football era

Chapter 120 Hunting in Water

Zheng Qi and the others went offline, which meant that they could go offline anywhere in Yishuiye District.

Any leveling area is extremely huge, not to mention that Yishui also has a disadvantage for them, that is, moving in water is definitely not as convenient as on land, and wild monsters also need their [-] points of energy to survive. A smooth kill, after all, there is a gap of two levels...

In this way, even if they have more manpower, it will be difficult to cover everything.

"If we can't do it, we have to do it. At least we have to work hard. If we fail, it's a matter of ability. If we don't do it, it's a matter of attitude." Simmons was very enlightened at this time.

"Let's mobilize people from other elite groups as well. Presumably other guilds will not dare to attack our elite team. If we increase the number of people, we can at least distribute them to more places." Nan Wuxin said.

"Does that mean that all the members of the wild team are also mobilized?" Junzi Wushang said suddenly.

To this proposal, the other guild leaders responded with "hehe". The members of the wild team are the secret weapons of each guild. If it is exposed at this time, it will be too embarrassing.

"Forget about the wild team, it's okay to mobilize more peripheral personnel to act as eyeliners."

"With the small island where they spawned monsters as the core, they expanded around. They should have gone offline nearby."

All the bosses, you have deployed manpower one by one, and they will not hide their secrets in this regard. What Simmons said is right. Whether you can do it or not is a matter of ability, and if you don’t do it, it is a matter of attitude. The boss of the guild should be clear about this.

At present, the members of the various guilds have spread out one after another. Their core members work in two shifts. Although it is difficult to spawn monsters in Yishui, it is not impossible to spawn them. With the addition of some peripheral members, in the entire Yishui area, Players belonging to various guilds began to increase to 2000 people. Although these people were not enough to cover the entire area, they were better than nothing.

"Their elite team will go online at about eight o'clock in the morning, but maybe they will go online earlier or later, we just need to be more vigilant." Nan Wuxin finally said.

The arrangements have been made, as for the effect... we can only see tomorrow.

After making arrangements, the bosses of the guilds also went offline to rest, because Ren Pingsheng and others probably won't stay up all night—although Ren Pingsheng and the others can theoretically hit the level [-] dungeon now, but their goal is to hit the dungeon record, This can only be achieved by maintaining a good enough energy and state. Forcibly staying up late will only make them lack of energy. They will not do this kind of thing in Ren Pingsheng.

It's just that they go offline at eight o'clock, they may go to rest directly, and then get up at four or five o'clock in the morning to seize the time when ordinary players are most tired to carry out surprise attacks, so the bosses of the guilds are also preparing to go to rest at the same time, four in the morning Go online on time, waiting for Ren Pingsheng and the others to appear.

At four o'clock in the morning, the bosses of various guilds went online one after another, and after counting the information, they found that Ren Pingsheng and the others had not appeared yet.

"Attention everyone, they will show up at any time." Nan Wuxin began to cheer everyone up.

An hour passed, and there was no news of Ren Pingsheng and the others.

Two hours passed, and there was no news of Ren Pingsheng and the others.

"Damn it, aren't they going online today? The wasted leveling time can be regarded as a drag on their progress, and we are not at a loss." The guild bosses encouraged each other.

But in fact, even the elite teams of various guilds will not train for [-] hours a day and only rest for [-] hours. Generally speaking, they have the same habit as Zheng Qi and the others, from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm. Twelve hours of leveling time is enough to maintain their progress, there is no need to practice day and night - the setting of binding the human account will avoid this situation.

It wasn't until eight o'clock in the morning that the bosses of the various guilds who had waited for a full four hours saw the avatars of Ren Pingsheng and Yixin Wan light up in the friend column.

"These two guys are finally online! Brothers, start searching around!"

Before the guild bosses had time to shout, there was news.

"Coordinates 1536, 2450, found the traces of Ren Pingsheng and Yixin Xiangfei."

"We were killed, and they headed towards the land!"

The two messages that arrived almost at the same time stunned the guild bosses.

Even without looking at the map, the guild bosses knew that the location where Ren Pingsheng and the others appeared was the leveling location before them and the center of the land.

This is also the path that all leveling players are accustomed to take. No wonder Ren Pingsheng and the others were discovered as soon as they appeared!

But how did they plan?Kill it directly?This is too arrogant!
The guild bosses were shocked.

But just as they were shocked, they thought that their defensive forces were actually placed in the area near the small island. On the contrary, there were not many good players on such an important road...

"The ones nearby go up and stalk, others, chase! Players in the rest point, go to intercept!"

