football era

Chapter 108

After the carnival ended on the second day, thousands of rides went crazy.

It can be said that they were unlucky to get only one BOSS yesterday, but today, the BOSS refresh is more conscientious to them. Six BOSS were refreshed in their area, but they still only got three...

It's not because He Jing they lost to their opponents every time - in fact, after losing the first time, He Jing they won the second time when they competed for the boss. He actually managed to win a round head-to-head, and Zhuo Zhenjiang defeated Fu Lei this time, riding the wind and waves to win the boss.

Most of the time, Zheng Qi and the others didn't always stay in the area of ​​Changfeng, not only Changfeng, but also the adjacent Xingyu and Thunder, and even other guild areas adjacent to Xingyu and Thunder, after the BOSS, may also They were snatched away by Zheng Qi, so the real bosses to fight against were these two.

However, why did they only get three in total, and their luck was too bad. Among the remaining three bosses, except for the first one which was snatched by the extraordinary guild in a match, the remaining two, their players were stunned. It turned out that it was robbed by two small guilds mixed in their area.

This is also unavoidable, the location where the boss will spawn is uncertain, and a hundred bosses seem like a lot, scattered in an area that can accommodate tens of millions of players, there is really no splash at all, and the area occupied by the major guilds is very vast , although they have thousands of people, it is difficult to cover everything. It is inevitable that the BOSS will be spawned in a place outside their sphere of influence.

Although I got three bosses today, it is considered qualified, but if I count yesterday's results, overall, it is still not good.

Regarding this point, He Jing and the others are helpless. Dividing the area actually limits the scope of activities of these people, which makes them rely more on luck to get the BOSS. In addition, there are people from extraordinary guilds making trouble, and the harvest will decrease. It couldn't be more normal, but if the area is not divided, it will be more troublesome to fight, and it will depend more on luck. Now it seems that dividing the area will make the core members of each guild suffer less losses.

And this day on the boss killing list, the Extraordinary Guild was once again proud of the crowd, snatched seven bosses, and grabbed twelve in two days, accounting for six percent of all bosses. It was a mess of arrogance.

The players of the Extraordinary Guild only reported the information on this day, and they didn't care about other things, which made their upgrade go smoothly. The players who can join the guild are considered the best players in the world. After coming down, there are more and more experienced players. Newly joined players have donated a lot of materials in exchange for contribution points to exchange for the materials they urgently need-this is also normal, after all, players who level up quickly must be scumbags. Ben and the monster with the most experience, but some low-level materials cannot be obtained.

In this way, after the carnival on the second day, the Extraordinary Guild won back all the losses it lost yesterday, and the guild level soared to level 25, becoming the number one among all guilds. , increased the number of guild members to 4000, and returned to the first echelon again.

"Even in places like Carnival, which can well demonstrate the level of our guild organization, we can't compete with Extraordinary Guild. How can these guys know everything?"

In the discussion group of the guild president, Xingguang Wandian, the boss of the Xingyu Club Meteor Pavilion guild who was robbed of two bosses by the Extraordinary Guild today, complained very annoyed.

"A cancer, it's a cancer!" Thunderbolt Club Leimen Guild Boss Pilizi was also cursing.

Today, the two guilds next to Changfeng are relatively unlucky. It’s okay that the Meteorite Pavilion was robbed by Zheng Qi and the others, and Leimen was robbed by them twice. Of course, Leimen is also unlucky. It happened to be discovered by the players of the Extraordinary Guild who were spawning monsters there and reported it. Zheng Qi and the others immediately killed them, and ran away after killing them three times, five times, and two times, making it too late for Leimen to react.

"Actually, their development is within our expectations." Nan Wuxin said, they were not robbed by the Extraordinary Guild today, and they were lucky to fight five bosses, which made Nan Wuxin feel good and calm in his analysis Many: "The Extraordinary Guild also has a lot of experienced players. These skilled players may have mediocre operation skills, but they are all veterans. They are clear about things in the game. With their help in commanding, the Extraordinary Guild did not perform badly in the carnival. There are quite a few such guilds in non-club guilds, but they don't have a powerful figure like Ren Pingsheng, and they don't have much say in the boss fight."

The other guild bosses nodded one after another. This is true. After all, there are not only large guild alliances in the game, but also many individual guild members. Those who don’t want to be bound by the guild’s rules, just want to enjoy the guild’s attribute bonus Exchange with materials - it's not difficult to do this at all, just exchange what you need. The main cohesion of the club guild comes from fans' love for the club and willingness to contribute, but after all, it is impossible to expand its influence to all aspects.

