, he seemed a little Out of season.

Bin Shiqiang's background is not particularly good, it can be regarded as a grassroots background, a late bloomer, his character attribute has just passed [-] points, although he has reached the level of a god-level account, but his personal operation level is far from that God level is still a long way from the requirements of professional players.

In this way, there are many masters among players who lack professional standards but have obtained god-level accounts. They are called the lucky ones by many people, because if they are lucky, they may enter the world of professional games, but most of them , all have no future, the characters can try their luck, and there is an upper limit to the level of operation.

Because of this, Bin Shiqiang, who has a god-level account, was not favored by the top teams. Only Thunder, which was a first-tier team at the time, chose him because of the lack of manpower.

After joining the Thunder, Bin Shiqiang has not been able to become the main force, even though his character is the most powerful in the team, but professional games have never been a world that only depends on characters.

In this way, Bin Shiqiang, who was 20 years old at the time, started his career in the Thunder, and sat on the bench for two years.

In the past two years, he only had sporadic opportunities to play, and the club did not pay special attention to him. Rather than introducing him, it is better to let him fend for himself.

However, in such an environment, Bin Shiqiang continued to hone his skills and operating standards. Finally, in the third year, at the most critical moment when the Thunder hit the Super League, Bin Shiqiang, who replaced his teammates, had The extremely wonderful performance helped the Thunder win a crucial victory and successfully entered the Super League.

Although the Thunder that entered the Super League was not financially good at the time, as a new team, they would receive subsidies from the league-this was to allow low-level teams to quickly increase their strength and close the gap with the super teams, so as not to let The excitement level of the league has been reduced. Under such circumstances, the Thunder naturally recruited and bought a lot of super-level players. Therefore, Bin Shiqiang's role has become less important.

So in the Thunder's fourth year, Bin Shiqiang was still on the bench and the last substitute.

As the hero of the promotion, it is easy to feel dissatisfied when he receives such a cold reception again. Besides, Bin Shiqiang has nowhere to go. The team still hoped to introduce him, but he rejected those invitations and continued to stay in the Thunder.

Turning point is waiting, come again.

For newly promoted horses, the first season is always very difficult. If they can gain a firm foothold, then the next stage will be smoother. If they cannot stand up, their performance may be even worse after being relegated to the first division.

The Thunder didn't think they had the ability to be a powerful newly promoted team. Their task was to keep relegation, but their strength was indeed weak. Although they worked hard, they kept swaying near the relegation zone until the last round. No relegation success.

At this time, some of the team's main players were sick and absent. At the critical moment, the Thunder once again thought of Bin Shiqiang, who had done so well last year.

So, Bin Shiqiang, who was 24 years old at the time, made his first start in the Super League. He shined brightly, scored three goals in a row, completed a hat-trick, and let the Thunder win the key relegation battle!
Now, no one will ignore Bin Shiqiang anymore.

Four years of dormancy and training, plus a little more enhanced role, Bin Shiqiang already has the potential of a god-level role. In the next year, the Thunder began to build a team around Bin Shiqiang, and Bin Shiqiang His performance didn't disappoint either. Although his level wasn't the highest in the league, he relied on his stable performance to lead the Thunder to make continuous progress.

From a newly promoted horse to the fourth best result in the league, the growth of the Thunder is Bin Shiqiang's personal experience.

Bin Shiqiang is 32 years old this year, but his condition has not declined. No one knows the value of everything now than a grassroots, so he has been exercising his body well and maintaining a stable condition.

He is not a particularly famous player, but he is a beautiful landscape in the league.

There are many examples of such grassroots counterattacks, and it is also a topic that fans are quite fond of talking about. From such examples, it can also prove how important it is to constantly hone one's skills and maintain one's state.

More importantly, how important it is to always maintain an upward heart.

Of course, for the current Zheng Qi, the great gods in the Super League are still far away from him.

He has no lofty goals, but has immediate goals one after another.

"Today, take down [-] bosses! Of course, if you can get more, then get as much as you can, even if it's a treat, I'm willing!" Zheng Qi waved his fist and shouted after going online.

After a night's rest, the others also recovered their energy. Seeing Zheng Qi's appearance as a bachelor, the others cheered and expressed their great admiration for Ren Pingsheng.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking of is a big meal!" Zheng Qi shouted.

The others laughed and started today's BOSS hunting career.

Zheng Qi really wasn't bragging, after yesterday's adaptation, he was already able to show his own level, only relying on the skills of the three heroes to switch back and forth, he was able to smoothly integrate into the overall movement and attacking the boss - of course in the During this period, the efforts of others also played a big role.

He will change the time of output skills from time to time, so other people have to adjust accordingly-this is relatively simple, after all, the output rhythm of other people will not change, it is nothing more than collectively advancing or postponing, With a little adaptation, it will be able to show well.

"Keep moving, get information, and hunt them down one by one." Butler Meng issued an order.

The presidents of each guild got the news at the same time, and then began to deploy manpower.

For the players, it doesn't matter where they spend the carnival. They don't have much to do. They occupy a place separately and report the movements of the BOSS and other elite teams in time.

This is a very simple matter, and guild players are also happy to use this method to prove their love and contribution to the guild.

What's more, this kind of contribution will not be intangible. After the carnival, each player will be rewarded with a certain amount of contribution according to the number and accuracy of information provided. Their contribution is definitely worth it.

This is the core of the guild's operation. Ordinary guilds cannot have such a core, but extraordinary guilds have such a core.

Staying in this guild, there are always things to do, and there is always a goal. Although it will make some players feel bored, it will make most players have a sense of purpose and have a stronger cohesion towards the guild.

Being able to have such a core is enough to prove that the Extraordinary Guild is already comparable to other club guilds to a certain extent!

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