football era

Chapter 106 Complete Suppression

Now that the two parties have already made an agreement, then naturally there will be no more nonsense, the carnival time is very precious.

"Old man, you go first." Zheng Qi said to Fu Lei.

"What kind of messy name is that?"

Fu Lei said dissatisfiedly, but he didn't say much. Fu Lei was also very interested in playing against the opponent. Although he was very close to professional competition at one time, you must know that he has only been playing in the first-tier team. He was born in the grassroots and was favored by the first-level team. If he was lucky, he could create a good character and then be poached by the Super League team through his performance in the game. But if he was unlucky, like Fu Lei, the club did not No matter how much support you give, you can't create a good character account, you can only ignore everyone, and finally rely on your good skills to get a decent position in the guild—if you don't meet Zheng Qi and the others, Fu Lei can only choose such a road.

But the opponent is different. At only 16 years old, he was favored by a big club like Changfeng. At the age of 16, he came to the new district to hone his skills. If he was lucky, he would have a god-level account and enter the championship in less than two years. Team, if you are lucky, you will be able to win a heavyweight championship when you debut. Compared with most professional players, it is considered in the sky.

Sometimes people are so unfair.

But Fu Lei didn't think so radically. Being able to be favored by Changfeng and focus on training proved the excellence of these three young people. Otherwise, there would be many young players. Why should the three of them be valued by Changfeng? ?They are not relatives of Boss Changfeng!
Fu Lei had already passed the age when he was naive and self-centered in the second grade. After so many years of setbacks, he did not complain, but his mentality became more peaceful.

So even though it was a girl who was fighting him, he didn't have any intention of underestimating her.

That's right, Xueyan Tianxiang Mi Yiran is a 16-year-old girl.

In professional football in the past, there was a saying that "soccer makes women go away". On the football field, it is still men's world. Because of physical and other factors, the level and excitement of women's football is still huge compared with men's football.

But in the current era of football, the gender difference is already negligible. Li Chengze, who is not good enough, can become the top professional player, let alone girls?
In the first team of big clubs, although male players are still the main players, the proportion of female players is definitely not low. There is Wen Xiang in the champion captain Feng Iron Triangle, and there are two other female players in the main lineup, who have always been ranked in the middle Corning, who is on the upper side, has six female players in the main lineup. These female players are not inferior to the male players at all.

On the contrary, Tianhe, where Li Chengze is located, is a special existence. They are a team in the entire Super League whose main lineup is all men. Even in the first team, there are only two female players, and the entire league has more than [-]% female players. Compared with the grand occasion, it is much outdated.

So the players also have a catchphrase - the flowers of Corning, the grass of Changfeng, the monks of Tianhe running all over the street...

Facing Mi Yiran, Fu Lei has no intention of underestimating the opponent. The female players may be less aggressive, but their natural tenacity and delicateness allow them to often create miracles on the field. In the arena still dominated by men, the women who can gain a foothold in the arena are all top notch.

The two sides said hello, and then began to fight, only six hero cards can be used, so the competition is much less tricky, the competition is the timing and judgment of the use of heroes, and the accuracy of the operation.

Fu Lei has a lot of experience, but his talent is obviously not as outstanding as that of Mi Yiran. In the confrontation, although the two sides have always kept their physical values ​​under a good condition, but under such circumstances, one Negligence will often cause huge consequences.

Fu Lei just didn't pay attention, and Mi Yiran seized the opportunity to chase after him. He tried all kinds of methods but couldn't get rid of the disadvantage. In the end, when his physical value dropped to 5.00%, he had no choice but to admit defeat.

This was also decided through discussion between the two parties - if it really hangs up, then there is no need.

Of course, there are also those who can't hold back and kill the opponent directly. In that case, they can only consider themselves unlucky, and whether they can control the opponent's physical energy below this amount without dying is also a test of the player's control ability.

Obviously, Mi Yiran controlled this very precisely.

"It's amazing, it's worth learning from." Zheng Qi slapped his hands and walked up: "Who is the second one?"

"Me." He Jing waved his hand and stood up.

"Let me go." Yixin Xiangfei suddenly said to Zheng Qi.

"Oh, you are trying to steal my limelight." Zheng Qi shouted.

"He is the strongest opponent, so I'll come." Yixiangfei refused to give up.

"You're embarrassing me like this...Okay, you go." Zheng Qi said halfway, immediately changed his words, and then backed away.

