football era

Chapter 11 1st copy

Although he doesn't intend to follow the same path as other players, Zheng Qi will still watch the strategy process.

Choosing one person to swipe the book, of course, has the factor of upgrading quickly, but with the time saved, Zheng Qi does not intend to continue to upgrade, but to learn more about the details of the game.

Zheng Qi is very interested in this.

He is young and full of curiosity and desire for the world. Although he used to dismiss this game that is popular all over the world because of some young people's little awkwardness, but now that he wants to start playing, he must play well.

For a level five rookie, the dungeon to brush up is of course the Viti House.

After coming out of the novice village, until level [-], you can wander in the first large dungeon. This dungeon is based on ancient Rome and is divided into three parts. The most suitable for newcomers is the Viti House.

Viti House is located not far from Novice Village. After entering the gate, there will be a rest point. The rest point is the same as Novice Village. It cannot be PKed. After leaving the rest point, there will be one copy after another.

The dungeons cannot interfere with each other. You can enter alone or in a team. On average, you can refresh five times a day, which is the fastest place for beginners to upgrade.

Zheng Qi didn't waste much time at the rest point. As a newcomer, he didn't have much money on him, so he couldn't buy food to replenish his stamina—but the advantage of this game is that if he stands still, his stamina will recover slowly , You can make dungeons without money, but it will be slower.

After entering the dungeon, a corridor appears in front of Zheng Qi. There will be some rooms on both sides of the corridor. There are 22 rooms in total. You can fight monsters after entering the room. There are two types of monsters: hammer guards and defensive guards. The boss is Viti butler , Of course, if you are lucky, you will also get the hidden boss Viti Brothers.

After entering the corridor, Zheng Qi was not in a hurry to find a room, but started running in the corridor—running consumes stamina, fast walking does not consume stamina, slow walking and staying still can slow down Restoring stamina, so running is actually a matter of skill. How to achieve the highest speed while maintaining stamina is often able to distinguish who is a rookie and who is a veteran.

Zheng Qi is a rookie, but in terms of mentality, he is an out-and-out veteran.

After running back and forth for a while, and then using the four basic skills—sprinting, rolling, jumping, and sliding shovel—he quickly summed up a set of effective exercise methods.

Sprinting can increase your speed to the highest in an instant. Of course, the consumption of physical energy is also amazing. Rolling can quickly reach a certain place. Not only does it not consume physical energy, but it can also recover a little physical energy. Of course, there is a cooling time. Jumping means that when falling, it can reach high speed without consuming physical energy. The moving distance of the sliding shovel is short and consumes a lot of physical energy, but it can play a very good role in battle.

For many players, it takes a long time for newcomers to understand the method and rhythm of using these skills, which cannot be taught by others, but Zheng Qi has mastered these with ease.

Soon, Zheng Qi came across the first room.

After pushing open the door, Zheng Qi walked in, and soon saw two humanoid monsters standing in the center of the room, and on the wall behind them, a goal stood quietly there.

Seeing a football appearing under his feet, Zheng Qi shrugged his shoulders.

Although he knew it a long time ago, when this scene really appeared in front of him, Zheng Qi still found it very funny.

The battle of football era is really different from other games.

What are other game battles?Attacking with weapons or skills, hitting the monster's blood volume to zero, can increase experience...

The fight against monsters in the Football Era is different. There will be goals behind the monsters, and there will be goals behind the players. Whoever scores more goals within the specified time will win.

Of course, the difference from football in the last century is that in the game, you can use various methods to immobilize the opponent, that is, you can hit others.

When the monster is hit, there will be a stiff situation. At this time, you can go around them and shoot the ball into the goal, even if you have scored a point.

How many points you can get in 1 minute determines the experience and money you get.

Of course, when you attack a monster, the monster will also attack you - you won't die when the monster attacks you, but when it hits you, your physical energy will drop, and when it drops to zero, you will enter into a freeze State, after ten seconds to restore full physical strength.

And a small encounter in a dungeon lasts only 1 minute. If you don't score a goal within 1 minute, it will be considered a failure and you have to start all over again.

So for newcomers, many of them will not just enter the dungeon to gain experience like this, but instead go to a separate training ground to make their skills more proficient, and then come to the dungeon - anyway, there are only five dungeons a day, If you can't get the highest experience, the rest of your time will be wasted.

