Although Xu Feng wanted to spend a few days with Yin Suwan in a rare two-person world, the meeting with Ma Huateng was obviously more important.

Perhaps this meeting will become a major turning point for the sports brand.

From Yin Suwan's words, Xu Feng could feel that Ma Huateng didn't really want to cooperate with Yin Tianxiong.

The only chance is that Xu Feng can persuade Ma Huateng.

After all, Tengxun is a super giant now, and he doesn't want to cooperate with you, so it doesn't hurt him too much.

The two took the evening flight, first flew to the capital, then rested in the capital for half a day, and then flew to the base camp of Fujixun, Yangcheng.

Yin Tianxiong also came here ahead of schedule, and he needed to make an introduction, which is a tradition in negotiations.

In the reception room of Tengxun headquarters, Xu Feng and Ma Huateng met.

In fact, Yin Tianxiong had an appointment with Ma Huateng at a private club outside, but Ma Huateng refused.

He chose to meet Xu Feng at Fujixun's headquarters, because he wanted to give Xu Feng a bad start and overwhelm Xu Feng in terms of momentum.

Then when talking with Xu Feng, you can be condescending.

This is a common tactic in negotiation.

Xu Feng didn't understand at first, but the moment he saw Ma Huateng, he understood.

"Let me introduce. This is the boss of Tengxun, Mr. Ma whom we are all familiar with. This is..." Before Yin Tianxiong finished speaking, Ma Huateng nodded slightly and interrupted Yin Tianxiong.

"Sit down, I know him, he's very famous, Xu Feng, right?"

Ma Huateng's indifferent way of greeting made Xu Feng feel very uncomfortable.

But he came with a mission this time, and he couldn't be emotional, so he still extended his hand politely.

"Mr. Ma, I have admired you for a long time. It is an honor to meet you in your company!"

Ma Huateng saw that Xu Feng was neither humble nor overbearing, with a calm expression, and immediately felt a shock in his heart.

Both Dayao and Yi Jianlian had met Ma Huateng before.

When they met for the first time, they were inevitably a little reserved and shy. At that time, both of them were young, in their early twenties.

And Xu Feng is only 21 this year, but he has such a general demeanor, which really surprised Ma Huateng.

Yin Tianxiong was a little embarrassed, and sat down with a smiling face beside him.

The four sat down, and Xu Feng said first: "Mr. Ma, your company's sports department is doing well. I've seen it a few times, and it's very innovative."

As soon as Xu Feng came up, he praised Teng Xun first.

Ma Huateng said proudly: "It's okay, Tencent Sports is not a pillar industry in our company, a small department, a small department."

Xu Feng smiled: "That's right. Fujixun Sports is really stingy. It would be great if the layout could be bigger."

Ma Huateng frowned slightly, and could hear that Xu Feng's words had something in them, and there were thorns in them.

Both Yin Tianxiong and Yin Suwan were a little nervous. The father and daughter were worried that Xu Fengfeng would anger Ma Huateng.

Although I am not afraid of him, there are still many opportunities for cooperation in the future. If the negotiation fails, it will be very detrimental to the future of Feita Sports.

Unexpectedly, Ma Huateng raised his eyebrows, but instead became interested, and asked with a sneer: "Mr. Xu, the pattern is not big, what did you say?"

Xu Feng talked eloquently: "As far as I know, the hosts hired by Tencent Sports are of different levels. Many hosts have obvious subjective preferences when explaining, and the terminology of the explanation is very unprofessional. The sports in our Dragon Kingdom have a bad influence."

Ma Huateng's face was a little ugly: "Is there any more?"

"Also, Tencent has too many advertisements, and the types of advertisements need to be screened, such as those family planning products, which are not suitable for broadcasting in sports programs!"

After Xu Feng finished speaking, both Yin Tianxiong and Yin Suwan couldn't help lowering their heads and smiling.

Ma Huateng blushed instantly, he understood what Xu Feng meant.

"What Mr. Xu said is very reasonable. I will strictly order the sports department to carry out rectification." Ma Huateng felt a little guilty after being told.

Xu Feng didn't stop there, but continued: "Tengxun Sports should do a lot of publicity for our Longguo athletes in terms of programs, instead of only promoting foreign stars. As the largest commercial giant in China, it should be for the country. make a contribution!"

Ma Huateng's mouth moved, but he didn't speak.

Yin Suwan secretly gave Xu Feng a thumbs up under the table.

Yin Tianxiong coughed. He found that the atmosphere was not right, so he came out to smooth things over: "Mr. Ma, Xu Feng has a high status in the international basketball world, and he is still very young and has great potential. I am very optimistic about him. What do you think?" ?”

Ma Huateng squeezed out a smile and said: "I don't know much about the sports world, but through today's conversation, I found that Xu Feng is a very good guy. It is very important to look at the problem, and he has a strong perspective on the overall situation."

As he said that, he glanced at Yin Suwan, smiled and said, "Old Yin, if you have this son-in-law, your future will be immeasurable!"

Yin Suwan blushed slightly, and said angrily, "President Ma, you are joking, we are not married yet."

"Haha, then speed up, such a good boy, don't let him fly!" Ma Huateng nodded.

Yin Suwan curled her lips and said deliberately: "He can fly wherever he likes, and I don't care about him!"

Ma Huateng laughed loudly and said, "Xiao Wan is stubborn, don't cry then."

Xu Feng gently put his arms around Yin Suwan's shoulders, looked at her dotingly, and said, "With Xiaowan here, I won't fly away."

Ma Huateng put away his smile and returned to the topic: "To be honest, I don't have that much confidence in Feita Sports, but after seeing Xu Feng, I think Feita Sports has a bright future!"

Then he looked at Yin Tianxiong again: "Old Yin, don't blame me for being straightforward, you should thank Xu Feng very much!"

Yin Tianxiong is not guilty, because he has always attached great importance to Xu Feng, and he did not regard himself as an elder just because Xu Feng and Yin Suwan are boyfriend and girlfriend.

On the contrary, he often advised Yin Suwan not to play with his temper, but to be gentle with Xu Feng.

"Mr. Ma said it to my heart. The number one hero of Feita Sports must be Xu Feng, no one else. So I have let Xu Feng hold 20.00% of the shares, and I will increase the proportion in the future!"

Ma Huateng was shocked, and nodded slightly. It seems that Yin Tianxiong knows people with his eyes, and he is indeed quite courageous.

"Okay! I'm very envious of you being so united. Alas, within our Fujixun... oh, let's not talk about it."

Ma Huateng hesitated to speak, but it was conceivable that the water inside Tengxun must be very deep, and Ma Huateng felt very bitter.

"Well, I'll ask Manager Sun from Fujixun's sports department to discuss with you in detail. The cooperation is settled like this, but I'm not familiar with the details, so I won't participate as a layman. But you must be the main one, Xu Feng, you need to give more advice!"

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