football era

Chapter 122 I Can't Do This Job

All clubs and guilds are now starting to form guild alliances, which is their usual pace of development.

Because there are often tens of millions of new players in a new area, and each guild can recruit at least hundreds of thousands of new players, and the full level of the guild is only 1 people at level [-]. Naturally, it is impossible to put all of them in the main guild. Under such circumstances, guild alliances are naturally very necessary.

After the guild forms an alliance, the flow of personnel will not be restricted by time. You can freely change guilds once a day, with much less obstacles. At the same time, after forming a guild alliance in the new area, you can directly link up with the main guild in the mythical area, and members can upgrade to mythical After the zone, you can choose to directly join the guild of the same alliance, which saves a lot of trouble.

At the same time, the sharing and allocation of material resources can also bring a lot of benefits, just like a larger guild.

Gradually upgrade, gradually expand the guild, and then after the level reaches the upper limit of [-], the guild alliance will often increase to dozens—basically around [-]. Of course, this refers to the top club team. In this way, Even if these players are recruited by the club, they can have closer contact with the club's professional players, and at the same time, they can better support the club with their enthusiasm.

Different from the previous idol culture, the members of the club guild in the football era are very likely to fight side by side with the club's first-team players!The system of Football Era determines that professional players also need to brush up dungeons and playing materials in the game every day, and when competing for wild bosses, professional players need to participate even more.

So as long as you are willing to work hard, have a high contribution rate, and perform well, you may enter the headquarters, one step closer to the professional players, that is, your idol, and you may even fight side by side.

This is something that all fans dream of.

This is what the president of the new district does. Only when fans join in continuously can the club maintain its vitality and develop better.

But now, in the new area, the Extraordinary Guild, which was supposed to be an ordinary guild, has begun to follow the path of the Alliance Guild just like them.

Although the configuration of the current four branch guilds is still a lot worse than that of the top guilds, they are already better than many ordinary club guilds.

Although in terms of composition, the composition of the Extraordinary Guild is still unscientific - the composition of other guilds is like this - an elite team led by quasi-professional players, with hundreds or thousands of core members below, and an even larger number of ordinary players.

Although this pyramid-shaped composition looks simple, it is actually the most scientific composition. Even in the mythical area, the composition is probably the same, but the number is different.

But what about the Extraordinary Guild?They also have an elite team, and they have obvious advantages compared with the major guilds, but there is no core player group below.

Core players have to pass the test of time. The core players of the Grand Guild are basically the staff of the club, so you can feel more at ease when using them.

But the Extraordinary Guild, even if they randomly recruited a group of people to play the role of core players, and even assigned a lot of people to manage new branches, it seemed that they were not worried at all that they would just pull people away and start a new one.

But think about it carefully—what should the Extraordinary Guild worry about?Their materials and everything belong to the guild, as long as the guild can operate well, they have nothing to lose.

Even if all the members of a guild were taken away, what would they lose?If they didn't form a branch, they wouldn't be able to recruit those members...

This kind of seemingly unprofessional casting of the net can actually gather players who are willing to join the Extraordinary Guild to the greatest extent possible.

In the next few days, apart from watching the elite team of the Extraordinary Guild like a fish in water in the Yishui wild monster area, the other guild bosses almost watched the extraordinary guild spread like a virus, and almost every day sent a team of [-] people to Establish a branch, and then quickly upgrade, pull out a group of people, just like pyramid schemes, the main branch will go online and offline, and the branch will increase one by one. As the first four branches slowly take shape, they will increase the number of branches. Speeded up a lot.

Half a month later, Zheng Qi and the others made full use of their advantages in experience, and wiped out the level 31 Yishui team dungeon, the 32-level Qin Gong personal dungeon, and the 33-level Qin Gong team dungeon. It was quick leveling, and within half a month it reached level 34. When the next stage of the carnival started, the Extraordinary Guild was extremely arrogant and flamboyant.

In the past half a month, affected by the continuous announcement of the system that the Elite Team of the Extraordinary Guild was on the list, the number of players who chose to join the Extraordinary Guild was almost equal to the sum of the number of players who joined all other guilds.

