Football: Messi is reborn and China wins the championship

Chapter 10 My Sister's High School Graduation Divorce

Because of my anemia, I can't overeat, let alone drink indiscriminately.

Besides, I am a man with strong self-discipline, and I am Huaxia Messi!

During the breakup meal, these sister's classmates, whether male or female.

It seems that calling my brother-in-law is addictive.

There is a brother-in-law on the left, come and do it with your brother-in-law, and your brother-in-law will buy you equipment.

There is a little brother-in-law, you are such a happy person, you can live with the school belle, and you will live and sleep together.

As for me, I was drinking a bottle of Wanglaoji to pick up the trick.

My sister obviously wants to indulge the various unhappy emotions that have accumulated in her heart for a month at the dinner tonight.

My sister always refuses to come, she drinks beer one after another.

In the end, my sister still vomited.

Seeing that other boys were going to help their sister to go to the toilet by the way.

I went straight up and squeezed them away.

Said: "Thank you for your kindness, my sister, I will be fine if I support you."

Although my sister weighs no more than [-], she is drunk, and it is very difficult to support her.

But I am happy!

The right hand embraced her sister's waist, and the left hand supported her sister's armpit, supporting her, and also helping her to vomit in the toilet.

"Hehe, you see, although my brother-in-law is still young, he is really domineering. The look in his eyes just now looks like someone is bullying her sister, and he is fighting desperately with someone."

"Hey, don't be angry, everyone. In fact, it's really not easy for my brother-in-law and her sister. If my parents say it's gone, it will be gone."

"That's right, the school belle is drinking as if she were venting her emotions. For those who want to take advantage of it, forget it and don't worry about it."

"That's right."

After all, they are classmates, so they are kind-hearted.

After my sister vomited, her mind became clearer.

I went back to my seat with her.

My sister continued to drink, it seemed that she hadn't finished venting her emotions yet.

Then, I helped her to vomit the second wave.

But later, everyone felt that my sister's mood was not right.

Start persuading people to drink.

Suddenly, my sister could no longer be strong, so she lay on the shoulder of a female classmate and cried loudly.

Because of skinny jeans and tight shirts.

The standing sister looked tall and thin.

Yes, my sister's legs are thinner than ordinary women's legs, and her waist is also thinner, which is full of grip.It feels fragile.

With an extremely thin and tall figure, the men around him can hardly leave their eyes.

I think it's almost time to take my sister back, it's too late, it's not safe anyway.

My sister greeted my classmates, and we, my siblings, went home after two rounds of fire and three rounds.

Helped my sister, who smelled of alcohol and was limp, to go home.

Let my sister lie on the bed in the bedroom, turn on the air conditioner, cover her with a quilt, and rest in peace.

In the morning of the next day, it was already June 6th, and today was still a day off, and we had to go to school tomorrow.

When I woke up, I didn't see the breakfast on the table, and gently pushed open the door of my sister's bedroom.

I only saw my sister nestled in the bed and continued to sleep.

Yes, Han Chuang has studied hard for 12 years, the college entrance examination is over, and this summer vacation before going to university is a small liberation.

I don't have a penny in my pocket, the money is kept by my sister, but I'm hungry.

Patting her sister's beautiful face, she softly shouted: "Sister, wake up."

After a while, my sister opened her eyes, frowned and asked, "Why?"

"Hungry, eat." I replied.

My sister stared at me and said, "Can you cook?"

"No, I'll wait for you to cook." I said with a smile in a natural tone, and at the same time admired my sister's exquisite fair face at a close distance, and the pleasing and comfortable feeling invaded my heart.

"Let's fend for ourselves! I don't want to worry about you." My sister grabbed the quilt and covered her head.

"Okay, I really don't care, I can't wait, I'm going to play football." After saying that, I ran away!
My sister jumped up with a jerk, looked at me running, and shouted: "Come back to me!"

I put on my shoes at the entrance of the porch, making faces: "Come on, cluck, come and chase me!"

Then slammed the door shut.

Wait at the gate of the community.

Sure enough, I saw that my sister was still dressed in the same outfit as last night, but she was wearing white sneakers.

"Hee hee, sister, don't you ignore me?" I stuck out my tongue.

People around, no matter men or women, all stared at my sister.

Just because my sister is so beautiful, a woman who is more beautiful than the stars on TV, anyone who sees her wants to look at her more.

"It's almost lunch time, let's go to KFC, and now take the car to the city." My sister suddenly stopped arguing with me, but walked out of the gate of the community and said.

When the two of us got on the bus, my sister's phone rang.

"Hello, Coach Huang?" I was sitting next to my sister, and I grabbed the seat in front of me to stand up a little bit.

Close to the cell phone where my sister answered the phone.

"Student Mei Chun, let me just say it straight. Our junior high school football team finished the first round and ranked last. In the second round, we have to win almost all of them before we can participate in the provincial competition. Do you think your brother can do it?" ..."

Mei Chun asked his younger brother Messi to go to class obediently this month and not to mention any football topics.

A few days ago, coach Huang also asked himself if he could let Messi continue to play, but he definitely refused.

My younger brother's anemia prevents him from exercising vigorously. Isn't he urging his younger brother to go down to see the king of Hades for more intense sports like playing football?

"No, there's no need, that's it." Mei Chun hung up the phone.

Seeing her younger brother sitting back in his seat, Mei Chun reminded him, "You don't have to stop studying. I will support you in the future, but you must stay by my side all the time. I don't want to be in this world without a single blood relative."

The elder sister's eyes are full of seriousness and deep meaning.

My heart was even more touched, and I was touched by my sister taking care of me like this.

"No, sister, as I said, I want to play football to earn billions for you to spend, so that you feel tired even after spending money." I grinned.

"Hehe, kid, you want to earn billions by playing football. Haha, dreams are beautiful, but your sister is so beautiful, she doesn't need you to support her."

"Your sister takes care of you."

"You are talking about Messi, Ronaldo and other super football superstars, right? That level can earn billions."

"Little brother, are you brothers and sisters? It doesn't look like it."

Immediately, the people in the car, whether male or female, became lively, asking me this and my sister that.

I just want to say to my sister: "Sister, it's not a good thing to see that you are too beautiful. The eyes of these men are full of green greed when they look at you. I will definitely earn a lot of money, which makes you feel like spending money will be tired."

Mei Chun smiled lightly, grabbed his brother's head softly, and said: "Okay, don't talk about this, anyway, you listen to me and just follow me."

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