However, this tactic didn't work well. Xu Feng could tell at a glance that Barnes had no ability to stop it.

Under the leadership of Xu Feng, the Lakers still implemented overall pressure on the Clippers. When Barnes was holding the ball, he was forced to make frequent mistakes.

In less than 5 minutes of the third quarter, the Lakers widened the point difference to 11 points.

The Clippers coach had no choice but to call another timeout.

Although the Lakers now have the upper hand, there is a hidden danger for the Lakers, which is their physical strength.

Except for Xu Feng, these players' abilities are in the middle or even lower reaches in the league.

Although Gasol is very strong, he is old.

In the six-game winning streak, although the players are very happy, the physical exertion is also huge.

In today's game, the overall defense was all-out, and the physical fitness was raised to another level.

In the second half, I don't know how long it will last, Xu Feng has been worried about this.

None of the Clippers coaches saw it, but Paul did.

From Paul's eyes, Xu Feng knew that Paul was waiting.

Waiting for the physical strength of the Lakers players to decline.

After returning from the timeout, the two sides continued, and the Clippers returned to Paul to hold the ball.

In the second half of the third quarter, the physical strength of the Lakers began to decline slowly.

Although Xu Feng was still full of energy, the overall defense began to collapse.

Paul and Barnes succeeded in consecutive steals and also fought back.

At the end of the third quarter, the score between the two sides was 86:84, and the Clippers were only 2 points behind.

If it weren't for Xu Feng's brave performance, the Lakers would have fallen behind.


TNT live room.

O'Neill was very happy, and said triumphantly: "How about it, I'm about to lose, and I'm ready to admit my mistake!"

Barkley was a little depressed. He saw that Xu Feng played very well, but his teammates couldn't keep up physically.

"Admit what's wrong, the Lakers are still ahead." Barkley is also a stubborn person.

"Don't you see the trend of the game? Paul has already controlled the game, and Xu Feng can't do it!"

Barkley didn't argue with him, waiting for the fourth quarter.


After the start of the fourth quarter, the Lakers came off the bench, and their physical strength could keep up, which was comparable to that of the Clippers.

Xu Feng temporarily acted as an assistant coach, shouting loudly on the sidelines to guide his teammates' running positions.

The period at the beginning of the fourth quarter is very important. One is to get more rest time for the main players, and the other is not to let the score be stretched.

Fortunately, the Lakers' substitute withstood the pressure, and the battle lasted to 5 minutes and 14 seconds. The score between the two sides was 95:94, and the Lakers were only 1 point behind.

D'Antoni called a timeout, and both sides were about to replace their main players for the final decisive battle.

Xu Feng had almost rested, and the other main players had recovered most of their strength.

As long as they can complete the lead in the remaining few minutes, this game will definitely be won!
Griffin's physical strength is still good. Seeing that the Clippers have hope of winning, he began to be arrogant again.

When Xu Feng was attacking, Griffin took the initiative to step forward to defend, and at the same time spouted trash talk.

"Boy Huangpi, you Lakers can't beat us. The strongest team in Los Angeles will be the Clippers in the future!"

Xu Feng snorted: "You might as well look at the fans off the court, whose fans are they all?"

Griffin felt uncomfortable and said angrily: "So what? When we win the championship, we will be our fans!"

"Let's talk about it after you get it!" Xu Feng responded with his mouth, but his body was not idle, and he broke through to the basket with the ball.

Griffin fought hard to defend and stuck in his position, preventing Xu Feng from getting to the basket.

Suddenly, Xu Feng took a step back and rose into the air.

Griffin was about to intercept Xu Feng for a layup, but when he saw Xu Feng step back suddenly, he groaned inwardly.

But it was too late for him to rush forward.

Xu Feng jumped to the highest point and shot easily with a flick of his wrist.

Two points in hand!

Griffin was so embarrassed that he didn't dare to meet Xu Feng's eyes.

Due to the recovery of physical strength, the Lakers' sense of defensive oppression has strengthened again, and the Clippers have fallen into a disadvantage again.

Xu Feng knew that the Lakers players were all struggling, and their physical strength would decline at some point.

So he had to take advantage of these few minutes to quickly open up the score.

Therefore, in the counterattack, Xu Feng tried his best to rush to the front every time to ensure the success of the counterattack.

At the same time help teammates save energy.

The fans at the scene were very moved by Xu Feng's unsparing style of play.

Even some Clippers fans were inspired by Xu Feng's spirit and began to applaud him.

The point difference gradually widened. With 3 minutes and 48 seconds left in the game, the score between the two sides was 108:101, and the Lakers led by 7 points.

The difference of 7 points is actually not reliable, but this is Xu Feng's greatest ability.

The physical strength of other Lakers players began to decline, Xu Feng signaled D'Antoni to call a timeout quickly.

D'Antoni was very obedient and immediately called a timeout.

The other Lakers players were panting heavily, sweating profusely, and their physical strength was reaching the limit again.

Xu Feng encouraged his teammates, telling everyone to persevere, the derby must be won!

The Lakers still have two timeouts. Xu Feng secretly told D'Antoni that after this timeout, he called another timeout.

Because the Lakers need more rest physically.

D'Antoni was a little convinced of Xu Feng in his heart. He really didn't expect that Xu Feng had such a clear mind on the distribution of players' physical strength.

If it weren't for Xu Feng trying his best to mobilize the physical strength of his teammates, he would definitely not be able to beat the Clippers in this game.

After the timeout ends, the players of both teams continue to play.

But just after the Lakers served, D'Antoni called another long timeout according to Xu Feng's intention.

The coaches of the Clippers were stunned, thinking, still play like this?
The Lakers players walked off the court again, D'Antoni didn't say anything about tactics, and let the players chat and drink water by themselves.

The fans off the court are also very curious. The Lakers' suspension today is too strange.

Only a few old fans who know the ball gave the Lakers a thumbs up and praised this clever timeout.

In the TNT live broadcast room, Barkley also praised the Lakers for this timeout.

"Great, this timeout allows players to rest for a while, how did D'Antoni become smart?"

O'Neal's face was ugly. Now the Lakers lead by 7 points and even called two timeouts. Obviously, they have gained the upper hand.

"The Clippers are not in good form today, but it doesn't matter. It's just a regular season. If the two teams meet in the playoffs, the Lakers will definitely be out!"

O'Neal's words made Barkley curl his lips: "Don't talk about the playoffs first, the Clippers lost this game, don't forget the bet!"

O'Neill snorted and stopped talking.


The timeout ends, the game continues, and the players go into battle again.

The Clippers players were speechless, feeling like they were being tricked.

The Lakers served and Marshall dribbled the ball for halftime.

Xu Feng asked for the ball in the low post, and it was Barnes who defended him.

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