football era

Chapter 141 Our Goal

"What, your club is willing to pay [-] million to buy our way of moving?"

"What, as long as you make an offer, you can agree if you don't overdo it?"

"Boss Nan Wuxin, would you believe me if I said that we don't have this way of moving?"

After closing the communication channel, Zheng Qi smiled bitterly and said to the dynamic light wave: "Xiao Dong, your way of moving is actually so popular."

"Really? I don't even know, but it doesn't belong to me." Dynamic Guangbo said in surprise.

"100 million, don't you want it? If every club sells [-] million, it will be [-] billion when rounded up." Zheng Qi sighed.

"What do you think, Lao Ren?" Dynamic Guangbo asked back.

"I think it's useful, I think it's okay to sell it, this mobile method is yours, you have the exclusive copyright!" Zheng Qi laughed: "If you want to sell it, then sell it, and take the money bro One point, just like the live broadcast at that time, if you don’t want to sell it, just pull it, and just say that we don’t have this kind of mobile method.”

Yixin Xiangfei nodded: "Well, you can sell it if you want, but you don't need to divide it. This is your thing."

"That doesn't belong to me either. I said it. The basis is the research data from the Academy of Sciences. I just sorted it out." Dynamic Guangbo said distressedly: "There's a lot of money, but it's not mine, so how can I sell it."

"Then fuck it, I'll reply and say we don't have any way to move, today is just a coincidence." Zheng Qi waved his hand.

"Will they believe it? They won't take me away, torture me, and force me to hand over the information?" Dynamic Guangbo asked worriedly.

"You are afraid of this, our country has laws." Zheng Qi laughed.

Sure enough, when Zheng Qi replied one by one saying that he didn't have any way to move, the bosses of the guilds also died down. It's normal to refuse to transfer this kind of information. What impact did the pattern have? With this period of time, they should be able to figure out something by themselves.

Don't look at some clubs offering a sky-high price of [-] million, but such a price is based on one foundation-that is, they bought out this mobile method, allowing them to establish an unparalleled advantage for a period of time, thus Get enough outstanding results in the league—it's not like Zheng Qi said, every club spends [-] million to buy this mobile method, so as to qualify for a fair competition...

Pro club money doesn't come from the wind either.

When Zheng Qi went to negotiate, Meng Butler, who had been watching the three chatting, smiled slightly.

These three young people, faced with such a temptation of interests, really kept calm enough.

Don't they need money?not necessarily.

Butler Meng is very clear about Zheng Qi's economic situation. He has some savings on hand, which is enough for him to maintain his current luxury for a year. To earn more money, but faced with a huge sum of money at his fingertips, Zheng Qi is not uninterested, but he quickly gave up.

Because it's not his.

He can learn the way of moving directly from the dynamic light wave without any reservations, but he doesn't think this is something that belongs to everyone.

If he wants to fly, he may not be short of money. Otherwise, his goal is to be a professional player, and he will not choose to earn money in the live broadcast industry for a year before he is ready to attack professional players. With the current situation where he does not need to worry about his personal life at all , He also chooses to earn one year's money to solve his worries, which is enough to prove that his family's situation may not be very good.

Perhaps the only one who really doesn't care about money is Dong Sen Guangbo. After all, it is normal for a talented boy who can enter the Academy of Sciences at the age of 16 to have no concept of money.

After Zheng Qi replied to the boss of the guild, the dynamic light wave asked him another question.

"Old Ren, why do you come to play this game? Brother Fei wants to be a professional player. We already knew that. I'm just here to play and pass the time. How about you?"

After hearing this question, Zheng Qi blinked, then touched his head.

"Well, I entered the football era at that time to prove my level. I didn't use cheats. I wanted to use this method to clear my reputation, get back my blocked account, and continue to live broadcast to make money." Zheng Qi thought. After thinking about it, I replied.

"What about now?" Dynamic Guangbo asked.

"Now, just create a powerful account and enter the professional arena. I heard from Brother Fei that Lu Xiaotian's annual income can reach [-] million yuan, which is ten times higher than our live broadcast income at that time. This job is of course It's worth doing." Zheng Qi replied.

"I want to be a professional player, but not only for money. The national championship, world championship, and the glory of five championships are the ultimate goals I pursue. Are you only doing it for money?" Yixin Xiangfei asked Zheng seriously. Expect.