He Jing didn't care about this. Anyway, no matter who it is, he always has to make a move. His level is a level higher than that of Zhuo Zhenjiang and Mi Yiran. Mi Yiran has already won a game, and the opponent's Yixin Xiangfei and Ren Pingsheng have not made a move yet, no matter who it is, as long as he can win, he will naturally win this bet.

"I heard that when Lu Xiaotian was training in the team, he never held back and went forward without hesitation. I don't know if you have ever fought against him." Yixin Xiangfei said coldly to He Jing.

"Senior Lu pointed me out twice." He Jing was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Very good." Yixin Xiangfei nodded: "Let's get started."

He Jing nodded in agreement, and the next moment, he saw a golden light flashing on Yixin Xiangfei's body, using the Caesar hero card, it was a heroic charge immediately!
The heroic charge is not very lethal, but it can shorten the gap with the opponent extremely quickly.

He Jing didn't panic. Before the start of the game, both sides observed each other's level. After all, both sides were players at the top of the level list. Zheng Qi and the others had both been promoted to level 29 in the upgrade just now. He Jing and they were also dissatisfied. They have all reached level 28, and the level suppression of the first level can be said to be minimal.

So he was not very worried, but quickly used the Yang Ye hero card and started to defend, preparing to withstand this wave of attacks from the opponent.

Sliding, jumping, sprinting, and rolling are the four basic skills stipulated by the system, but there are still many ways to fight, which are not stipulated by the system, and are purely operated by the players themselves, such as collisions and receiving operations when falling to the ground Wait, these are not used skills, but through personal operations.

At what angle and what part of the opponent collides, you can make yourself not stiff and the opponent temporarily enters a pseudo-stiff state, how to balance your body in the air when you fall, so that you will not be stiff when you fall, and you can quickly make the next move. It's all details, but it can be a good measure of a player's overall level.

Heroic charge, sacred oath, war and plunder.

He wanted to fly a set of skills, but was eaten by He Jing. He Jing didn't have enough aura to operate, but he was well-organized, one move for another, followed clearly, and he wanted to fly this set of imposing skills. The attack was obviously stopped by him.

After stopping this wave of attacks, He Jing quickly rolled over, recovered part of his stamina, and was ready to fight back.

But the next moment, the attack that wanted to fly once again rushed like a raging wave.

Of the six heroes now available, Pompey, Caesar, and Crassus are theoretically good at attacking, while Yang Ye, Guo Jin, and Hu Yanzan are all defensive. If they want to fly up, they will use Caesar, who has the most comprehensive offensive capabilities. He also wanted to suppress He Jing by attacking, but now that He Jing stopped him, theoretically his offensive should be cut off to give He Jing a chance to breathe.

However, the offensive that wanted to fly did not stop.

After using Caesar's hero card skills, Yixin Xiangfei did not change to other hero cards. Instead, he used the bonus brought by the sacred oath to perform a normal attack combo. Although it was only a normal attack, he He Jing was a little bit overwhelmed by the fierce attack.

It wasn't until the effect of the sacred oath was about to fade that he used the Pompeii hero card, which was the ultimate cavalry sprint.

He Jing could only dodge horizontally, but just after he rolled away, he wanted to fly and came in front of him again. He gave up the skill bonus brought by Pompeii without hesitation, and quickly switched to the Yang Ye hero card, opening the big card. Recruit Bixue Danqing!

Jade Blood Danqing can bring a substantial boost to abilities, and at the same time make ordinary attacks more powerful.

After that, he didn't use any hero cards, nor did he use any skills. He just relied on ordinary attacks and continued to attack continuously.

Such an attack would not be very strong in theory, but under the blessing of Jade Blood Danqing, his attributes completely suppressed He Jing!

He is actually a calm player. He can find the opponent's loopholes to complete the counterattack under the most unlikely circumstances. In the contest of less than [-]th level, maybe one opportunity can complete the counterattack——Mi Yiran was like that just now , seized an opportunity, and defeated Fu Lei.

But wanting to fly didn't give him a chance.

He has been suppressing He Jing with his offense all the time, and bit by bit his physical strength has been worn away. He Jing wanted to fight back, but he couldn't find an opportunity. He wanted to fight, but he couldn't find an opportunity. In general, it is continuous, and one wave is not flat, and another wave rises again.

No matter how fierce the waves are, there will be an end.

However, when he wanted to stop the flying waves, He Jing's movements also stopped.

four percent.

His stamina stays at this moment, according to the rules, he lost.

And He Jing knew in his heart that if he hadn't wanted to fly and stopped his hand actively, then his remaining physical energy would only last for less than a second.

Complete suppression, complete defeat from beginning to end.

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