The reporter was very unwilling and wanted to ask some gunpowder-smelling questions.

"Mr. Xu Feng, as the defending champion, if he loses to the Clippers, he will probably be drowned in the fans' saliva, right?"

Xu Feng sneered: "The fans' saliva? I've never felt it. Could it be that you've been flooded by saliva?"


The reporter was so stunned that he was speechless, so he retreated resentfully.

Another reporter asked: "Mr. Xu Feng, the Lakers lineup hasn't changed much this season. Does it mean that you are determined to win and don't need to adjust anymore?"

Xu Feng nodded and said: "You are right, we are very eager for the championship this season, and the players also maintain a very high fighting spirit, but the game has to be played one by one. We respect the Clippers, the Clippers It's a tough opponent."

Xu Feng's answer was neither humble nor overbearing. The reporter didn't know what to ask for a moment, and another reporter turned to Kobe.

"Mr. Kobe, you have won six championship rings, as many as Jordan, what do you think?"

Kobe smiled and said: "Jordan is my role model. Although the number of championships is the same as him, the quality is not the same. I will not stop pursuing championships!"

The reporter nodded approvingly and asked, "But you may not get FMVP in the future, don't you feel regretful?"

Kobe smiled disdainfully: "The champion is the champion, how much effort I have, even if I am not the FMVP, so what? The happiness brought by the championship is the same!"

Xu Feng frowned, and reprimanded the reporter: "Why do you emphasize FMVP? Don't you work hard if you can't get FMVP? As a reporter, if you can't win the Pulitzer Prize, don't you stop being a reporter?"

The reporter blushed from being stunned, smiled embarrassingly, and stopped talking.


At [-] o'clock in the evening, at the Staples Center, the Lakers played against the Clippers, their rivals in the same city.

The Lakers started Xu Feng, Kobe, McGee, Tucker and Lin Shuhao.

The Clippers' starting five are Paul, Griffin, Jordan, Barnes and Redick.

The starters of the two sides are the same as last season, so the two sides know each other well, and there are no secrets between them.

It depends on which side the star is better.

Jordan grabbed the first wave of possession and allocated it to Paul.

Paul's expression was different from before, this time he was ruthless.

This is not aimed at Xu Feng or Kobe, but his own unwillingness.

As a superstar in the league, Paul has always been regarded as the benchmark of point guards and has appeared on the MVP list many times.

It's a pity that the MVP has never been won, and the team has never made it to the conference finals.

So many ball critics have also questioned Paul. Paul is very entangled now, and he needs to prove himself.

And he is not young anymore, if he doesn't take advantage of these two years to make achievements, his historical status will not be high.

Xu Feng rose suddenly last year, and Curry's warriors also showed their invincibility.

Coupled with James, who has formed the Big Three in the East, the enemy is too strong.

Paul has to seize this season.

After halftime, Paul signaled his teammates to move.

Redick screened through Barnes and ran to the corner, and Paul immediately passed the ball.

Just when Redick thought he could make an open shot, Xu Feng suddenly came out and helped defend in front of him.

This is DPOY's ability to defend everywhere and make up for teammates.

Redick was taken aback. He was not sure about shooting against Xu Feng, so he had to pass the ball to Griffin.

Griffin faced Tucker and went to the basket.

But Tucker's defense has improved a lot. Originally, his foot was very stable, but now he has more strength, and Griffin can't stand it at all.

With only 5 seconds left in the attack time, Griffin had to pass the ball to Paul again.

Paul was very angry, but he had no choice but to move sideways and force his shot.

Lin Shuhao's defense was excellent, and his right index finger slightly touched the ball.

The course of the ball changed direction and fell in front of Bryant.

Bryant immediately launched a fast break, Barnes hot pursuit.

There is still a bit of grievance between Barnes and Kobe. There is a famous scene that happened to these two people.

It was when Barnes sent a sideline ball, he feinted in front of Kobe's eyes, trying to scare Kobe.

But Kobe didn't bat an eye.

This shows that Kobe's concentration is too strong, and he will not receive any external interference at all.

Barnes followed Kobe to the basket. If it was Kobe at his peak, he would definitely dunk.

But now Kobe is not as explosive, but his skills are more mature.

At the basket, Bryant reached up and Barnes flew up.

Then Kobe made an easy layup with his left hand and hit the board into the basket!

Barnes and the ball fell together, half dead, Kobe smiled.

Although the Clippers are very competitive, after the Lakers won the championship, the temperament of the entire team has improved.

The players played very steadily, especially facing the Clippers who were eliminated last season, they seemed very confident.

The Clippers are much more impatient, especially Paul, the boss of the Clippers, who looks fierce, but his strength and skills have not improved much.

At the end of the first quarter, the difference between the two sides widened to 7 points, and the situation of the Clippers was not good.

Paul was in a hurry, and suddenly resorted to a "big swing", trying to chase points.

But the referee didn't get used to Paul today, and he didn't even blow the whistle, as if he didn't see it.

Paul yelled angrily, but no one paid any attention to him.

Coach Rivers felt that there should be a problem with Paul's mentality, so he quickly called a timeout and replaced him to rest.

It's time for a replacement, too.

The two sides faced off on the bench, and the Clippers had the upper hand at first.

Crawford suddenly showed his strength and made two consecutive difficult three-pointers to close the score.

However, the Lakers also have a sharpshooter on the bench, and that is Bo Yang.

Bo Yang received a pass from Shu Hao and scored a three-pointer, then received a breakthrough from Ding Yanyuhang and scored another three-pointer!
The difference widened again.

In the first half, regardless of the main force or the substitute, the Lakers were suppressing the Clippers.

Rivers is very worried, he is also a high-spirited coach, he led the old Big Three and won the championship with the Celtics.

That was the pinnacle of Rivers, and it was a moment of glory.

But then Rivers' coaching experience was a bit embarrassing, and his grades have been poor.

Even with all kinds of big-name players in hand, I still haven't got any good records, which is very regrettable.

This year is his third year coaching the Clippers, and he is also anxious, as anxious as Paul.

But facing the powerful Lakers, Rivers tried his best, but still couldn't beat them.

In the last playoffs, he even made the players rough, but the Lakers still easily handled the Clippers.

So his heart was broken, and there was really nothing he could do.

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