"Well, I'm really here for the money, I won't lie to you." Zheng Qi replied sincerely.

Want to fly speechless.

"That's it...then I will also aim to be a professional player!" After thinking for a while, the dynamic light wave said enthusiastically.

"You are not a scientist, you want to save the earth?" Zheng Qi asked strangely, "Why do you suddenly come here to become a professional player again?"

"The direction to save the place has to be found in the football era. Using the identity of a professional player to explore the secrets of the football era is also a way! Even my mentor admits this. Besides, with At my current age, if I really want to participate in important research, it will take more than ten years of study. Instead of studying hard, it is better to accumulate some experience in the football era." Dynamic Guangbo replied: "And, Being a professional player is fun..."

He wanted to fly and hit people.

Being a professional player is his ideal and the greatest source of his sense of honor, but these two guys, one is for money, the other is for fun, and the other has a narrower personality. I am afraid that in the name of the football era, these two guys will be wiped out. Two heretics...

But that's not the kind of person who wants to fly.

"Then let's work hard together, new area, upgrade, build a strong account, this is our goal now." Yixin Xiangfei said.

"There is also the operation method of adapting and familiarizing with all heroes! I want to have the largest hero pool in the world!" Zheng Qi shouted, waving his fists.

I want to fly and I am speechless again - the largest hero pool?Brother, do you really dare to think, although every professional player will use all the heroes, but they all have a bias, even Lu Xiaotian is best at all offensive heroes, he is recognized as the largest hero pool in China The players in the game only have 70.00% of the hero pool.

But since Zheng Qi said so... let's just listen to it.

I just want to fly in my heart.

"I want to figure out all the details in the football era, which will be more helpful to my research." Dynamic Guangbo replied.

"No matter what, work hard together and make good progress." Xinxiangfei can only say like a class teacher in the end.

"Master, do you really want to use all the heroes proficiently?" After coming out of the holographic cabin, Butler Meng asked Zheng Qi.

"Yeah, do your best. When I played King of Era, I was good at all heroes in two months." Zheng Qi said very proudly.

Butler Meng smiled, and didn't say much—the King of the Era?Can that be compared to Football Era?The king of the era is a small part separated from the era of football. It is relatively simpler. Of course, Zheng Qi does have such an ability, but it is too early to say that he is good at all heroes. Some.

"If that's the case, then young master, you need to spend more time practicing." Meng Butler said after thinking about it.

"I'm practicing every day. When spawning monsters and pushing dungeons, it's all practice time." Zheng Qi replied.

"It's not that easy to understand all the heroes." Meng Butler said lightly.

"Then how do we do it?" Zheng Qi asked after thinking about it.

"Starting tomorrow, no matter what you are doing, you can only use up to three heroes every day." Meng Butler replied after thinking about it.

"Hmm... will this work?" Zheng Qi scratched his head and asked.

"Effective, only in this way can you fully discover the role of heroes. The use of each hero is not so simple. After the attributes and skills are improved, what kind of changes can be brought about? In what kind of environment can skills be effective, these things must be as natural as breathing, so that you can truly get acquainted with a hero thoroughly." Meng Butler said seriously.

"It sounds difficult." Zheng Qi said with a sigh.

"It is very difficult, so next, the experience improvement of the entire elite team will still be affected. It is difficult for you to fight for the rewards of each instance. If you want to create a strong account, you can only work harder in the carnival. That requires a certain amount of luck, and if you don't do it well, it might affect the progress of your career." Meng Butler said seriously.

"Well... But no matter how difficult it is, you have to try. Just be an ordinary professional player? What's the point? If you want to do it, just be like Lu Xiaotian, even better than him! Even if you fail, the big deal is to start over from the new district Well, I'm not very familiar with this new area yet, it's normal if I haven't done a good job, when I get to the next new area, it will be even stronger, what Lu Xiaotian, didn't he also spend three years in the new area before he created what he is now Is it your first role?" Zheng Qi waved his fist and said confidently.

Butler Meng shook his head and laughed, Lu Xiaotian did enter the professional arena like this, but in those three years, he only stepped into the professional arena at the age of 21, and Zheng Qi is now 20 years old, if it is really a waste of three years , can he still maintain his current state of mind?

However, Butler Meng knew that only with such a mentality could he truly reach the peak.

Not perfect, I would rather continue to dormant.

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