The Lakers defeated the Rockets twice at home, making the suspense of the series disappear.

Many Rockets fans were extremely disappointed.

When Howard first came, many fire fans were full of expectations for this combination.

Because the Rockets' center was a bit weak before, Asik and Motiejunas were all unusable.

So everyone is worried that it will affect Harden's performance.

However, after the exchange for Howard, the Rockets did not seem to have improved much, and they still barely entered the playoffs.

Last season was even beaten by the Blazers.

And this season, the Rockets are still ranked eighth, playing the defending champion Lakers in the first round.

Although rational fans know that the Rockets are not the Lakers' opponents, they all hope that the scene will be more intense and cause some trouble for the Lakers.

Who knows, after two games, the Lakers won easily.

Even in the second game, Xu Feng only played for 27 minutes, and the rest of the time, the Lakers' substitutes took care of the game.

The Rockets' energy is gone.

Especially Harden, the statistics are not bad, with more than 30 points in both games, but on the scene, he is simply unreliable at critical moments.

This disappointed many fire fans, and they posted on the forum one after another, criticizing Harden.

The fans of the Lakers are very happy. After watching the two games in a happy mood, their hearts are calm and there is no suspense.

Xu Feng is very calm, he doesn't think the series is over, because the Rockets' away game is not easy.

Every time the Rockets are at home, the Lakers don't play well in the first half, which is a strange phenomenon.

He still remembers the four regular season games with the Rockets, Kobe had three games, and all scored in single digits in the first half.

Xu Feng also had a game. He only scored 11 points in the first half, which was considered a rather difficult game.

The next day, the team flew to Houston.

In the training before the game, the Lakers focused on running training, especially chasing and intercepting Harden, which required the cooperation of the whole team and could not make mistakes.

Because Harden's scoring ability is too strong, if he is a little careless, he will be beaten by Harden.

At the press conference, Xu Feng and Lin Shuhao were interviewed.

The reason why Kobe was replaced by Lin Shuhao was that Kobe asked for the ball on his own initiative.

Because he said too much about Howard in the first two games, although it was very cool at the time, it caused quite a stir in the media.

Kobe also felt that it was a bit of a fuss afterwards, so he simply didn't participate in the press conference and let Shu Hao replace him.

Shu Hao has always been gentle and elegant, and has a quick mind. He is also good at dealing with the media.

A reporter asked: "Mr. Xu Feng, you have already led the Rockets 2-0, will you make any adjustments next?"

Xu Feng shook his head and said: "Our style of play will basically not change. It depends on the Rockets' adjustments. We will respond according to the specific situation on the court."

"The fans say that you may break up the Rockets' lineup again. Do you agree with this statement?"

This question is based on a news report from the Rockets. A reporter reported that Harden and Howard had a quarrel in the locker room.

However, the parties did not respond, and coach Bickerstaff did not say anything about it.

Now the reporter actually asked Xu Feng, which made it difficult for Xu Feng to answer.

But the current Xu Feng is no longer the Xu Feng of the rookie period. He pondered for a while and replied: "I believe the Rockets will unite and play more exciting games. In my impression, Harden and Howard are very easy-going guys , they can handle the relationship well.”

Xu Feng expressed his attitude very generously. He didn't get involved in the Rockets' affairs, nor did he give reporters any material to provoke.

Another reporter asked: "You double-teamed Harden. It seems to be successful. Will you continue?"

Xu Feng shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, in the last game, Harden has obviously adapted to double-teaming, passing the ball is very threatening, but we will also have more defensive strategies, so Harden will not play comfortably. .”

The reporters nodded repeatedly. They like discussing tactics with Xu Feng the most, because Xu Feng can always explain the tactics clearly and simply.

Another reporter asked Lin Shuhao a question.

"Jamilin, you are playing a very important role in the bench lineup now. What do you think is the difference between being a substitute during the Rockets period and being a substitute during the Lakers period?"

Lin Shuhao smiled and replied: "As a player, I will obey the arrangements of the coaching staff in every team. Even if I don't adapt well, I will try my best to adapt. This is my professional attitude. But to be honest, I When the Rockets were on the bench, the tactics were not very clear, so it was a random fight. But in the Lakers, our bench lineup is very stable, and the tactics are also very rich. I feel like a fish in water here, and I played very happily!"

Although Shu Hao did not explicitly say that the Rockets were wrong, he still euphemistically pointed out the difference between the two teams at the tactical level.

Shu Hao was right, when he was in the Rockets, he was squeezed from the starting lineup to the bench, but Shu Hao didn't complain and still worked hard.

He doesn't have any regular teammates on the bench, and everyone fights indiscriminately, but Shu Hao still scored 13 points in the Rockets' entire season, which is already very good.

"Jamilin, what do you think are the differences between Harden and Xu Feng as leaders on the field?"

The reporter actually asked this question in front of Xu Feng, which tested Lin Shuhao's emotional intelligence and eloquence.

However, graduates from Harvard University are able to speak and have high emotional intelligence.

Shu Hao replied with a smile: "There is a big difference between the two. Harden doesn't communicate much with us, and they basically practice on their own. Xu Feng is more like an assistant coach. He will help us in many ways. Growth. I was surprised when I first came here. He is so much younger than me, but he is so mature and sophisticated. He has a thorough understanding of tactics and strong execution ability. He is born to be a superstar!"

Shu Hao is not a person who likes to compliment, but facing the reporter today, he spoke eloquently and said a lot of Xu Feng's good points.

The reporters applauded unconsciously as they listened. They also admired Xu Feng extremely.

The Lakers are able to achieve the current results, Xu Feng deserves the most credit, what Lin Shuhao said is not an exaggeration at all.


At 07:30 in the evening, the game started, and the Rockets played against the Lakers at home.

Since the Rockets fell behind by a large score, the players launched a crazy attack as soon as the game started.

Harden broke through three times in a row, scored points, and caused McGee to foul.

The Lakers didn't double-team, they were just testing.

But Harden's breakthrough was so sharp today, the Lakers had no choice but to continue to double-team.

The Rockets had been prepared for a long time. After Harden was double-teamed, he played the ball more decisively. Ariza received the ball and directly shot a three-pointer.

Three point shot!

The rest of the Rockets finally stepped up.

Then Harden assisted Motiejunas to make a corner three-pointer.

In less than 3 minutes, the Rockets even played a wave of 11:2!

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