in the arena.

Zhang Benhuihe just wanted to catch the ball according to his own ideas, but found that the ball flew directly to his front right.

So with this shot, he directly swayed lonely, and his figure also staggered, almost falling directly to the ground.

With his mistake, he had no chance to save the ball. He just watched the ball fly off the table and landed on the ground, spinning continuously.

"how can that be?!"

Zhang Benhuihe looked dull and muttered to himself.

At this moment, his heart was full of surprise, bewilderment and unwillingness.

He had clearly predicted the direction of the ball just now, and he was sure that he was absolutely right.

As a result, such a low-level mistake appeared!
Has been scored on a serve and has not yet touched the ball.

This is the greatest shame for him, a top table tennis player who claims to be the world's number one in the future!

At the same time, the barrage also exploded.

"Fuck! What kind of ball is Jiang Shen? I'm dizzy!"

"Appearance and strength coexist, love... love..."

"The way the sword flower was held just now is so handsome, I'm almost here after seeing it!"

"Upstairs, tell me clearly, what's coming soon?"

"I suspect the person upstairs is driving, but I have no proof."

"It's still the same sentence, Jiang Shen yyds!"

"Baga! Isn't it just a serve? It's just a gimmick. Zhang Ben was just careless. Next time, this kid from Longguo won't have such good luck."

"Hmph! The people of Longguo are always so arrogant and confident. It's nothing more than a ball. Zhang Ben can definitely teach him to be a man."

"Hehehe... Zhang Ben, who didn't see you, has become angry from embarrassment?"


In the arena, Zhang Benhui became angry from embarrassment, and said loudly: "Huh! Jiang Chen, I really underestimated you, to be able to throw this kind of ball, but I will definitely not let you succeed in the next ball!"

Jiang Chen sneered, "Since I said that I will prevent you from receiving the ball, I will definitely prevent you from receiving the ball, watch it!"

After all, he threw the ball high again, and with the same sword flower, he hit the ball.

Same move, same serve.

When Zhang Benhuihe saw this scene, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

He originally thought that since Jiang Chen had bluffed, the second ball would definitely be served in a different way.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Chen made the same action.

Moreover, it seemed to him that the flight and rotation of this ball were exactly the same as the previous one.

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, trying to score with the same ball, ridiculous!
Thinking of this, he immediately made preparations to meet Jiang Chen's ball.

This time, he not only had to catch the ball, but also used the best way to counterattack the ball back to Jiang Chen.

So, when the ball flew to his side of the table, he saw where it landed, and jumped on it again.

This time, he was attacking in the direction the ball flew just now.

However, with his swing, his pupils shrank again, and he froze in place.

This time, the ball flew to his front left!


The ball landed on the ground and kept spinning, making a slight 'sizzling' sound.

In the quiet place, this slight sound was extremely ear-piercing.

It seemed to be slapping Zhang Benhuihe's face constantly.

Zhang Benhuihe's expression at this time was mournful, and his eyes were full of deep doubts about himself.

Why does the same ball fly in different directions?
He even felt that he was living in a dream all the time, and he was not the top blue star table tennis player ranked fourth at all.

Otherwise, how could he allow Jiang Chen to score in the serve twice in a row?

The barrage exploded even more!

"Damn, show me I'm confused, what kind of ball is Jiang Shen?"

"Yeah, the same serving action, the same way of throwing the ball, and even the landing point are exactly the same as the previous ball, how could it fly in a different direction?"

"This ball is absolutely amazing! Anyway, looking at it makes my scalp tingle!"

"Hahaha... look at Zhang Benhui and his face, it looks like someone died at home!"

"I'm really relieved to see that group of dogs in the Sakura Kingdom, do you know how powerful our Jiang Shen is now?"

"Please help explain this ball. Anyway, I have played table tennis for more than ten years, and I have never seen this ball."

"I hang it big, but I can't explain it. It's better to understand the fat man who can't understand the ball."


The people of Longguo were very excited.

Dragon country live broadcast room.

Everyone present was also stunned.

Bingbing's heart was hot, and she hurriedly looked at Yang Ying and the fat man who didn't understand the ball, "Commentist Yang, Coach Liu, can you help us clarify how Jiang Chen sent the ball?"

"Why does it fly to the left for a while and fly to the right for a while?"

Yang Ying and the fat man who didn't know how to play looked at each other, and then they both smiled wryly.

Yang Ying shook her head helplessly, and said, "Since I started learning to play table tennis, I later participated in professional table tennis, and later became a table tennis commentator. I have studied the serves of many famous players."

"I can't say all of them, but basically I have studied the top ten table tennis players in the world at various times."

"However, I've never heard of a serve like Jiang Chen's, and I've never seen it before. Let's listen to Brother Liu's thoughts!"

The fat man who didn't understand the ball also smiled helplessly.

"I, like Yang Ying, have never seen this kind of ball."

"However, I think it should be determined by Jiang Chen's way of serving the ball. Catching the ball while the racket is spinning, this method is too bold, because it is actually impossible to determine the direction of rotation with such a ball."

As he said that, a deep look of shock appeared in his eyes, "Since Jiang Chen is so confident, then I think he should be able to control the way the ball spins, which is very powerful!"

Sa Xiaoning asked: "Then I don't know, how powerful is this kind of ball?"

The fat man who didn't understand the ball said: "Although I was not at the scene, I can feel that if this kind of ball is encountered for the first time, judging from the level of table tennis players in the world today, no one can catch it." .”

Bingbing was slightly taken aback, and said, "Coach Liu, do you think so highly of this ball?"

The fat man who didn't understand the ball smiled and said: "Of course, we used to observe the opponent's serve, and we could basically determine the specific content of the opponent's ball flying direction, landing point, etc., and then counterattack."

"But there is no way to distinguish this kind of ball. Players will definitely faint when they encounter this kind of ball."

"Of course, if you study it carefully, I feel that it should be possible to study it."

Bingbing smiled and said: "Then this time, it seems that Jiang Chen's bold words should be completed, and the reward this time should be stable."

There was a burst of laughter in the live broadcast room, and everyone was delighted.

"That's not necessarily the case. Coach Liu said that it should be possible to research it. Zhang Benhuihe is so experienced, can't he research it?"

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