Seeing the opponent double-teaming, Livingston immediately passed the ball to Wade.

There was only Parker in front of Wade, and it was too late for Green to come up. Wade made a fake move, clicked on Parker, and then rushed to the penalty area, made a throw and scored two points.

This is Wade's efficiency.

Not to be outdone, the Spurs continued to attack and handed the ball to Parker.

Parker passed the screen and reached the penalty area, which was also a throw.

The timing of the shot of the French sports car is still elusive, and it is hard to guard against.

In the first half of the first quarter, the Lakers had a slight advantage. After more than 5 minutes, the score was 11:9. The Lakers led by 2 points and entered an official timeout.

Popovich was shocked by Wade's quick integration. He used to be afraid of a star like Kobe Bryant. If he shoots unreasonably, he can really shoot you to death!
And Wade is also what he is afraid of, because Wade's breakthrough can tear apart any line of defense.

Although Kobe has retired, Xu Feng has Wade next to him, which really makes people see no hope!
Xu Feng was also very excited. Every time he saw Wade score a good goal, Xu Feng would be the first to rush over and give Wade a high-five.

The veteran still has a very high competitive state, and the Lakers' three consecutive championships are inseparable from Wade's contribution.

After the timeout ended, the game continued, and Leonard of the Spurs began to show off, making two consecutive jump shots from the left and the right.

Xu Feng immediately stepped forward to defend.

The most exciting moment of the audience has arrived.

Today's game will focus on the duel between Leonard and Xu Feng.

It's just that the two have been assisting in defense just now, and there is no confrontation.

Leonard caught the ball at the corner of the penalty area. His hands were really big. He grabbed the ball with one hand and put it behind him, observing Xu Feng's center of gravity.

Xu Feng didn't panic, with his hands spread wide and his legs slightly bent, observing Leonard's breakthrough route.

Suddenly, Leonard made a fake shot, Xu Feng reached out to block the shot, and then Leonard bent over and dashed to the right.

Xu Feng hurriedly moved quickly, following Leonard closely.

For a star of this level, it is impossible to completely defend, and the defensive end is relatively passive.

Leonard rushed towards the penalty area. Seeing Xu Feng following him, he wanted to make a lateral shot.

But Xu Feng is too familiar with Leonard's rhythm changes.

The moment he drifted sideways and was about to shoot, Xu Feng stretched out his long arms, snap!
The ball in Leonard's hand was knocked out, just as Tucker grabbed the ball and immediately launched a fast break.

Wade received the ball at the top of the arc and quickly crossed half court. Although Danny Green tried hard to chase, Wade's speed increased and he couldn't catch up at all.

The nickname "The Flash" is not for nothing.

Wade made another shocking dunk!The prestige remains the same as before!

Xu Feng and his teammates excitedly rushed over and bumped chests with Wade to celebrate!
Popovich saw it and shook his head slightly. He could see that Xu Feng was still stronger than Leonard.

After Xu Feng and Leonard competed, Leonard misfired on the offensive end. He only made a three-pointer and hit the board.

The Lakers immediately gained the upper hand, and the point difference began to widen.

Popovich had no choice but to put on the last card, Ginobili.

Ginobili is not too young. He thought he would retire this year, but he didn't.

Although he did not retreat, his lethality was not as good as before.

As soon as Ginobili came up, he rushed to the basket and stuffed a ball to Aldridge.

It's a pity that when Aldridge made a layup, he was destroyed by McGee.

McGee bullied Aldridge enough today.

Although Aldridge made a good mid-range shot, McGee's bounce was too strong, making it difficult for Aldridge to make a shot.

Even if you try to make a shot, you won't be able to grab the rebound after the miss.

The inside combination of McGee and Tucker completely restricted Gasol and Alder.

In the first quarter, the Lakers grabbed 13 rebounds and the Spurs only grabbed 6. This gap is a bit big.

With Wade's successful layup, the first quarter ended, the score was 34:21, and the Lakers led by 13 points.

At the beginning of the second quarter, the substitute lineups of both sides came on the stage.

The Spurs' bench lineup is not weak. Mills, David Lee, Simmons, Anderson, and Murray are all strong.

The substitutes of the two sides were evenly matched, and the game was very stalemate, with a point difference of more than 10 points.

Popovich frowned. He knew that he had to catch up with the score in the first half, otherwise the Lakers were very fierce in the third quarter.

There used to be Yong San Crazy, but the Lakers often went crazy in the third quarter.

Wade and Xu Feng put too much pressure on each other on the defensive end. They often played waves of fast breaks through defense to open the score.

In desperation, Popovich had to replace the main force in advance.

The Lakers are not in a hurry here. Anyway, the score is leading, so they always let the substitute play.

Ding Yanyuhang played well today, he played the role of the organization.

According to Xu Feng's guidance, he first made a few strong hits by himself, and after he succeeded, he started to pass the ball again.

He is deliberately imitating Xu Feng, switching back and forth between personal offense and support, making the opponent confused.

Although the Spurs' offense is not bad off the bench, they really can't prevent Ding's scoring and passing.


The Lakers also replaced the main force.

In this way, the physical strength of the Lakers' main lineup is much better.

Xu Feng continued to confront Leonard, and the two faced each other several times, becoming the focus of attention of the audience.

In most of the rounds, Xu Feng had the upper hand. Leonard didn't show any emotion on his face, but Xu Feng could feel that he was a little anxious.

Leonard, who doesn't show his emotions or anger, is actually very competitive.

Leonard's offense and defense began to exert strength, and Xu Feng, not to be outdone, began to increase his intensity.

Bang, bang!
The two kept colliding and pulling. The referee played very loosely today. Unless it was a big move, he usually didn't blow the whistle.

The performances of Xu Feng and Leonard in the second half of the second quarter were comparable, and the fans watched mesmerized.

But the Spurs still can't catch up with the score, because Wade is still a great threat on the offensive end, and no one can match the Spurs.

At the end of the first half, the score between the two sides was 56:45, and the Lakers led by 11 points.

Xu Feng scored 22 points in the first half, and Leonard scored 19 points. Judging from the scenes and statistics, the two are evenly matched.

But Xu Feng is actually more tired than Leonard, because he has to constantly assist in defense.


In the live broadcast room of Fujixun Sports, Yang Yi and Wang Meng explained the game.

Both teams are strong teams, and Yang Yi's commentary today is fairly fair.

"Teacher Wang Meng, let's summarize the first half of the game between the Lakers and the Spurs."

"Oh... the preparations of the two teams in the first half were still very good, and they were playing their own strengths. The face-to-face confrontation between Xu Feng and Leonard was also a bright spot, but Xu Feng is obviously more experienced than Leonard, although Xu Feng Feng is young, but his dominance is stronger!"

Seeing that Yang Yi was full of compliments to Xu Feng now, Wang Meng was also very happy, and echoed: "Yes, after all, two consecutive MVPs, this honor is not something ordinary people can get!"

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