football era

Chapter 129 A New Interest

For the dynamic light wave, he was very surprised by the interception that he wanted to fly just now, because unlike his other teammates, his operational ability is quite good, and at the same time, the point addition is also very balanced, unlike those teammates, the point addition They're all about to die.

When the other teammates died, the dynamic light wave also felt that he was going to die, but the opponent seemed to be stupid, and wanted someone to come up and challenge himself...

Isn't this giving yourself a chance!
The dynamic light wave in his heart was overjoyed, he glanced back, and immediately judged that although the blood volume of the boss had not decreased significantly during this period, it was still close to the blood volume of the final runaway. Only he can accurately determine when he will run away. judge out...

So, after yelling loudly, he pretended to fight his opponent one-on-one, but in fact, he seized the time and released the big move of the cavalry charge!
The opponent also disrupted the formation of him and his friends with the cavalry charge just now, but now, facing his cavalry charge, no matter how powerful it is, they can only dodge it.

And less than a second after he used the cavalry charge, the boss went berserk.

The runaway boss is enough to contain other opponents, and the guy in front of him was also forced away by the cavalry attack, which is a good opportunity for him to escape!

When you rush out of this area, there will be wild monsters spawning everywhere. With your own judgment and movement ability, you can run over the edge of the monster's hatred well, and use the wild monsters to get rid of these guys...

Dynamic Lightbo thought very well. He thought very quickly and his ideas were very subtle. He wrote a script of the Jedi escape in his mind. However, the script stopped abruptly as soon as it started.

Zheng Qi, who had obviously retreated to the left to avoid the impact range of the cavalry, seemed like a divine soldier descending from heaven, blocking the only escape route of the dynamic light wave—that is, the right side of the impact range of the cavalry.

"How is this possible! How much did you add to the bounce?" The dynamic light wave was shocked.

"It's not too much, but after jumping, add a skill of ascending and attacking the city first in the air, have you calculated how far you can jump?" Zheng Qi said with a smile, but rushed towards the dynamic light wave without stopping at all. .

"I'll fight with you!" Dynamic Guangbo didn't answer directly, but bravely greeted him.

"This person's operation skills are really good." Fu Lei commented while watching.

"Pay attention to stop the BOSS." Yixin Xiangfei reminded, the opponent has not yet been wiped out, and the BOSS cannot be killed at this time, otherwise, the BOSS will still belong to Dynamic Lightwave and the others.

It is not a difficult task for the other nine to kill the boss, but it is also a very difficult test to entangle the boss without killing it, but Zheng Qi will not let them delay for too long.

Nine heroes, 24 skills are constantly switching on him, and the dynamic light wave does not show any weakness, showing his familiarity with the skills. However, it seems that he is still a little worse than Zheng Qi in terms of operation and reaction, especially in Zheng Qi. He had to be distracted all the time when his teammates were eyeing him...

"Brother Fei, let's attack him!"

After playing for 1 minute, Zheng Qi suddenly yelled, which made the dynamic light wave excited. When he realized that it was Zheng Qi who was threatening him, Zheng Qi had already come close to him and fell to the ground with a shovel!

The dynamic light wave quickly rolled and dodged, but Zheng Qi abruptly stopped the sliding shovel, quickly took off, and landed accurately on the rolling route of the dynamic light wave.

Jing Ke used his big move to assassinate Qin, and accurately hit the dynamic light wave's body. The remaining blood of the dynamic light wave could no longer withstand the attack of this big move, so he had no choice but to disappear.

"Your sister..." Dynamic Guangbo's unwilling curses still echoed in the air, but their team was completely wiped out.

"Quickly kill this boss, and we can get six today, which is a good result." Zheng Qi said cheerfully.

"This team is quite strong." After killing the boss, Xin Xiangfei said thoughtfully.

"Others are average, maybe they have calculated a very strong output method. The really outstanding one is the dynamic light wave. Brother Fei, have you seen his operation level?" Zheng Qi asked.

"Very good level, very patient, very comprehensive and stable." Yixin Xiangfei replied without thinking.

"Yeah, now I'm starting to wonder where they came from." Zheng Qi smiled.

"Somewhat familiar." Yixin Xiangfei said suddenly.

"It's the same as I thought, but I'm not sure yet." Zheng Qi seemed to know what he wanted to say, and nodded happily.

"What are you talking about?" Chaos Chaos Knife asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just one thing I'm not sure about." Zheng Qi smiled and shook his head. Today's carnival time is almost at the deadline, and on the boss list, the team of Dynamic Lightwave still ranks first with nine bosses First, there are six bosses of Zheng Qi and the others.

