football era

Chapter 133 Mobilizing the Masses

"What can I do, grab the boss."

Zheng Qi answered lightly, but the more relaxed his answer, the easier it would be to make the other party angry.

"By bullying the few with more, dare to challenge me one-on-one?" the dynamic light wave shouted.

"How dare you do that? Yesterday, I was singled out and I won." Zheng Qi replied.

Dynamic Guangbo is really a little angry now-you won yesterday and you have the nerve to say so?I was already dissatisfied with my stamina, and I was surrounded by you, so I was fooled by you before I was killed by you. How dare I show off this kind of victory?

"Who told you to fight alone now? To grab our boss, we are playing with the more bullying the less!" Zheng Qi said confidently.

Others couldn't bear to look at him like this without limits, Yixin Xiangfei coughed, and then stood up.

"We don't want to do anything else, can we add a friend to chat with?" Yixin Xiangfei asked.

"Which of you two has the final say?" Dynamic Guangbo asked.

"Me." Yixin Xiangfei said.

Zheng Qi remained silent. Although he was the president and the vice-chairman only wanted to fly, it was impossible for him to contradict the other party at this time.

From the perspective of everyone in the Extraordinary Guild who surrounded them, the other party will definitely agree to this request. It's just a chat, and there is no other request. The boss will let you fight. Isn't this considered preferential treatment?
However, the dynamic light wave directly refused: "Sorry, I'm not interested."

After saying this, he dived into the water with his whole body, and the others followed him into the water at the same time. They immediately gave up on the boss and prepared to run away.

"Everyone, don't mess around, don't dive down, look around, and report when you see them popping up, I don't believe they can always lurk under the water!"

Jiangshan outside the fog shouted loudly. Amidst his shouts, the members of the Extraordinary Guild who were a bit confused stopped moving and began to observe around. The number of Extraordinary Guild members in this area has become quite large , the wild monsters that are refreshed are basically cleared instantly, and it is much easier for them to observe.

Zheng Qi and the others dived into the water at the same time, caught up with a certain object, and chased after them.

Their average operation level is better than that of ordinary players, including Lu Li, who is said to be the weakest in the team now-she has the strength to break into the mythical zone after all, and it is not difficult to follow these good players during this period of time. She has improved a bit, and the task of quickly moving and tracking underwater will not really hinder her.

In this way, the members of the mysterious team are more unlucky. Although they move quickly, in the water, although their movement method has a little advantage, it is not too much-holding breath at the bottom of the water is based on physical fitness. The better you are, the longer you can hold your breath. Of course, there is a limit to how long you can hold your breath. After that limit, your stamina will start to drop step by step. Moving underwater requires skill, but players with high physical attributes will take advantage of it.

In addition to the relatively balanced addition of dynamic light waves, the members of the mysterious team are very biased in adding points. They add a lot of speed and flexibility, but less strength and physique. Even if they are more flexible than ordinary people in the water, they will not last long underwater. .

Soon someone surfaced and was discovered and surrounded by the surrounding Extraordinary Guild players. Members of the mysterious team attacked bravely, but were counterattacked by members of the Extraordinary Guild, and then the members of the mysterious team died...

"I'm going, it's so easy to die?" A member of the Extraordinary Guild shouted in surprise. He originally thought that the guy who was going to be surrounded by so many people must be a guy with three heads and six arms. Well!

PK in the water is basically a difficult problem for the players of the Extraordinary Guild, so after seeing the other party popping up, basically the surrounding players attack together, and all the messy attacks are sent out. The attacks colliding with each other didn't have any effect. There were only a few attacks that hit the opponent's body, and only one of them managed to hit the face by luck. But it was this kind of attack that instantly killed a seemingly awesome opponent?

"Well, it should be because too much stamina was consumed at the bottom of the water." Soon, the players found a reason for themselves.

The other eight people also showed up in other places one after another, and then they were surrounded and beaten to death by the members of the Extraordinary Guild who had the absolute advantage.

"It's gone, the siege was successful this time, thank you everyone!" Wuwai Jiangshan began to call the players to disperse. Although the carnival has come to an end, there are still 10 minutes to level up. These 10 minutes Leveling is worth the usual two hours, so of course it can't be wasted.

"Is there another one that hasn't been killed?" a player asked.

"It's okay, with our elite team here, it's enough." Wuwai Jiangshan replied.

At this moment, other members of the elite team also surfaced one after another, and began to entangle the boss, while Zheng Qi and the dynamic light wave never showed up.

"You really don't want to talk?"

The two fled and chased, and they had already dived to a very deep place, but the voice system would not be affected by such an environment, Zheng Qi asked while attacking.

