Although Xu Feng was passed, he did not give up and still stuck to Curry.

If Curry shoots, there is no space. After all, Xu Feng is tall and has long arms.

But Curry went all the way to the penalty area.

Just when McGee was hesitating whether to make up the defense, Curry suddenly made a throw, hit the board high, and scored!

Although Xu Feng reached out to interfere, he was still a little slow. Curry's shot was really too fast.

5: 5 flat!
The Lakers attacked, Xu Feng got the ball again, Green and Durant came to double-team Xu Feng.

Xu Feng immediately passed the ball to Tucker in the bottom corner.

Thompson wanted to help defend, but it was too late. Tucker's three-pointer from the bottom corner is very reliable, brush!
Go in!

Players on both sides battled wits and courage, constantly looking for each other's weaknesses on the field.

Cole and Xu Feng kept fighting.

Instead, D'Antoni became a display.

Although Curry was not completely blocked by Xu Feng, he was restricted uncomfortably. He made 7 of 3 shots in the first quarter and played averagely.

Except for the first three-pointer, Durant never had a good shot, and the Lakers took a firm double-team on him.

And Thompson always has a single defense in front of him, so his shooting rate is not high.

On the other hand, for the Lakers, Xu Feng, Wade, and Livingston all felt good and made consecutive shots.


Cole called a timeout, and he was going to be put on the bench.

After the Warriors attracted Durant, the bench has changed a lot.

David West, Rooney, McGee, Iguodala, Clark, Varejao are all strong.

However, the Lakers' bench is not bad, especially after Lin Shuhao returned, the bench lineup played very well, and the confrontation was not bad.

The substitutes of the two sides played inextricably, and the point difference was always between seven and eight points.

David West is very capable. Not only is he very fierce against the basket, but he also has a mid-range distance.

So when he played against other teams, he was a bit like a bully.

However, Chandler of the Lakers has restricted West very well, and the two are evenly matched, which can be regarded as a match.

Ding Yanyuhang is now playing more and more steadily. After Lin Shuhao returns, he does not need to organize, and his focus is on scoring and defense.


D'Antoni called a timeout and was about to switch to the main lineup again.

Cole looked serious. He knew that although Durant was present this year, the Lakers had responded too well. When the two teams met in the playoffs this year, the Warriors still had no chance of winning.

After the main force came up, the Warriors changed their style of play.

Curry is no longer obsessed with strong shots, but creates opportunities for his teammates through running and covering.

The Lakers are no strangers to his tactics. Curry can indeed run. Even if he doesn't have the ball in his hand, he must keep running to create opportunities for his teammates.

Xu Feng kept running with Curry, exhausting a lot of energy.

After all, he is a 206 big man, and Curry is only 190.

The Lakers' defense was under a lot of pressure, but under Xu Feng's command, the defense was still in place, and Durant never got a good shot.

This brought the Warriors' offense to a standstill.

On the Lakers side, Xu Feng and Wade took turns to score, Tucker and Livingston had opportunities, and occasionally they had to play one.

The gap between the two teams continued to widen.

At the end of the first half, the point difference has come to 13 points, 55:42, the Lakers lead!
When the players walked off the court, the Warriors players bowed their heads in silence, while the Lakers players were elated, high-fiving each other, talking and laughing as they walked towards the locker room.

In the live broadcast room of Fujixun Sports, Yang Yi and Wang Meng commented on the game.

This game is the highlight, so the two conducted a lot of analysis before the game.

The summary is that with Durant's Warriors, they should be even better.

The Lakers will play very hard today, and they may be beaten.

Even Xu Chui like Wang Meng feels that the Warriors have a great chance of winning today. After all, with Durant, their strength has increased too much.

But as the game progressed, the Lakers gradually took the initiative, which surprised both of them.

"Teacher Yang Yi, please summarize the first half of the game." Wang Meng kicked the ball to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi coughed, and replied: "The Warriors didn't play an offensive today. The Lakers' targeted defense is too strong. They found a way to deal with the Warriors in less than a minute. I have to say, The Lakers are top notch tactically!"

Wang Meng nodded and said: "Yes, at the beginning of the game, I thought that the Warriors, the musketeers, were about to go on a killing spree. Who would have thought that in less than a minute, the Lakers would regain the initiative. This response is really invincible!"

"I think Xu Feng's ability to react in battle is too strong. I noticed that during the pause in the first quarter, it was Xu Feng who was talking, and the German coach was watching from the side without saying a word."

"Yes, I saw it too. The Deshuai has not spoken, which shows that Xu Feng has the potential to be a coach!"

"Almost, I remember Director Gong said that Xu Feng's participation in tactics is a very important reason for the Longguo men's basketball team to win the championship."

"That's right, Xu Feng has this ability, and his adaptability is very strong."

"Xu Feng's golf quotient is really too high. I have never seen any star show such a strong ability in the second and third years of his rookie."

"It's almost the strongest. Although Magic Johnson was also at the peak when he debuted, there was at least Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in the team, who shared a lot of firepower, but who was around Xu Feng? Old Kobe, old Wade, so I think Xu Feng is even more difficult."

Xiao Qi said beside him: "Yes, actually Xu Feng is only 21 this year, which is really surprising. He is too calm on the court, and it is rare to see him have extreme sports."


The second half began, and the Warriors changed their style of play again.

Curry and Durant started to play pick-and-roll, and both of them would shoot when the Lakers switched defenses.

It has to be said that Curry and Durant, the two top pitchers in history, can really make it as long as they are given a little space.

Relying on the pick-and-roll of two superstars, the Warriors quickly tied the score.

D'Antoni quickly called a timeout. He was a little dazed. He didn't expect the Warriors to catch up with the score with such a simple tactic.

Xu Feng didn't look disappointed or uncomfortable, instead he was smiling.

Because that's the kind of warrior he wants to see.

Only by forcing out the most powerful opponent will the game be more attractive.

If, as in the first half, the Warriors had no countermeasures, then even if the Lakers won, it would be meaningless.

That means that Cole had reservations and failed to show his trump card.

"When the two pick and roll, they must delay, the delay must be thorough, and even a little trick!" Xu Feng said calmly.

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