"Theoretically, we should have discovered the existence of these guys a long time ago. Why didn't anyone notice this all morning?" Zheng Qi asked strangely.

"Before all the elite teams went offline in turn at noon, they were inconspicuous at all. At that time, the people who grabbed the most bosses were the group of people from the Southern Kingdom. They suddenly broke out during the break at noon." Fu Lei, who was paying attention to the boss list, replied.

"I think, from tomorrow on, these guys will be noticed, right?" Zheng Qi said with a sigh.

"What will the regional division be like tomorrow?" asked Wandering Heart.

"Maybe there will be no regional division tomorrow. We will take people out and occupy the largest territory." Zheng Qi replied.

"Occupy a place where you don't have any worries." Yixin Xiangfei suddenly reminded.

"Well...but such a place must be a battleground for military strategists!" Xin Yi rarely sang a different tune with his boss.

"The more difficult the situation is, the more we can show our strength!" Chaotic Maddao said.

Xinyi rolled her eyes, only to hear Zheng Qi say, "Yes, that's it, so let's go strive for the top tomorrow!"

Easy water access.

Yishui is a map, but unlike other maps, Yishui's map is not square. Although Yishui's area is also huge, it exists in the form of a river—although Yishui's The width is quite wide, but the length is much longer than the width.

Since it is a river, it is divided into upstream and downstream. It is naturally much easier for the upstream to attack the downstream. Therefore, in the carnival of such a map, the upstream has always been the most competitive place, especially in the upstream. The problem is that you only need to concentrate on dealing with the possible impact of one side, and the terrain advantage will become even greater.

"Don't forget, we have a lot of people, so it's normal to grab the best site." Zheng Qi chuckled.

Xinyi has nothing to say about this sentence - this is a very simple truth, whoever has more people will naturally have an advantage.

"However, tomorrow is a water battle. Many of our members have no experience in this field. Arrange it. At least two teams will form a group. Don't die. It doesn't matter if the control area is small." Meng Butler said.

"Tomorrow's terrain is actually very suitable for those guys to roam around." Fu Lei said suddenly.

Zheng Qihe nodded at the same time as he wanted to fly. This group of people can find a way to move faster than others on flat ground. The difficulty level of the battle is much higher. Not only the Extraordinary Guild, but other guilds will also take measures to reduce the size of the area to ensure the safety of the guild members. In this way, the movement space of this group of people will definitely be much larger.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we can manage our one-acre three-point land well. Instead of only taking care of a part of the area, it is better to reduce the sphere of influence and increase the control within the sphere of influence. Of course, if there is a chance to meet those guys, I will I am happy to teach them a lesson again." Zheng Qi replied with a smile.

At this time, all the bosses have been killed, the first day of the carnival is over, and the next step is for the guilds to count their gains.

As the largest guild with the largest number of people, the Extraordinary Guild naturally has the most rewards. Ordinary wild monsters in the carnival also have a high probability of dropping extra attribute points. As for the experience of various materials, it is almost a must. In addition to the general improvement in the level of members, the material warehouses of the main club and branch clubs have also been enriched a lot—this kind of enrichment means that the overall strength of the guild has increased. Players exchange their contribution points, and the strength of the player increases, which also increases the strength of the guild.

The significance of the guild lies in this. The strength of each player can be steadily improved, and at the same time, the strength of the entire guild can also be improved together.

The power of the collective is always much stronger than the power of the individual, and this is especially evident in the guild organization.

The members of the Extraordinary Guild are very satisfied with today's harvest. In fact, there is nothing wrong with staying in the Extraordinary Guild. There are a large number of guild members, so you can exchange any material. As long as you work hard and make contributions, the elite team of the Association will Always being able to show their faces in the world can satisfy their vanity very well. For most of the extraordinary guild novices who have no idea about professional games, staying in the extraordinary guild is already a very pleasant experience in itself. game experience.

Other guilds have long learned to accept this point. Although the rise of the extraordinary guild has caused their grades to be very poor, since everyone's grades are so poor, it doesn't matter whether it is good or bad, not to mention that they all got the club before. The management's affirmation indicated that the situation in the new area was not their problem, which also relieved them of any pressure.

On the contrary, this mysterious team has aroused the interest of many guilds. Such a team can make everyone have nothing to do with them. If they can be recruited, it should be very beneficial to the guild, right?
However, after searching the other party's information, the presidents became more interested.

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