What's more, there are not only the Super 24 professional teams and the [-] first-level teams. They are just the ones with the best performance and the most influence. China still does not have the third-level and lower-level leagues, but counties, cities and provinces, countless Amateur teams, these teams also have their own guilds, but relatively speaking, they have relatively few fans and almost no influence. Such guilds have few constraints on players, and they are a good place for many players who don't want to listen to orders.

It is actually not uncommon for the Extraordinary Guild to have such abilities. With its huge player base, there is no shortage of talents in the game. Even in the new districts, there are many veteran players.

"They can have so much support because they have two top players, Ren Pingsheng and Yixin Xiangfei. These two people have accumulated a strong popularity through breaking records, and they are extremely attractive to newcomers. Huge, and at the same time their level is very good, they can continue to grab the BOSS in the carnival, which can better consolidate their popularity. Next, this guild will compete with us in all aspects, and our interests will be damaged , is already beyond doubt." Nan Wuxin continued.

"Boss Nan Wuxin has said so much, is there a solution?" Simmons asked.

"No." Nan Wuxin said decisively: "Facing such an opponent who is comparable to the main guild of a first-tier club, how can a branch like ours have the ability to solve it. If I can solve it, I won't have to open up wasteland in the new area all year round."

Nan Wuxin's words caused all the bosses to sigh, yes, in the club guild, they can only be the boss in the new district, compared with the branch presidents in the Shinhwa district, they are not so beautiful, let alone the management of the main guild layer up.

To put it bluntly, they are just average in ability, and they only have rich experience and enough qualifications to be the boss in the new district. It is indeed beyond their ability to deal with such an opponent.

"Then what to do?" Someone asked.

"It can only go on like this, and we can do whatever we want, but we have to report to the higher authorities in detail about the situation in the new district, so that they can let them know that the land reclamation situation in the new district is not good. " Nan Wuxin spread her hands and said.

"Yeah, yeah, it seems like this is the only way to go." After thinking about it, the others found that they really had to do this. The important goal of everyone in the carnival is to upgrade and fight the boss. Their current approach has weakened the possible impact to At least, I have tried my best!
"To put it bluntly, the impact of the new district on the club and the guild is not particularly great. If we fail to do well, we will deduct bonuses and so on. As long as the club and the guild are prepared in advance, then we will be at a loss. It's not in vain." Nan Wuxin said finally.

When saying this, Nan Wuxin's mentality can be described as extremely peaceful - there is nothing to do if you are not peaceful, you can't beat it!Wu Xun and his five quasi-professional players were wiped out by Zheng Qi and his team. He knew that five guys who were absolutely top players in online games were all wiped out by Ren Pingsheng's team. What else could he do?
People's confusion and distress come from difficulties. If you really can't achieve your goals, it will be calm-you can't hang yourself on a tree.

"So why do you still have this discussion group? Let's do our own thing." At that time, Ambitious wanted to divide his luggage and leave.

"Don't worry, ambitious boss. Even if there is nothing we can do about these guys, we still need to maintain this alliance. After all, there will be more carnivals in the future. If we follow our previous competition method, then it is very likely that the Extraordinary Guild will Those people will get more benefits." Nan Wuxin said hastily.

"What do you mean?" Ambitious was taken aback.

Nan Wuxin scolded Ambitious in his heart, but still said calmly: "Everyone can think about it, if we don't divide the carnival in the future, but fight each other as before, what will be the consequences?"

The old brains of the various guilds made up their minds, and immediately imagined that during the carnival in the past, the guilds actually spread out the players very widely, because by the next carnival, each guild would usually have more than a dozen branches. You can use crowd tactics to scatter around, so that the elite team can grab as many bosses as possible.

But now that there is a variable like the Extraordinary Guild, their number will not decrease by then. Ren Pingsheng's elite team is running around like rabbits, hitting every boss they see, hitting every boss they see, Even if you just fought the boss a few times, Ren Pingsheng and the others rushed out to grab it and ran away, so what can you do?

In the case where several elite teams may fight for the boss together, it is better for Ren Pingsheng and the others to fish in troubled waters, go to places where there are few elite teams to fight, and even draw an area to occupy the mountain as king!

On the contrary, after the division of regions, Ren Pingsheng and the others dare not run around anymore, because there will be competition everywhere, and they can only compete in a few regions. In this case, although the interests of a few companies will be damaged, most of them The interests of the guild have been preserved.

As for which one was damaged... Could it be me?All the guild bosses thought so at the same time.

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