If you can score three goals in one minute, you can get the highest experience. Of course, if you can score more, you will have the opportunity to get extra rewards. For more than 1 years in each district, these records have reached a very high level, and The highest single-game record of the Viti House mini-dungeon is eleven goals, which was created by Lu Xiaotian, China's top forward "Silver Spear and White Horse" when he was a rookie.

Before that, there were very few players who could reach ten goals in a game. Lu Xiaotian's record was considered difficult to break.

After seeing Zheng Qi, the two monsters rushed towards Zheng Qi at the same time.

"One is the mace guard. The mace has lethal power. For newcomers, just touching it can reduce [-] stamina points, so you can't be touched by it. The other is the defensive guard. When attacking the mace guard, be careful of its defense."

While thinking in his heart, Zheng Qi dribbled the ball towards the two guards.

Before he got close, the mace guard, dressed in civilian clothes and holding a mace in his hand, roared, then raised his hand, and smashed the mace in his hand towards Zheng Qi.

Facing the flying mace, Zheng Qi didn't immediately start to dodge, but took a quick step forward. After feeling the wind blowing towards his face, he quickly moved a shovel, and dangerously dodged by rubbing the mace. past!

This sliding shovel reduced Zheng Qi's stamina by five points, but it was a price that had to be paid - after dodging the sliding shovel, Zheng Qi was already very close to the mace guard, so he took advantage of the opportunity to shovel it Mace Guard.

After being shoveled by Zheng Qi, the mace guard immediately became stiff - this kind of stiffness is compulsory, and there is a difference in length of time depending on the strength of the two sides. However, although Zheng Qi only has five points of strength, the mobs are not strong enough either. This time, there was at least two seconds of stiffness.

After shoveling the mace guard, Zheng Qi took advantage of the situation and rolled over. While recovering a little physical strength, he also narrowed the distance between him and the guard.

After the tumbling, Zheng Qi quickly stood up, swung his right foot, and was about to shoot.

The defensive guard flew forward, but Zheng Qi's move was a fake action. The moment he kicked the ball, Zheng Qi abruptly controlled his movements, and only after the defensive guard flew out did he raise his foot again. Kicked the ball into the empty goal.

Zheng Qi successfully scored his first point in the game.

"Well, [-]% of the experience has been obtained."

After scoring the goal, Zheng Qi returned to the half he was in before. During this process, the monster would not move. It would not start moving again until the ball was kicked off again.

And Zheng Qi can't just waste time like this - this process is also counted in the 1-minute game time, if time is wasted, it is his own time.

However, there is a little trick to recovering physical fitness - the ten-second cooldown of rolling after scoring a goal has been terminated early, and rolling again at this time will not only allow you to return to your position better, but also restore a little physical value.

Next, do the same.

For the monsters in the game, no matter how powerful they are, once the players find out the rules to deal with them, they are a piece of cake.

So even though Zheng Qi was doing solo, he also felt that the other party was a piece of cake.

Sliding shovels to avoid and freeze the opponent, pull into the distance after rolling, and then fake shots to lure the defensive guards, this series of actions only takes ten seconds - of course, for most novices, if you are not proficient , it is difficult to quickly score goals under the attack of two opponents, and it is not uncommon to fail to score a goal in one minute, so multi-person teams have become a trend, but multi-person teams It is impossible to break the record, and the effect of exercise is mediocre.

Players who are not strong and confident will not choose to solo.

One minute later, Zheng Qi walked out of the dungeon. He scored five goals just now, and this was due to his lack of proficiency in operation.

"Damn, it's more than half of the record, but I'm only level five now, and this dungeon can be done before level ten... In this way, when I reach level ten, the attributes will be twice as strong as they are now. The speed is also faster, double digits should not be a big problem, right? For records, it depends on luck."

While recovering his stamina, Zheng Qi walked forward, thinking in his heart.

When he first saw this dungeon record, Zheng Qi didn't pay much attention to it. In his opinion, as long as he finds a way to deal with rigid monsters, it is not difficult to increase his number of goals. Scoring eleven goals in one minute is easy. It means scoring a goal in about five seconds on average. It should not be difficult to break the record, right?

However, after he actually started brushing the dungeon, Zheng Qi realized that this record is actually quite terrifying——Zheng Qi scored a goal in ten seconds just now, which is already considered very fast. Balls, plus the time to recover physical fitness, think about reaching ten balls is considered an extreme operation, eleven balls?I'm afraid that Lu Xiaotian himself has a certain element of luck, right?
"It's a difficult record, but it's worth a try." Zheng Qi thought to himself.

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