Not only the Lakers players were shocked, but even the fans were shocked.

Some fans cut out clips from the game and analyzed them.

In the end, it was concluded that James squeezed Blatt away.

Because James made several moves that clearly showed dissatisfaction.

For example, he sat in Blatter's seat, and when the substitution was made, he decided to play without Blatter's consent.

In addition, some details have also been dug out by netizens.

However, such things are not uncommon. There is a conflict between the star and the coach, and the coach must be squeezed out.

After Blatter left, Xu Feng heaved a sigh of relief, because Blatter's tactics were actually more terrifying, because everyone in Princeton was a soldier, which would make the Lakers feel very uncomfortable.

Although it won't beat the Lakers, it will make the Lakers' previous preparations in vain.

Now that Blatt is squeezed out, James must still be the main player.

If James is the main player, then Xu Feng can suppress James, and the Lakers will win half of the game.

But this is just speculation, and no one knows what it will turn out to be.

Tyronn Lou?
What kind of coach he is, no one knows.

What the Lakers know about Tyronn Lue, he only played for the Lakers before, and he was teammates with Kobe and O'Neal, defending Iverson.


Before the second game, Xu Feng and Kobe were interviewed.

"Mr. Xu Feng, you won the first game, will you make any changes to the lineup?"

Xu Feng shook his head and said, "It won't change. We will still fight according to the previous tactics. The Cavaliers are mainly based on James, and all tactics are initiated from him. We will make countermeasures against him."

The reporter nodded and said, "According to the fans' analysis, the Cavaliers will make fundamental changes in the next game. Are you ready?"

Xu Feng said with a smile: "As long as we are ourselves, we won't have any worries. It's just that the Cavaliers have a secret strategy. We can lose one game at most, and then we will see what happens."

The reporter admired Xu Feng's confidence, and then asked Kobe a question: "Mr. Kobe, how do you feel about 23 versus 24? In fact, many old fans are looking forward to your matchup with James."

Kobe smiled and said: "It's all over. This time it's a duel between James and Xu Feng. Your focus should be on the two of them. I just need to be a good supporter."

The reporters were very surprised that Kobe, who is so proud and arrogant, is now willing to assist Xu Feng.

Not only off the field, but also on the field, he also revolves around Xu Feng.

Such a team, so united, is there any other team that can beat them?


At the Cavaliers' pregame press conference, James was interviewed.

James' face was very gloomy today, and the reporters were a little panicked seeing him like this.

A reporter boldly asked: "I heard that your Cavaliers have changed their head coach. Can you tell me the reason?"

James said coldly: "This is something done by the club's management. I don't know anything, so I have no comment!"

Another reporter knew that there must be a big melon in it, so he asked: "But on the field, we saw some conflicts between you and Blatter..."

"You're talking nonsense!" James interrupted the reporter roughly, "There has never been any conflict between me and the coach, and his dismissal has nothing to do with me! If you dare to report indiscriminately, I will send you to court !"

The reporter stuck out his tongue in fright and dared not ask any more questions.

There was silence at the scene. Ten seconds later, a female reporter asked cautiously: "Mr. James, you are 0:1 behind, will you make any tactical adjustments?"

James also felt that he had lost his composure just now. He deliberately squeezed out a smile and said: "It's normal to lose the first game. The Lakers played their characteristics, but we will make changes in time. The specifics depend on the tactics of the new coach." , I am not convenient to say here, thank you."

"Will the new coach Tyronn Lue make personnel changes? Such as the starting lineup?"

"Probably not. Our starting lineup has been used for a season, and it has proved to be successful. The finals are seven games and four wins. The next game must be our victory."

The female reporter asked again: "You are at a disadvantage in the duel with Xu Feng, will you make any changes in this match?"

James' face was a little ugly again: "Of course, I have found a way to deal with Xu Feng. You will see a different me in this game!"

The reporters gave thumbs up one after another, cheering for James.


Eight p.m., Staples Center.

The second game between the Lakers and Cavaliers has begun.

There are many things to watch in this game, one is the second duel between Xu Feng and James, the second is the new tactics of the new Cavaliers head coach Tyronn Lue, and the other is that the Cavaliers have never had two consecutive games this season. Defeat depends on whether the Lakers can break this rule of the Cavaliers.

The Lakers' starters are still Xu Feng, Kobe, McGee, Tucker and Lin Shuhao.

The Cavaliers' starting five are James, Irving, Love, Mozgov and JR Smith.

With a jump ball in the middle circle, McGee grabbed the ball again.

Lin Shuhao dribbled the ball for half court and passed the ball to Kobe.

Kobe faced JR and planned to pull one out, but the Cavaliers made a change on the defensive end. James suddenly abandoned Xu Feng and double-teamed Kobe.

Because everyone knows that the Lakers will give Kobe the first ball, so in order to destroy the momentum of the Lakers, James chose to double-team.

After all, Kobe was seriously injured. Facing the peak James, he couldn't force a shot.

However, Kobe is not as persistent as before. He saw that Xu Feng had an open space and immediately passed the ball to Xu Feng.

This would have been unimaginable a few years ago.

Xu Feng actually had a big vacancy!
James was shocked when he saw Kobe passing the ball. Is this still Kobe?
Without hesitation, Xu Feng directly made a jump shot!
Long two points, hit!

Home fans shout loudly!

The meaning of this ball is not ordinary, Kobe passed the ball, Xu Feng shot, it shows that the atmosphere in the Lakers team is very good!

The Cavaliers attack.

After James passed halftime, Xu Feng single-handedly defended James.

The Lakers continued to adopt the defensive method of blocking James' passing route, while Xu Feng defended him alone.

James held the ball at the top of the arc. After watching for a long time, none of his teammates ran out of space, so he had to choose to break through.

But he didn't dare to break through to Xu Feng, so he called a pick-and-roll.

Mozgov came out and blocked Xu Feng, and James took the opportunity to rush to the paint.

Just when he broke through, he noticed Xu Feng was still following him from the corner of his eye.

James was shocked, Xu Feng was blocked just now, why did he get out?

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