football era

Chapter 138 Gradually falling behind

At the end of the third carnival, the bosses of the guilds were both happy and worried.

Fortunately, the elite team of their guild, through the last day of catching up, finally caught up with the experience of the extraordinary guild elite team, and even surpassed it by a head-although on the first day of the opening of the new area, all the elite teams were against the dungeon The record competitions are all on the same starting line, but higher experience means that in the next copy record competition, they will be ahead of these guys from the Extraordinary Guild.

What is worrying is that during the three-day carnival, the guilds' harvest on bosses is still not as good as before. The mysterious team's troubles have reduced the number of bosses refreshed in the entire carnival by nearly [-]%. There are only so many bosses in total. , Some were robbed by the mysterious team, and some were robbed by the Extraordinary Guild. The overall number was less, and the share among them was naturally less.

Compared with the previous carnival, the income of many guild bosses has shrunk again.

Of course, a temporary failure does not diminish their fighting spirit, and the development of the new area will immediately be put on the agenda of each guild.

The land reclamation of the new area is like this. Until the general rise to level [-], those who are capable enter the mythical area, and those who are not able continue to mix in the ordinary area. The materials in the ordinary area also have a certain effect on the club. The general area will still retain the guild configuration, which is used to participate in the competition of materials, and organize fans to watch the club's games...

So even though at least half of the players will leave after the normal zone is developed—some go to the mythical zone and some go to the new zone, there are still many players who stay in the normal zone. The harsh conditions of the zone have kept a large number of players in the normal zone. The advantage of the normal zone is that the competition is not so fierce, and you can enjoy more leisurely enough space for activities that you can't enjoy in reality.

But for newcomers, every time a new space is opened in the new district, it is a new education for them.

"The next heroes we can get are different from the previous ones... Our previous heroes were warriors and assassins, but the next heroes we can get are advisors."

Butler Meng told Zheng Qi and the others that bringing such a group of talented but mostly rookies would put a lot of pressure on Butler Meng, but fortunately, these guys are at least very obedient.

"Advisor? What's the use?" Zheng Qi asked, "Is it just adding blood?"

"This is one of the functions, but the counselor can do more things than you can imagine." Meng Butler smiled.

"I've watched professional games too..." Zheng Qi muttered.

"The following map is based on the Battle of Guandu during the Three Kingdoms period. The three areas are Baimapo, Yanjinkou and Wuchao. The heroes that can be obtained in the team copy are Xun Yu, Guo Jia and Jia Xu, three top strategists. They may not have a strong ability to fight head-on, but their skills can play a great role in battle." Meng Butler said.

"How important is it?" Zheng Qi continued to ask.

"You'll know when the time comes." Meng Butler said, "Let's go to the team dungeon now. Although we are already behind, but we can compete now, we still have to compete."

Just like the previous team dungeon land reclamation, other guilds can send death squads to explore the details of the dungeon, but Zheng Qi and the others can only rely on their own skills to wade through the dungeon.

Although Lu Li said that she wants to be an ordinary guild member, but now the dynamic light wave has not caught up with their level, naturally Lu Li will still be in the elite team for the time being. I have already worked hard to upgrade my experience in my copy.

There is still a gap of nearly three levels, which is not much to say, but it is still very difficult to catch up. After finishing all the personal dungeons and team dungeons, Dynamic Lightwave still found a studio and brought himself to practice. class.

Only in this way can they upgrade faster without delaying Zheng Qi's upgrade speed.

After all, his level is relatively low now. As long as he is willing to spend money and has a lot of experience in leading and training members in the studios of the first echelon, he is willing to lead him. They are all led by the studio's trainers, and those with experience will know it at a glance.

These people often add a studio suffix to their names to prove their identity. They do not join the guild to ensure their independence. Resources do not conflict with people, extremely professional.

After brushing the dungeons he could, Dynamic Guangbo got bad news.

In the team dungeon competition, the elite team failed. Although they persisted to the end in the Baimapo dungeon and gained experience, four people died in the dungeon and failed to get the customs clearance record.

