Xu Feng still didn't exert his strength, and he kept supporting and motivating his teammates, so that they could play their own characteristics.

In the second half of the second quarter, Li Yan and Ding Yan Yuhang supported the Long Guo team's offense.

Especially Li Gen, his physical strength seems to be unlimited, and he keeps fighting in the penalty area.

However, Li Gen's bravery caused his movements to be a bit big, and he was called 3 fouls.

This is also Li Gen's potential shortcoming, that is, he is easy to be called a foul.

In fact, it is impression points, strong people will be subconsciously considered as rough.

Xu Feng knew the problem, so he deliberately asked Li Gen to fight more.

It doesn't matter if you get fined.

If you play more, Li Gen will have more opportunities to perform.

As long as there is a reputation in the international arena, the referee will take care of it properly.

This is often the case. The more famous the star, the more the referee will take care of him. There is no way, human nature is like this.

For example, Xu Feng, who is being taken care of now, only had one foul in the first half.

Ding Yan Yuhang also became famous, and only received one foul in the first half.

At the end of the first half, the score was 63:60, and the Longguo team took the lead.

During the intermission, the Basketball Association organized a small event, selected a few fans to the court, and interacted with Xu Feng, Ding Yan Yuhang and other stars.

Xu Feng likes to participate in this kind of activities very much, because he has lived abroad for a long time, and it is rare for him to joke with his compatriots in Longguo.

The fans came up with six people, divided into three groups.

Two people in each group form a team with Xu Feng, Ding Yan Yuhang, and Yi Jianlian to compete in shooting competitions.

The three are the most accurate shots in the Longguo team.

So the three stars are not only for themselves, but also for the fans, and they must score high.

The scene was very joyful, and the level of these six fans was also good.

In the end, the first team of Ding Yan Aerospace got the highest score, Xu Feng's team was No.2, and Yi Jianlian's team was No.3.

The main reason is that there is a girl in Xu Feng's team who couldn't even hit the rim with her shots, which hindered her.

The two fans with the most No.1 got a bonus of 5000 yuan and a photo with Ding Yanyuhang.

No.2 received a bonus of 2000 yuan and took a photo with Xu Feng.

No.3 got Yi Jianlian's signed jersey.

It was a happy scene, but there was an episode, that is, the No.1 fans rushed to take a photo with Xu Feng, and even left Ding Yanyuhang aside.

Ding Yanyuhang smiled wryly and shook his head.

Later, Xu Feng resolved the embarrassment. He brought Ding Yanyuhang and Yijian Liandu over, and everyone took a group photo together.


At the beginning of the second half, the Brazilian team made adjustments. The previous Achim and Luiz were replaced by Druid and Hutas.

This is an opportunity for all players to practice.

The Longguo team replaced Li Muhao, Zhao Tailong, and Wang Zhelin who hadn't played before.

The Brazilian team's cooperation is more tacit, while the players of the Longguo team have outstanding personal abilities.

Under Xu Feng's guidance, these Longguo players have made rapid progress, their shortcomings have been corrected a lot, and their strengths have been strengthened.

The head coach of the Brazilian team, Marcos, nodded repeatedly on the sidelines. He had watched the Long Guo team's game before. Except for Xu Feng's team, the other national teams were not very good.

But looking at it today, even without Xu Feng, the other players played well.

The ones who left the deepest impression on him were Ding Yan Yuhang and Li Gen.

These two are very strong against each other, and their style of play is very clear.

Ding Yanyu has a lot of offensive routines, and his shots are accurate, especially the three-pointers, which are very fast.

Before going to the Lakers, Ding Yanyu was not so strong.

With his height of 196, Li Hao rampages inside, he is simply a size 1 smaller James, and he is indeed very lethal.

In the subsequent games, both sides were training troops, and the scene was very lively, but not too intense.

In the end, the game ended, the score was fixed at 114:107, and the Longguo team won.

In this game, Xu Feng played 26 minutes and scored 31 points, and Ding Yan Yuhang played 28 minutes and scored 27 points.

Li Yan played 25 minutes and scored 21 points, Guo Aihuan played 24 minutes and scored 19 points.

This warm-up match served the purpose of training the team, and made the Chinese people place high hopes on this team.

After the game, the players from both sides shook hands. When Santos and Xu Feng shook hands, they said sincerely: "Xu, your skills are amazing. You are the most powerful NBA star I have ever seen!"

Xu Feng said modestly: "You are over-rewarded. NBA players are very good. You have to work hard in the future. I hope we can meet again on the court!"


In the training on the second day after the game, Director Gong pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of the players based on the video of the warm-up match, and asked everyone to do targeted training.

For example, Guo Ailun's vision and Ding Yan's breakthrough must be improved. In addition, Zhou Qi and Wang Zhelin also need to be more active at the basket.

Three days later, the Dragon Country team will usher in the second warm-up match, the European powerhouse Croatia team.

The Croatian team has performed very well in the past ten years, and it is the earliest and fastest-growing team in Europe.

And also won the runner-up in the 92 Barcelona Olympics.

In the 2002 World Championships, Croatia defeated the Russian and Serbian national teams consecutively.

The most famous is the best sixth man in the Bull Dynasty, Kukoc.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, at the Beijing Stadium, the Dragon Country team ushered in the Croatian team.

The starting line-up for the Long Guo team is Xu Feng, Yi Jianlian, Ding Yan Yuhang, Zhou Qi, and Guo Ailun.

Croatia's starting five: Ukic, Kus, Nikola, Banic, Pakaxin.

With a jump ball in the middle circle, Pakaxin grabbed the ball and Croatia attacked.

Ukic dribbled the ball past halftime, and Guo Ai stepped forward to defend.

Although Guo Ailun is very proactive, but Ukic's basic skills are very good, and he is very strong, Guo Ailun did not take advantage of it.

Ukic passes the ball to Pakasin.

Pakaxin played for the Nets in the NBA for two years before retiring due to injuries.

But back in Europe, he was still going strong, playing for Spanish clubs.

As a center forward, his characteristic is that his second offense is very powerful. Zhou Qi is thin in front of him, and his jumping is also a bit poor.

So at the beginning, Croatia resolutely played inside.

The Longguo team was prepared, so Yi Jianlian and Xu Feng were actively defending to prevent Zhou Qi from being trampled.

The two sides launched a fierce competition in the interior.

Pakaxin is really good. Even under the siege of the Longguo team, he still played at a high level. In the first half of the first quarter, he scored 6 points, grabbed 5 rebounds, and added [-] assists.

This is already the performance of a star center.

At this time, the Longguo players are missing one person, and that is Dayao!

If Dayao was here, how could Pakaxin be so rampant?
Fortunately, the Longguo team's outside play was very smooth. Ding Yanyuhang and Guo Ailun fired frequently to bite the score.

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