Xu Feng played 31 minutes in this game and scored 38 points, while Wade scored 25 points.


After the game, Xu Feng walked out of the arena, he saw a car parked outside the arena, it was Lin Long's Land Rover.

Xu Feng knew that Lin Long must have made a new discovery.

He got into Lin Long's car, and suddenly found two people sitting in the back seat.

However, the hands and feet of these two people were tied up, their mouths were stuffed, and their eyes were full of horror.

"Brother Long, these two people are..."

"They are the ones who took Naike's money and deliberately poured dirty water on Feita Sports." Lin Long said angrily.

"It's the two of them, damn it!" Xu Feng couldn't take it anymore, and turned around and slapped each of these two guys.

"Boss, they have already confessed the person behind it, that is Naike's marketing manager Elber. I just found out that Elber is about to run away. Let's arrest him now!"

As expected, Lin Long was well-informed and intercepted such important news.

If Elber is really allowed to run away, there will be no proof.

"Where are we going now?"

"Go to the Port of Los Angeles!"

Los Angeles has several ports and is an important hub for international and domestic logistics, and Elber wanted to be sent away with a batch of containers.

"What about the time? Is it in time?"

"It's too late, let's go now!" Lin Long said, kicking the accelerator, and drove towards the port of Los Angeles at high speed.

Xu Feng was very excited. This scene had only been seen in movies and TV shows before.

Now that I have to personally participate in the witness, it is exciting to think about it.

The Land Rover ran all the way, and arrived at the Port of Los Angeles after an hour and a half.

The port is very large, but Lin Long had already found out the specific location in advance, which was at a bend on the west side of the port.

It is very hidden here, and there are two speedboats hiding here.

After arriving nearby, Xu Feng and Lin Long got out of the car first.

Lin Long looked at the time, it was 11:30 in the evening.

"Boss, in 10 minutes, Elber and his people will arrive. We have to be careful. Someone is protecting him. There may be a fight."

Xu Feng now has top-level fighting skills, but he doesn't have much actual combat experience.

This kind of occasion is different from the group arena, there are no rules, no referees, maybe someone will play tricks or use a gun.

That's why an experienced person like Lin Long can handle this.

Xu Feng can be Lin Long's assistant to complete the arrest together.

The two hid behind several huge containers next to the bend in the port, watching the situation on the road from the gap.

Ten minutes later, two cars came at a high speed. Xu Feng saw that one was a BMW and the other was a Cadillac.

According to the information that Lin Long showed him just now, Xu Feng recognized that among the three people who got out of the Cadillac, one of the fat middle-aged people should be Elber.

There was also a woman and a child.

Four strong men got out of the BMW, all dressed in black, and they looked like black Taoists.

Lin Long said in a low voice: "I'll deal with the four men in black, and you go and catch Elber. Remember, don't underestimate the enemy. Elber will be quick-witted, and he may have a gun on him."

Xu Feng nodded and stared at Elber closely.

Just as they approached the front of the container, Lin Long suddenly jumped out from behind the container, and rushed towards the four men in black like lightning.

Almost at the same time, Xu Feng also jumped out and rushed towards Elber.

Both of them were extremely fast, but the other party seemed to be mentally prepared and did not panic.

The four men in black shouted and surrounded Lin Long, and suddenly there were several weapons in their hands.

There are daggers, short sticks, and a man wearing knuckles, which looks like a stubble that often fights.

Elb was a little flustered, but he wasn't scared. He pushed the woman beside him and shouted, "Take the child and go first!"

Then he kept jumping and making boxing gestures, trying to make gestures with Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked a little interesting, this guy actually wanted to fight with himself.

Come on then!

Xu Feng didn't want to waste time, so he took the fastest attack method.

He flew straight up, bent his legs, and used a Muay Thai trick, flying knees!
This move was really ruthless, and Elber's boxing moves couldn't stand it at all, and Xu Feng pushed his knee to his arm all at once.

Although Elber blocked his head with his arm, his arm suffered.

With a click, his arm was broken by Xu Feng's flying knee.

With a scream, Albert immediately fell to the ground and rolled over, then stood up and was about to run.

But Xu Feng wouldn't give him a chance to escape. He touched the ground, and he flew over again, wrapping his arms around Elber's neck, and Elber couldn't move in his arms.

Suddenly, Xu Feng saw from the corner of his eyes that the woman just took out something from her arms and aimed at him.

Xu Feng didn't have time to think about it, and immediately fell to the ground with Elber in his arms, rolling twice.

The woman was afraid of hitting Elber, so she didn't dare to shoot, and shouted in a trembling voice: "You, let go of my husband, or I will... shoot..."

Xu Feng shouted in a deep voice: "Your husband committed the case and needs him to cooperate with the investigation. Don't interfere with my arrest, otherwise you will also go to prison. Think about your children! If both you and your husband are arrested, What about the child?"

The woman was taken aback by Xu Feng's words. Holding the gun, her hands trembling, she burst into tears, and the child next to her was also crying.

Suddenly, the gun in the woman's hand fell to the ground, and the woman crouched on the ground with the child in her arms and wept bitterly.

On the other side, Lin Long was fighting fiercely with the four men in black.

Lin Long didn't have a weapon in his hand, but he didn't lose the wind in the slightest. He used his nimble steps to dodge and move around the four of them non-stop.

Then find the right opportunity and shoot instantly!



In less than two or three minutes, the four men in black were knocked to the ground, and Lin Long was unscathed.

"Boss, are you okay?" Lin Long turned his head and saw the pistol on the ground. He was startled, and quickly looked at Xu Feng.

"I'm fine. His wife has a gun, but she has given up resistance. When the police come, don't talk about it." Xu Feng felt sorry for the child, so he wanted to hide it for her.

Lin Long was not so soft-hearted, he snorted: "Boss, you don't have to be so kind to them. They run away to enjoy the blessings. They harmed people here, took the money, and the whole family went out to be chic. How could such a good thing happen!"

Xu Feng thought it made sense, so he ignored it.

He called the police, and soon, the police came and took all these people away, as well as the two G-League players in the Land Rover.

Xu Feng and Lin Long arrived at the police station, took notes, and came back.

Early the next morning, an explosive piece of news was published on the headlines.

"Nike instigated G-League players to intentionally destroy Flying shoes and slander the quality of Pedal's products! Nike's marketing manager Elber was caught running away after the incident!"

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