If they failed for the first time, they would naturally not be able to obtain the next five records. After a series of competitions in the final team dungeon competition, they were won by Liu Shibo and others from the Wind and Smoke City Guild. He raised his eyebrows and exhaled a lot.

In the personal dungeon, only Zheng Qi and Yixin Xiangfei got one reward point each, and the other three reward points were also taken away by others.

All of a sudden, the Extraordinary Guild, which had been so prosperous since the beginning of the new district, seemed to have fallen into a difficult situation.

Zheng Qi and the others didn't care about this temporary failure. Even after such a result, the number of players joining the Extraordinary Guild decreased significantly. At the same time, many players chose to quit the Extraordinary Guild and join other club guilds after knowing the importance of the club. Such a result is not a bad thing, after all, those who can stay are at least the players who have enough affection for the Extraordinary Guild.

"We were a bit hated before, but now it's okay to keep a low profile." This is Zheng Qi's opinion.

During this period of time, although they were silent, they were not idle. Through the continuous collection of experience and materials in the dungeon, they have basically increased their hero cards to twelve. The three famous hero cards Xun Yu, Guo Jia and Jia Xu The possession of counselors means that they need more training.

The new area of ​​the football era can actually be regarded as a training process, especially for newcomers, the first contact with the newcomers is the fighting hero, and the next contact is the assassin who needs to be operated more, and now the strategist hero, It is to make them need to improve their understanding of the game itself.

Although Xun Yu, Guo Jia and Jia Xu are all counselor-type heroes, there is a big difference between them. Xun Yu's first skill can restore stamina, second skill can increase the defense of the party and everyone, and third skill The skill is to get rid of bad status and greatly increase the attributes. It is a pure blessing hero.

Guo Jia's skills are more flexible. The first skill can increase the vision of teammates, the second skill can teleport teammates to a certain area, and the third skill can strengthen the skill damage suffered by the opponent. Each skill seems to be useless , but if it is done well, it can play an extremely substantial role.

Jia Xu's skills are more offensive. The three skills have the characteristics of blocking the opponent's advance, laying traps to trap the enemy, and greatly weakening the opponent's attributes. They are heroes who harm others and benefit themselves.

These three heroes seem to have no substantive effect, but if they are used in battle, they can add maximum variables to the battle.

The twelve heroes so far have roughly shown all the types of heroes-combat type, defensive type, blessing type, and sneak attack type. Although the other heroes are various, they cannot escape these categories. If you can use the skills of these heroes familiarly, you will be able to play well in the football era.

It's easy to say, but one out of ten Football Era players may not be able to use these skills. Otherwise, there are no less than one billion Football Era players in China alone, but professional players in two leagues Adding it up, it's only about a thousand people. These professional players are literally one in a hundred thousand.

In professional football a hundred years ago, China’s numerical advantage does not seem to be reflected. The number of registered players is scarce, which makes Chinese football weak. How strong can the football level of the entire country be?

But now, China's advantage in numbers is really showing. Almost all the people in China are football players, and the professional players who emerge from it are enough to become the best players in the world.

The pattern of the world football era level is basically based on the population. The more populous the country, the better the level. In this regard, the West Asian countries have suffered a lot. Although they have many countries, no country has the same level. With so many players, the competition with East Asia has been eaten to death.

Europe is also at a disadvantage. Europe, which originally represented the highest level of football in the world, is now considered weak in the world in terms of overall strength. Asia and North America, two continents that were not considered strong in the football world, have become the level of the football era. The highest two continents.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Zheng Qi and the others.

The three new heroes can buff their status, heal their teammates, impede the opponent's progress, teleport teammates, and set traps... These hero skills are quite different from before, and it took them a lot of time for the newcomers to adapt.

"It is necessary to spend some time at this time. The new type of hero needs time to master and understand." Meng Butler said.

"It just so happens that the dynamic light wave is still being upgraded, so we can just get proficient with the hero first, and wait until his level catches up!" Zheng Qi remained optimistic enough about this.

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