The guild bosses began to give orders like crazy. As for the other candidates of the Extraordinary Guild Elite Squad, they didn't care much. Those two who are qualified to break the record are not these two?Kill these two, even if the goal is achieved, the other people, including Fu Lei, the bosses of the guild don't really care...

At this moment, Zheng Qihe wanted to fly, so he rushed towards the land side by side.

Landing means entering the safe zone, but this journey must be difficult.

However, Zheng Qihe wanted to fly, but he was not afraid at all.

After practicing for so long in the water battle yesterday, it was time to test their water battle results.

"Ah, today's situation reminds me of the past." The refreshing sea breeze blew by, and Zheng Qi couldn't help sighing.

"Walking round and round is still with you, this is something that makes people feel discouraged." Yixin Xiangfei said expressionlessly.

"Hey, don't be so heartless, Brother Fei. By the way, you always like to use the word Fei in your ID. Could it be that there is also a word Fei in your name?" Zheng Qi asked.

"None of your business." Yixin Xiangfei replied coldly.

"We've known each other for so long. Anyway, we came together from the live broadcast room. Now you know my name, but I don't know yours. Isn't it very unfair." Zheng Qi continued to pester.

"Don't talk nonsense after fighting."

Yixin wanted to fly and raised his head, and used the newly obtained Ge Nie skill card. The second skill directly penetrated the water and hit a player who was intercepting in front of him.

Zheng Qi quietly swam from the bottom of the water, and then attacked in close quarters, hitting the opponent continuously.

In the water, Zheng Qi was like a fish swimming, attacking in all directions, and the opponent would often just hit the surface of the water if he wanted to fight back, and couldn't hurt him at all.

"Water battles are more suitable for us to bully people." Zheng Qi dismissed his opponent with three or two strokes, and said with a smile.

Yixin Xiangfei nodded and moved on.

It was agreed yesterday that Zheng Qihe wanted to fly straight out.

This kind of impact, although very stressful, can allow the two of them to get enough exercise.

And the environment of the water battle can also make their characteristics more outstanding. Whether it is the brave attack of wanting to fly, or Zheng Qi's flexibility, ordinary players cannot resist.

In the water, it is difficult for the opponent's numerical advantage to be brought into play.

"If you can rush out, it will be an operation that can last for ten years." Meng Butler said.

And when the two of them rushed out, the others could safely enter the safe zone, and after the others entered the safe zone, they could well meet Zheng Qi and the others.

At the same time, I gained [-]% more experience yesterday, which is enough for Zheng Qi and the others to attack boldly, so what if they hang up once?It's nothing more than a loss of experience, even if it will affect the impact record later, it can bring enough training and self-confidence improvement!

This approach is also in line with the appetite of Yixin Want to Fly and Zheng Qi.

Wanting to fly is a character that grows braver as he fights. He is happiest in this situation.

Although Zheng Qi is smarter, he never avoids fighting.

After advancing a certain distance, a group of people appeared in front of them at the same time.

A team of people, that is ten.

No matter how good the players are, under fair circumstances, they can't fight ten by two, but Zheng Qihe rushed over at the same time because he wanted to fly.

He wanted to fly and move quickly on the water surface, attracting the opponent's attention.

On the other hand, Zheng Qi dived into the bottom of the water, moved forward quickly, and pulled one of them down directly under the influence of wanting to fly.

It is necessary to take a breath at the bottom of the water - the setting in Football Era is exactly the same as in reality. Zheng Qiqian held his breath when he passed by, but after pulling the opponent down, he came up to the surface to take a breath, and then he will die The opponent was suppressed underwater.

After suppressing it for half a minute, the other party's profile picture grayed out—drowned alive...

During this process, the other party wanted to save him, but was stopped by Yi Xin Xiang Fei. After one of them died, the others soon discovered that one of them had been ripped off again...

After half a minute, hang up another one.

The others panicked and immediately dispersed. Of course, Zheng Qi and the others would not continue to entangle with them—their purpose was to leave.

Seeing the others disperse, the two dived to the bottom at the same time and began to advance underwater.

After losing the trace of the two, the bosses of the guilds were relatively silent.

This is the disadvantage of encircling the opponent in a water battle. When someone sinks to the bottom of the water and comes out after a while, do you know where he came out from?
In this way, other people who outflank can only expand the range, and the power of siege will be much less...

The news came one by one, but it was full of news that their players were constantly being attacked.

The elusive Ren Pingsheng and Yi wanted to fly, and it only took half an hour for them to kill more than 20 people.

Although compared with the number of 2000 people, the loss of number 20 is only one percent, but this reality makes all the guild bosses feel discouraged.

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