football era

Chapter 144 Complicated Environment

"This refresh location is not very good." Fu Lei sighed in the team channel.

The recent carnival once again fell into the same mess as before. Apart from guaranteeing a small sphere of influence, so that the players in their own guilds have a safe place to spawn monsters and rest and breathe, the other subordinates are basically laid out. , spread all over the map, once you find a BOSS, report it immediately, and the elite team is also running around the map, looking for opportunities to kill the BOSS.

There will be such a change, mainly because the number of guilds has greatly increased—unlike the second carnival, many guilds only had a few hundred members, and the division of regions can better guarantee the interests of all guilds.

Now, each guild alliance has tens of thousands of people, enough to cover every area, and the guilds who think their own guilds are stronger and the elite teams are stronger are naturally unwilling to divide with others to fight for luck. Naturally, such a guild would no longer be able to form a relatively peaceful alliance.

From this aspect, we can also see why everyone is dissatisfied with the achievements of the Extraordinary Guild in the morning-theoretically, the income of the three bosses in the morning is already good, but in the case of only occupying a small area, they can meet twice The respawning of the boss, this luck is already quite good, and being able to participate in the competition of six bosses at the same time, the extraordinary guild's luck today is really not bad.

Such good luck, but only got three bosses, the results are really not very good.

As news of the BOSS continues to be obtained, the movements of other elite teams will also continue to come in, so after knowing the location of the BOSS, everyone will know that although they may be the first to arrive at the location of the BOSS, they can be the first to reach the location of the BOSS. There were at least two elite teams that they killed before they established their hatred.

The other teams are relatively far away, so you can ignore it. After all, the distance is too far, and they will not be able to grab the boss if they rush over, unless they are confident that they can kill all the elite teams present - but it is best not to do this kind of thing, just focus on killing If it is not, it will also cause public outrage at the carnival.

Competing for attribute points is the key for the elite team to grab the boss in the normal area. However, if they hang too many times and lose too much experience, it is also a consequence that every elite team cannot afford. Therefore, it is necessary to work hard to grab the boss, but I can't even get to the point where I have to work hard...

However, even if you don't work hard, this kind of competition is still a headache.

Many professional players believe that it is very meaningful to participate in the guild elite team in the new area and build their own strong characters in the chaotic battle.

Of course, the setting that Football Era cannot buy an account, open a small account, or get several accounts to upgrade at the same time, has caused many originally talented players to dampen their spirit year after year in such competitions, and eventually lose everyone. A great waste has been formed, but for many top players, they think that such a waste is worth it.

In the entire world, there are at least 50 billion players who play Football Era - the Earth Federation now has 70 billion people, and more than 70.00% of them know how to play this game, but what about professional players?
China's two-level professional league is already a top configuration, which is different from the previous professional football. In the past professional football, generally speaking, football powers would have three to four professional leagues to form a huge professional league group. There are also several levels of semi-amateur and even amateur leagues. The top league that the audience sees is at the top, and there will be several or even dozens of times the low-level league teams below as the cornerstone.

And now?Not now.

The characteristics of the football era determine that there is no need for such a large base league team.

In the past football matches, a large number of low-level leagues played a very important role. One is to cultivate more potential professional players, and the other is to accept those quasi-professional players with average potential, because football players have a high elimination rate. With a high level of professionalism, one out of ten children who receive football training at the same time can eventually become a professional player, which is already quite a remarkable proportion.

At the same time, the elimination of football is not completed from the very beginning. From five years old, to ten years old, to 17 years old to enter the senior team, every year, a large number of players will be eliminated from the final first-tier arena, even to the senior team. Many players are eliminated every year.

Those children and teenagers who were eliminated early can still restart their studies and find jobs to make ends meet, but those eliminated players who have reached youth or even adulthood spend their best time playing football. We can't just let them die...

Therefore, low-level league teams can accept them and let them get a stable job.

At the same time, no matter how perfect the scouting system and youth training institutions are, it is difficult for big clubs to catch all young people with potential. Professional football has never been without late bloomers from low-level games. The existence of these low-level teams , can provide them with such a space.

