The game is approaching day by day, and the fans' expectations for the game are increasing day by day. On the forum, the quarrels are getting more and more intense.

In the United States, it is divided into two factions.

James has a lot of fans, accounting for half, and Xu Feng and Kobe have a lot of fans, accounting for half.

Fans of the two sides argue endlessly on the forum every day.

The main basis for James fans is that James has five finals experience and knows what teammates are most needed in the finals and what tactics are most suitable for him.

And the energy that James exploded in the playoffs was not what Xu Feng could achieve.

Fans who support Xu Feng and the Lakers firmly believe that Xu Feng can restrain James.

As long as James is restricted, the Lakers will definitely be able to win James.

So the final focus is who is the most dominant, Xu Feng or James, and the quarrel is exhilarating.

Xu Feng would occasionally look at the forum. He felt very happy and wanted to participate in the discussion several times, but he held back.

After all, he is a public figure, so it is inappropriate to really get involved.


The day before the competition, when Yin Suwan and Xu Feng had dinner, they said something.

"Feng, this finals is very important. Putting aside winning or losing first, you must not perform worse than James, otherwise Nike may come back from the ashes."

Although Yin Suwan's voice was not loud, Xu Feng knew the weight of these words.

This is related to the final duel between Feita Sports and Nike.

James is Naike's last trump card. If James suppresses Xu Feng in the finals, then Naike can turn around.

Because the war between trump cards is the key to determining the final outcome.

It's like playing chess, it doesn't matter if you eat my rook, eat my horse, or eat my cannon, as long as my veteran is there, I will not lose.

If Xu Feng really won the championship and suppressed James, then Naik would be completely finished.

After Feita Sports and Fujixun cooperated, they already had a certain right to speak in the NBA.

Xu Feng won the championship and will speed up the pace of controlling the NBA.


At the press conference before the game, James and Irving were interviewed.

Although the Cavaliers were double-killed by the Lakers in the regular season, James was not discouraged at all.

On the contrary, James is high-spirited, with the momentum that he has already won the championship.

"James, the Cavaliers are leading the Eastern Conference, and the playoffs are going very well. Do you have confidence in the finals?"

"Of course!" James replied proudly, "Our performance in the playoffs has shown that the Cavaliers are running in very well and are already the best team in the league!"

The reporter asked again: "But you lost to the Lakers twice in the regular season. Compared with the regular season, what changes have you made?"

James thought for a while and replied: "When we played against the Lakers in the regular season, we were just experimenting with the lineup and trying different tactics. We didn't care about winning or losing, because our imaginary opponent was the Spurs or the Warriors. But since the Lakers have entered In the finals, we will go all out to win them!"

This is crazy, and it sounds like that.

After all, the Big Three of the Heat were broken up by the Spurs last year, and it is normal for James to want revenge.

Another reporter asked: "The league has been looking forward to 23 vs 24, and this time it finally came true, but Kobe suffered a serious injury, do you have anything to say to him?"

James said seriously: "Kobe is my good friend. When he was injured, I was very sad. I really hope that it was just a nightmare. After waking up, Kobe is still the omnipotent black mamba! This time we I am very happy to see him play in the finals! I hope to see his explosive performance in the game!"

The true feelings of this paragraph made the reporters very moved.

Fans have been looking forward to a final between the most popular superstars of these two generations.

Unfortunately, the two are always missed.

James entered the finals, but Kobe's Lakers fell into a trough.

While Kobe entered the finals, James failed to make it out of the Eastern Conference.

I have to say that this is the most regrettable topic in the league, and it is also the most regrettable topic among fans.

But this year, under the leadership of Xu Feng, Kobe entered the finals after a serious injury. Although Kobe is no longer the star, he is still one of the core players.

So the topic is still full, and the wishes of the fans have finally come true.

"Mr. Owen, this is your first time in the finals, how do you feel?"

Owen smiled.

Although he was smiling, it could be seen that he was still a little nervous.

"I am very excited. This is the first time I stand on the highest stage. It is my luck to have a superstar like James as a teammate. I will perform well."

Irving is indeed a player with a big heart. Although his ability to lead the team is average, as a team's attacker, he is at a historical level.

Especially the ability to combine man and ball can definitely rank among the top three in history.

The reporter asked again: "The Lakers' defensive efficiency ranks first among the [-] teams in the league. Do you have the confidence to break the Lakers' defense?"

Owen smiled contemptuously: "Our offensive power is the strongest, and you can see by then that we will easily tear through the Lakers' defense!"

"But Xu Feng, you Cavaliers don't seem to be right. In the regular season and the All-Star Game, James was suppressed by Xu Feng." The reporter was very courageous, and directly stated the matchup between Xu Feng and James. .

James' face sank: "I've said it before, we've been experimenting with lineups in the regular season, not real strength. The All-Star Game? That's just a game, will I take it seriously?"

Seeing that James was angry, the reporter didn't dare to delve into it and changed the subject.


The interview with the Lakers was not so gunpowder. After all, this is the home of the Lakers, and the media in Los Angeles are very friendly to Xu Feng and Kobe.

"Mr. Xu Feng, this is your first time participating in the finals, what do you think?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "It feels very good, very wonderful. During the long regular season, I have been thinking about one day being able to stand on this stage every day, and now my dream has finally come true!"

The reporter nodded and praised: "Mr. Xu Feng, you are the hope of the Lakers now. This is only your second season, to be precise, it is the first full season, and you have reached the finals!"

Xu Feng was also deeply touched: "Yeah, I think I am very lucky to have good teammates, a good coaching staff, and such good fans."

As he spoke, he high-fived Kobe next to him, showing the tacit understanding between the two.

"Kobe, 23 and 24 finally met, how do you feel now?"

Kobe shrugged: "This is the seventh time I have entered the finals. It is reasonable to say that I should not be so excited. But to be honest, I am very excited because this is the finals I entered after a serious injury!"

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