NBA: Bind the ability of Sakuragi Flower Road at the beginning

Chapter 578 Fans Are Optimistic about the Warriors

Although the Lakers won the first game, the predictions for the final promotion of the two teams are still more optimistic about the Warriors.

Because the three tsunami brothers of the Warriors gave the fans too many surprises and fantasies.

The odds given by the bookmaker before the first game.

Odds on the Lakers to win the series are 1:3
Warriors are 1:1 to win the series
It can be seen how big the difference between the two teams' previous predictions is.

But after the first game, the odds changed.

Odds for the Lakers to win the series become 1:2
The odds of the Warriors become 1:1
Although there are still many people who are optimistic about the Warriors, expectations for the Lakers have obviously increased.


The second series between the Lakers and Warriors began.

The Lakers' starters are still Xu Feng, Wade, McGee, Tucker and Lin Shuhao.

The Warriors' starting five are Curry, Thompson, Durant, Green and Pachulia.

At the beginning of the first quarter, Curry took the lead. He first passed the screen and made a three-pointer.

Then Curry attracted the defense again and passed the ball to Thompson.

Thompson also felt very good today, breaking into the paint, turning over and hitting a jumper.

As soon as the Warriors came up, the Splash Brothers opened the situation.

Xu Feng noticed that Durant's face was not very good-looking, and with a thought, the opportunity came again.

Today the Warriors obviously didn't play for Durant at the beginning.

I don't know if Cole arranged it on purpose, or it was decided temporarily based on the situation on the field.

But with Curry's character, he is definitely not the one to occupy the ball.

Small-minded and sensitive by nature, Durant might feel targeted.

So Xu Feng walked to Tucker and whispered, "Continue to stimulate Durant today!"

Tucker was taken aback for a moment. He felt that Durant didn't seem to take this approach in the last game. Could it be all right today?
But everyone will listen to Xu Feng's instructions on the field.

Lakers offense.

Lin Shuhao dribbled the ball for halftime, McGee came out to play a pick-and-roll, and Shuhao burst into the paint.

McGee went under the basket and was blocked by Pachulia, so Shu Hao had to pass the ball to Xu Feng.

After Xu Feng received the ball, before Durant came to double-team, he turned over and made a jumper, swiped!
Two points to hand.

Xu Feng has reached the point where he can score as he pleases.

If you change your opponent, Xu Feng can really kill a team by himself.

But after the Warriors had Durant, they were really too strong and their offensive firepower was too fierce.

So relying on Xu Feng alone is not enough.

What the Lakers need to do now is to let their teammates stand up and play, and the other is to limit the shooting of the three tsunami brothers.

These two things must be done in order to have a chance of defeating the Warriors.

Otherwise, you can only admit defeat!

In the last game, Durant was fully integrated into the Warriors system, but he still lost in the end.

This caused a subtle change in Durant's psychology, and as soon as the Warriors started, the Splash Brothers played the main role, which made Durant feel excluded.

So in the next round, he started reaching for the ball in midfield.

Curry and Thompson were feeling hot, and they wanted to take the opportunity to play a wave and open the score.

In Curry's heart, there is no battle for the right to shoot. His philosophy is that whoever feels good today and has an advantage in the matchup will play first.

If the opponent makes adjustments, then switch to play.

In fact, this is what a mature team should have.

And Curry will also do screens and pick-and-rolls for role players, and has never regarded himself as a big-name player.

This is why Curry has a very high status in the Warriors.

But Durant didn't understand. He thought that he was a top player in the league, so he should have unlimited firepower.

Curry was helpless, but he still handed the ball to Durant.

The wave of the Warriors had just begun, and it came to an abrupt end.

After Durant got the ball, Tucker stepped forward to defend, still chattering.

"Hey, Mr. Lanter, you missed the shot. We have already won you once, and we will win today!"

"It was a mistake for you to come to the Warriors. You might as well be in the Thunder. You have won two games with the Lakers in the Thunder, but you have never won a game in the Warriors!"

"You are still suitable for Westbrook, go back to the Thunder!"


Dude, Tucker's trash talk could fill a book.

Durant's whole mind was buzzing.

But the more anxious he was to express himself, the more difficult it was for him to play.

After a few rounds, he only scored once, 5 of 1 shots.

Cole hugged his shoulders on the sidelines and shook his head angrily, but Durant is a big-name player, and he has privileges wherever he goes.

In fact, if you change teams, no matter how big you are, after you come, you must at least play according to the team's tactics, and you can only make your own demands after your status is confirmed.

Besides, although Curry's coffee position is currently a little smaller than him, it is not bad.

Besides, Curry has a high status in the Warriors, and fans still like Curry a lot.

Durant missed consecutive shots, and the Lakers overtook the score.


The fans at the Staples Arena were overjoyed. In the last game, the Warriors led most of the time, which was simply too depressing.

I finally got my breath today.

On the Warriors side, Curry, Thompson and Green were all very angry.

But he couldn't openly contradict his teammates on the court, so Green could only take advantage of the timeout to argue with Durant.

But Durant really came to the top, and Tucker's trash talk made him half dead, so today he will beat Tucker no matter what.

Now Tucker has a foul, Durant thinks it's not enough!

Although Curry is not happy, but his character is not a person who likes to lose his temper, so both he and Thompson can only endure.

Xu Feng saw all these in his eyes and secretly smiled in his heart.

It seems that the pre-match preparations are still useful. Durant is an invisible time bomb that will explode sooner or later.

It is said that character determines destiny, especially in Durant.

If he didn't have this kind of personality, he should have established a dominance in the Thunder long ago.

Cole had no choice but to call a timeout.

But he didn't criticize Durant either, he just replaced Thompson and chatted with Curry.

Now Durant's position in the Warriors is very delicate, and Cole is also very cautious.

Because a big-name superstar came suddenly, the whole team had to coax him well first.

The time-out is over and the game continues.

Durant also seemed to feel that what he did just now was a bit inappropriate, so he lowered his head and kept silent.

Back on the court, instead of asking for the ball, he stood near the sideline, hands on his knees, watching Curry play.

Curry hasn't touched the ball for a long time, and his hand feels cold.

Under Wade's defense, he missed two shots.

The Warriors fell into a scoring drought again.

Curry had no choice but to pass the ball to Durant again.

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