But what about football era?We don't need so many teams—in fact, there are many more teams than before. It's just that professional teams only need so many teams, which is enough.

At the same time, players trained based on the game Football Era, as long as they have the ability, are eligible to make their mark in this game.

Under such circumstances, of course, there is no need for a large number of low-level teams to accommodate these people. In fact, there are many such people, even more than in the past. They can find positions in various amateur and regional teams. At the same time, even if they don't look for such a position, they don't have to worry about losing their source of livelihood.

Because now is not an era of worrying about survival. In professional games, only the best candidates are needed.

So under such circumstances, there are only about 1000 professional players in China, and the total number of professional players in the world will not exceed 10.

After all, there is only one level of leagues in many countries. At the same time, league teams at this level are often not like China, which has [-] teams, [-] teams, [-] teams, or even only [-] teams. The powerhouses of those football eras.

More than 50 billion players.

Professional players with no more than 10 people.

This is truly one in ten thousand, or one in fifty thousand.

Under such circumstances, if they are not harsh, then what is the value of players entering the professional arena?
It is precisely because of this that the professional players who go out of China are often better in terms of standards. After all, there are many Chinese people, and there are also many people in China's new districts-the new district with tens of millions of people is the only one in the world. , Even India, the second most populous country, is far behind.

If it weren't for the cross-border campaign in the football era, there is no such thing as a national team, and professional teams are represented in the competition. If China forms a national team, then other countries may really have no way out.

Because China has the most god-level players, but for these god-level players to participate in intercontinental competitions, they have to fight to the death first.

This is not the blind optimism of Chinese football fans, but the fact that every year China's top professional league teams will participate in friendly matches and commercial matches with teams from other countries. In the case of one game, Chinese professional clubs have a large blank area. In addition to training and other time, all clubs are willing to spend the extra time arranging some friendly matches, earning some extra money, and showing the prestige of our country. matter.

In such friendly matches, Chinese clubs often have the highest winning percentage.

Of course, it is not a complete victory. The era of football is very balanced, and there are many factors that determine the outcome of the game. No team can be undefeated and complete victory, but the super high winning percentage of the Chinese club proves that their players are the best in the world!
Why the best?Because their players are undergoing the most rigorous test when they start from the new zone!

This is the test brought about by China's unique and harsh new area environment, which cannot be replicated.

In such an environment, what kind of test did the elite teams of each guild accept?

The carnival's test for boss competition, although technically speaking, is much weaker than professional competitions. After all, the participants are all quasi-professional players, and they are still much worse than those great players. a lot.

Although this kind of competition, the default is for the elite teams to participate, but the surrounding ordinary player teams will often intervene-even if it doesn't work, it's okay to sneak attack and let the opponents of your guild cause some trouble. One thing people are happy about.

And even if the bosses of the guilds try their best to stop this kind of thing—after all, if you can treat others like this, others can treat you like this, and quasi-professional players hang up once or twice, and the loss may be a year—but even if they stop it , and it is impossible to control all the players to be so obedient. Players come to play the game for fun, and anyone will have the urge to make trouble. What's more, except for such a situation, they are often the only ones who can cause huge troubles to professional players. when……

This kind of situation is not something that everyone can encounter. With such a big map and so many players, there are actually very few players who can bump into it. If you encounter it once, it is equivalent to winning the lottery, and it is equivalent to a chance to show off in the future...

Most players will obediently step aside, but even if there are only a small number of players with such a mentality, it will bring unknowable consequences to the competition.

The rampage of the boss, the interference of the opponent's elite team, and the sneak attack of players that may appear at any time, all these make the process of robbing the boss extremely complicated. Players who have been baptized in this complicated environment can only be able to fight in the professional arena. Have a more calm state of mind.

But now, with three elite teams, and an unknown number of player teams nearby, plus a BOSS, this competitive environment can be described as quite complicated, much more complicated than usual.

Fu Lei's sigh was actually worried about Zheng Qi. Facing such a complicated environment, what kind of changes and progress could he show?

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