Kelly gave a thumbs up in admiration: "A war! That's great! With this spirit, there is no game that cannot be won. The Lakers are great!"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Actually, our Lakers need such a game, because we are all teammates for the first time, and the tacit understanding between each other is not enough. Twist into a rope!"

Xu Feng looked too far, because he experienced the playoffs last year and the World Cup in the off-season.

These two experiences let Xu Feng know which elements are the most important in a team.

Kelly asked again: "Today you yelled in front of Coach Budenholzer, what is it?"

Xu Feng was a little embarrassed, so he shook his head and said, "Needless to say, those are all emotional words on the field. It's better for girls not to listen."

Kelly blushed, she thought it was a dirty word, so she didn't continue to ask this question.

"You played so well in this game, the All-Star ticket is almost stable, because in the two games just finished, the Cavaliers lost to the Bulls, and the Warriors defeated the Thunder in overtime. Curry only scored 31 points, far inferior to you A strong performance!"

Xu Feng was not very happy. He shook his head and said, "One game can't explain anything. James and Curry are both great players. I can't compare with them yet!"

Although Xu Feng was very humble, the fans at the scene gave him the greatest praise.

Many fans who were reluctant to leave continued to shout Xu Feng's name on the sidelines.

Xu Feng also waved to them in relief.

Looking at this scene, Kelly felt infinitely emotional. The last star with such a high popularity was Kobe.

Although Kobe's state is not as good as before, his popularity is still very high, and many of them are old fans for many years.

Sometimes Kobe fans will chat with Xu Feng fans on the Internet, but every time they will be harmonious again under the news.

Because their idols trust each other and don't help each other, they have never had such behaviors as suspicion, exclusion, and competition for the boss.

Of course, the fans who are talking about each other are extreme fans. Most of the fans are still very rational. They all hope that under the leadership of Xu Feng and Kobe, the Lakers can win another championship, or even more championships.

After the interview, Xu Feng came to his small home immediately, and Yin Suwan was waiting for him in the villa.

Once home, the two embraced tightly.

This game is very important to Xu Feng. Although he verbally said that he doesn't care about the top ticket, the man's competitive spirit prevents him from losing this game.

Because this is the No. [-] team in the East, it must be won!

Yin Suwan is also very excited. As the executive manager of Feita Sports, she needs this ticket king very much!
The king of votes represents popularity, and the king of votes represents commercial value!
If Xu Feng wins the vote, it can be officially announced that Naik's era is over.

Because of Nike's big-name players, only James is left, and Durant, Curry, Harden, and Xu Feng are not Nike's.

"Feng, you must get this ticket king! I know you don't care about this, but Feita needs it, and Naike needs it even more!"

"Nike needs it?"

"Yes, if you have this ticket king, Naike can decline sooner!"

Xu Feng smiled and scratched Yin Suwan's nose: "You, you have too many eyes!"

"Am I so thoughtful? Naik did it on his own! Did you forget that he poisoned you?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten, alas, in fact, what I hope most is the situation where a hundred schools of thought contend, everyone shows their talents and dedicates the best products to customers. But Naike is guilty of the most sinful, always trying to suppress competitors with despicable means If we continue, this kind of behavior will not last long, even if we do not rise, other brands will rise!"

Xu Feng said what he had been holding back in his heart for a long time, Yin Suwan took it seriously and nodded vigorously.

"Okay, don't talk about this, now I'm at home, I've made delicious food for you!"

"That won't work, I'll eat you first!"

"You're dead!"


There are two more games in the All-Star Game, against the Suns and the Live S.

Russell has been a regular starter for the Suns, and this is the first time the two have met since Russell changed teams.

But before the game, Russell invited Xu Feng to have a meal in Phoenix.

"Russell, how do you feel here?" Xu Feng saw that Russell's complexion was not bad, and his whole temperament changed.

"It's good. I found that the pressure of starting is quite high, but I can still stand it." Russell said with emotion.

"That's for sure. The starting lineup will be studied by the opponent, and there will be special defensive targets. It's not easy to play, but you should be fine!"

The two chatted for a while, and suddenly Russell's cell phone rang. When he picked it up, the expression on his face changed, and he looked happy.

Xu Feng smiled and shook his head, he knew it must be Russell's girlfriend Shirley.

Although he had never seen this girl before, Xu Feng guessed that this girl should be good, because Russell had changed so much that many of his stink problems disappeared.

"Come here now, Xu Feng and I are eating here, the old place, yes! I love you!"

Russell's sweet appearance made Xu Feng feel the sweetness of love.

"Your girlfriend is coming?"

"Well, I asked Shirley to come, and now our relationship is very stable, we should come to meet my best friend!"

"Congratulations, Shirley is really good, she has made you better and better, haha!"

"Whatever, I'm fine!"

"Smug you, do you want me to tell you about your glorious deeds when you went to a nightclub!"

"Don't, please, I beg you, buddy finally found a good girl, don't mess with her!" Russell folded his hands together, pleading.

The two were talking and joking when a girl walked in. She was not tall, but she was well-proportioned and she looked very sweet.

The temperament of the whole person reveals kindness and understanding.

Xu Feng stood up: "Hi, hello Shirley!"

Xueli smiled sweetly and greeted Xu Feng: "Hi Xu Feng, wow, this is the first time I have seen a big football star with my own eyes, you are so tall!"

Xu Feng said with a smile: "We are all friends. Whether there is a star or not, Russell is also a star."

Russell waved his hand and said, "Forget it, how can I compare with you, you are going to win the MVP."

The three of them sat down and chatted while eating. Shirley gave Russell a lot of face outside and hardly cared about him.

But judging from Russell's speech and behavior, he is usually greatly influenced by Shirley.

After dinner, Xu Feng bid farewell to the two and went back to the hotel.

The Suns have had a lot of personnel changes these days, and their record is mediocre, with one win and two losses in the past three games.

Russell performed well, averaging 21 points and 5 assists in recent games.

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