Football: Messi is reborn and China wins the championship

Chapter 68 I Was Spotted by the Espanyol Team?

Obviously, seeing Li Xuesong's state now, Yang Wenjie didn't have any regrets in his eyes, nor did he feel any pity.

If before meeting Messi, Li Xuesong was the key striker trained in the team, then now it seems that compared to Messi, even if it is not good-looking Messi, simply comparing Zeng Weixiang and Qin Haoyu, Li Xuesong before Football skills have dropped several levels, so it is irrelevant to the current needs of the team, and it will not have any impact on the team.

And Li Xuesong's flying kick at that time was really merciless. It was really for the purpose of abolishing Messi, just to be a ball bully in the team?

"If you want to be a ball bully, then you also need to have skills. For example, like our current Messi, all of us want you to be a ball bully. We are willing to block other defensive personnel for you, so that You dribbled the ball and scored goals alone, bringing victory to our team and hope to our national football team. Can you do it? You can’t do it at all. You are just playing independent football alone. That's all, any honor is for your own priority." At this time, the head coach Gao Xianming was also not stingy with his own words of criticism, commenting on Li Xuesong in this way.

Then Chairman Yang Wenjie and Head Coach Gao Xianming took turns bombarding and criticizing Li Xuesong and Li Xuesong's parents.

Even so, the words were a bit extreme, but Li Xuesong and Li Xuesong's parents kept their heads down and kept laughing. It was very embarrassing, but they had no choice but to refute.

Then at this time my sister also interjected.

"If they are very strong and have to join our team again, I think it's better for brother Wu Lei to take my younger brother to the Espanyol youth training team for trial training. Maybe we can do it with brother Wu Lei in the future." As for my partner, I started my football career with the Espanyol team in La Liga."

My sister also said this with a slight frown at this time, and then looked at Wu Lei with friendly eyes.

At the same time, Wu Lei was also slightly surprised, then looked at Yang Wenjie, Gao Xianming and Li Tie, and then smiled at me and my sister with a hehe smile.

"I didn't say what you said is right. I came here with coach Li Tie this time to tell you that the team I play for now is the Espanyol team in La Liga. Forgive me, I didn't To inform you, I first recommended Messi to the team I am in, and the senior management expressed great interest, looking forward to your trial training in the past to see the actual effect."

"And I also met Li Xuesong when I came over there in the past few days. He was doing trial training with our team, and I recommended him. Unfortunately, his technical level is not up to standard, and there is nothing I can do."

When Wu Lei said this, my sister Mei Chun and I finally understood why the head coach Gao Xianming and Chairman Yang Wenjie were even more dissatisfied with Li Xuesong.

This actually went abroad and asked Wu Lei, what's even more embarrassing is the youth training team of a team like Spain.

Li Xuesong's skills are not up to the standard. One can imagine how terrifying the skills of those players who play football in the youth training teams of several foreign giants' teams are.

These are not the point, the point is that Li Xuesong and his family did not apologize to Messi in a serious and conditional way at the first time, and even said to the team after the team fired him Some bad words, but they were not announced.

In short, it is the standard of any team to go abroad for trial training.

The lower level leagues feel that the salary is not as high as that of the domestic national team U15.

Now I still have the face to come back and want to enter the national team, but I can't play football without you in my team, right?

Fortunately, Messi was not injured at the time, and he was indeed the pride of heaven, an absolute genius in the only football in China at present.

Even his own head coach can't teach such a talented player. On the contrary, such a talented player has brought overall technical and tactical improvements to the team he coaches, as well as comprehensive improvements in all aspects.

It can be said that in the current Chinese football, whether it is the management, the various clubs, or the fans, the central point of teaching is the 13-year-old Messi by my side.

"I'm really sorry, I was wrong, Chairman Yang, please give me another chance, Coach Jia, I won't let you down."

At this time, Li Xuesong looked expectantly at the two people with high limit quotas, Yang Wenjie.

This Li Xuesong has to say that IQ and EQ are really low, didn't he hear what my sister said just now?

My sister has made it clear that if the team takes you in again, then I will leave the team directly and go directly to the youth training teams of the five major leagues for trial training.

And I also said that I absolutely support my sister in this wave, god tmd is going to be your teammate with you, who knows if you will even be in the team against training in the future, give me another sentence that is very embarrassing It's useless, people like you are a black-bellied person, and the way you look now actually looks like a fake.

"How is it possible? Didn't you hear what Mei Chun said? You want to join our team, but Messi will leave the team on his own initiative. They are afraid that you will always look for opportunities after joining the team and want to destroy him. Come on, we will never allow you to re-enter people like you!"

Then Gao Xianming made his words very clear, and Chairman Yang Wenjie nodded directly.

"If you can get the approval of all the fans in China, maybe we can consider letting you have another trial training to see if you can still meet the conditions to enter the team, but by then you will be over 16 years old. You can’t be in the current team anymore, but you have gone to many foreign teams for trial training and failed to meet the standards, and the youth training teams of other domestic clubs don’t have so much energy, so where will you develop in the future? It should be Are you thinking of the 17-year-old football national team? But have you ever thought that when you were 17, this group of boys were also 17, and they will become even better under the leadership of Messi."

Yang Wenjie said a lot of words again, and in the end he clearly and directly rejected Li Xuesong's request to join the team again.

Then my sister, Wu Lei, Li Tie, Yang Wenjie, Gao Xianming, and other senior managers went into a very large conference room for a meeting.

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