What is this concept?
The bosses of the various guilds were devastated, but there was nothing they could do.

They do have incomparably rich experience in running guilds, but no matter how rich their experience is, they can't stop countless players from wanting to join the Extraordinary guild instead of their guild. They have never seen how powerful the clubs and guilds in the district describe. What they have seen with their own eyes is only the strength of Ren Pingsheng and Yixinxiangfei, and only the strength of the extraordinary guild.

Ever since, under such circumstances, in the past half month, the formation process of the branches of the major guilds has been extremely slow. The Tianhe Club, which has formed the most branches, has swept the guilds all over the world, and has formed more than 20 branches. The club is not full yet.

And what about the Extraordinary Guild?

It's too much, they have a total of 120 guilds in the new area, including the main guild.

Although more than half of these guilds have not reached level [-], and many guilds only have thousands of members, this number alone makes the guild bosses feel like they are collapsing.

This job can't be done.

This is what the guild bosses often say recently.

And they have no other way, the progress of the new area is slow, they can only report this news, the club is also speechless after knowing such news - how can there be such a thing?
Of course, there are three professional-level players in a group of elite teams. This news is of great interest to the club's executives. However, the particularity of the football era makes them have to be cautious. If a powerful character comes out, then recruit them in a hurry, and it is easy to lose everything.

In fact, Ren Pingsheng still has the ability to fly. After the evaluation of the clubs, there is no doubt. After all, in the novice area, he can break the record created by Lu Xiaotian for so many years. Such a level is not an ordinary professional player. able to do.

In comparison, Fu Lei looked a little worse.

However, it is precisely because there is no doubt that Zheng Qi still has the ability to fly, so it is even more difficult to get in touch with. A newcomer with such strength must have relatively high requirements for his future. I won’t promise you anything easily, and I won’t just sign a professional contract with you with mediocre conditions. In fact, the management of several small clubs have already contacted Zheng Qihe through the guild president and wanted to fly. At the same time, they want to book two people in advance without paying any price. They are not fools, so naturally they sneered and refused.

It means that small clubs would want to show off such cleverness, and big clubs with a little bit of status would not do such things that would damage their image, but it would be even more inconvenient for them to get in touch with these two people in advance. If the conditions are poor, they will not agree. If the conditions are high, the risk will be higher, but one thing is certain. With their level of operation, if they can create an account with more than [-] attribute points in the new area If so, then the emergence of two new god-level accounts in the league can almost be said to be a certainty!

Under such circumstances, almost all the big guild managements chose to remain silent and wait and see.

The initial contact is meaningless. There will definitely be some competition for a god-level account at that time. It is necessary to contact in advance to show your favor. It can be regarded as a pavement for the future, but it is only a foreshadowing.

Top clubs are naturally very confident in their own competitiveness, and mid-range clubs are not without advantages, they can show the greatest sincerity.

A god-level account does not seem to be a big deal. A club like Tianhe Changfeng has six or seven god-level accounts. However, in fact, there are less than [-] professional players in the entire Super League. Only forty or fifty.

Many mid-level teams have only one or two core players who are called god-level players. It is normal for mid-level and lower-level teams to have no god-level players.

When the time comes to compete again, although the top teams have great appeal, ambitious players will consider that the competition between these top teams is also very fierce.

The mid-range teams can show the greatest sincerity, such as core positions, such as treatment, such as if their performance is really outstanding, then they can also promise to build a team around them... Such a temptation is no better than that of a top club. Being an ordinary player is worse, or even worse.

And at that time, Ren Pingsheng and Xin Xiangfei joined, wouldn't the Extraordinary Guild be the wealth of their club?Regarding this point, the managers of the various guilds can see clearly...

Even if it does not become the wealth of your own club in the future, it will not have much impact if it becomes the wealth of other clubs. A new member in a new district is important, but compared with the mythical district guild accumulated over the years, it is still nothing What.

Very important, but not to the point of reversing the power difference.

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