"Nothing to talk about." The dynamic light wave replied, and then suddenly used a cavalry sprinting big move, trying to use the feedback of the cavalry sprint forward to quickly float away.

In the water, the skills will not be affected when you hit them, but the players will be affected. The reaction force brought by the skills can make the players move faster.

However, Zheng Qi seemed to have guessed that he would do this long ago. When the cavalry's ult move rushed over, Zheng Qi had already used the Huyanzan hero card. He was the first to attack the city, and the whole person floated upwards, passing the cavalry The shocking head chased towards the dynamic light wave.

The dynamic light wave is moving faster because of the reaction force at this moment, and it is about to throw off Zheng Qi, but Zheng Qi switches to Pompey at this time, and a cavalry attack also comes in the opposite direction...

Zheng Qi, who accelerated suddenly, quickly caught up with the dynamic light wave. The dynamic light wave was forced to turn around, pretending to confront Zheng Qi head-on, but he suddenly disappeared into the water.

Jing Ke's skill, Forbearance, allows players to enter a state of invisibility.

"Stupid, you are invisible in the water, you really think that others can't find you!"

Zheng Qi laughed, and with a glance, he shot towards a certain place - the water area hit by his gaze had obvious water ripples.

However, the sword energy he saw leaped over, but passed through directly, and missed the target. Zheng Qi was stunned, and immediately judged that the opponent used some kind of skill to cause the fluctuation of the water pattern, which affected his own body. judge……

Only when there is no real attack can the water ripples fluctuate, so the direction of his movement can only be the top of his head!

The rest of this water area is still, and it is impossible for the opponent behind him to go around so quickly. Escaping from above his head seems to be the only way.

Zheng Qi immediately used Gai Nie's skill Lunjian, and he rushed upwards quickly. The next moment, he realized that he had bumped into the opponent...

There was a scream, and a ray of light flashed, and the dynamic light wave was instantly killed by such an impact!
"It seems that his physique is not high."

Zheng Qi floated up in confusion. After chasing for such a distance, both sides began to enter the stage of declining stamina, but his 100-point stamina was still more than [-] points, and the opponent hung up after being attacked by him. If it is lost, it seems that the physical value is exhausted.

"It's probably in the early thirties, but it's no wonder, he's unlikely to get as many extra attribute points as I did..." Zheng Qi thought in his heart, and while thinking, he was all over the place. A message asking for the coordinates to fight the BOSS.

Xin Xiangfei sent back the coordinates, and Zheng Qi saw that the distance was not far away, so he rushed over immediately.

When Zheng Qi arrived, the others had almost killed the boss. Zheng Qi quickly joined in and took down the boss in a burst of attack.

"If you get six today, you're considered qualified." Zheng Qi said with a smile.

"Didn't you negotiate with that guy?" Yixin Xiangfei asked.

"He ran too fast and died before he had time to negotiate." Zheng Qi replied depressedly.

"It's okay, there's still one more day tomorrow. Tomorrow in the Qin Palace, although the map is more complicated, it's on land. Our numerical advantage can be more obvious, and we can hunt them down better." Meng Butler replied.

"Well, I'm not worried about this, but tomorrow, don't we have to use other methods to ensure a better hunting effect?" Zheng Qi said.

"What way?" Everyone else was taken aback.

"Send a message to the bosses of other guilds, saying that if we find traces of those people, our elite team can also participate in the pursuit, and join forces with elite teams from other guilds to completely eradicate this group of black sheep!" Zheng Qi said awe-inspiringly. explain.

The others shivered one after another—what a hatred, is it worth hunting down the whole district?
Isn't this Zheng Qi a little bit too vengeful?
As a result, the next moment they saw Yixin want to fly and nodded: "Well, this is a good way, if they can't get along in other places, we can block them very well, we have to create a space for conversation. "

"When chasing them down, don't kill them immediately, find a way to drive them to the place under our control." Butler Meng also came up with an idea.

"Does this make it too obvious to use other guilds?" Fu Lei asked hesitantly.

"Anyway, they don't have to cooperate... Besides, we are not friends with them in the first place, so if we take advantage of it, it's a way to give them face!" Zheng Qi laughed.

"It is very possible that they agreed, and most likely they agreed to encircle with us, but they just want to use us to entangle that team and create more opportunities for their elite team." Xin Xiangfei thought about it After thinking about it.

"That's right, that's how it is to use each other." Zheng Qi said happily: "I'm going to contact other guild bosses! Mobilize the power of the masses, so that the black sheep will have nowhere to escape!"

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