The two sides replaced the full bench lineup.

The Rockets' bench lineup is very good, Brewer, Josh - Smith, Terry, Jones, Black.

If Dayao had such a substitute lineup back then, he would have woken up from his dream.

The Lakers' substitutes are not bad, and the tacit understanding has been very high recently. Lin Shuhao, Chandler, Bo Yang, Ellington, and Ding Yanyuhang are considered to be a fixed lineup.

Occasionally, Randle will play power forward.

This rookie has a strong impact, but his skills are still a bit rough. Unfortunately, the goal of the Lakers this season is to compete for the championship, and he is not given much playing time.

The game continued, and the battle against the substitutes was also very exciting.

Here Lin Shuhao gave Chandler an alley-oop dunk, and Brewer made a fast break over there!
Here Ding Yanyuhang scored a three-pointer, and there Josh Smith broke through a dunk!
The scores on both sides are still very stalemate, always between three and two points.


The Rockets called a timeout, and the main players of the two sides were ready to play for the final showdown in the first half.

At this time, Kobe felt a little uncomfortable in his thigh. It should be that he was hit by Howard when he was laying up just now, which hurt a little.

The team doctor hurriedly let Kobe rest and replaced Nick Young.

Although Howard's actions are not the kind that hurt people, the grievances between the two are indeed great, and the actions are not small.

After all, Howard is a big center with greater strength, and it must be the old Kobe who was injured.

Xu Feng faintly felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, Nick Young, who replaced Kobe, didn't feel good. Moreover, he is a good singles player, and he is good in one-on-one. Facing double teams, it is difficult to shoot.

The Rockets began to gain the upper hand.

Although Xu Feng still scored like chopping melons and vegetables, the rest of the Lakers couldn't stand up.

Harden also showed his prowess in the second quarter, not only breaking through various throws and jumpers, but also stepping back and hitting three-pointers consecutively.

This time, the Rockets opened the score.

At the end of the first half, the score between the two sides was 63:52, and the Rockets led by 11 points.

During the intermission, the atmosphere in the Lakers locker room was very solemn, and no one spoke.

Xu Feng knew that his teammates had tried their best, but Howard and Harden both played well today, with too much firepower.

And Kobe was injured again, the Lakers can only rely on Xu Feng alone, and the situation has returned to the Lakers of last season.

The team doctor walked into the locker room and said solemnly, "Kobe's injury is not serious, but he will not be able to play this game. He needs to rest for two to three days."

The Lakers players were relieved when they heard that Kobe was not serious. It was just a game, and it didn't matter if they lost, as long as Kobe was fine.

Besides, it's not necessarily possible to lose.

Xu Feng also heaved a sigh of relief, and then he frowned again. This game is a bit difficult.

Compared with last season, Harden has evolved again, and his offensive methods are too rich.

Xu Feng can help defend once and help defend twice, but basketball is a team sport, and Harden can use pick-and-rolls and screens to stay away from Xu Feng.

And Howard also called the wind and rain in the paint, completely suppressing McGee.

If the fight continues like this, the Lakers will be more or less fortunate.

[Ding, the host is in trouble, triggering the Sakuragi flower system]

[The host completes the new task assigned by the system, and can conduct a big lucky draw]

Xu Feng secretly smiled, finally here!
The system is quite considerate, not to mention that this game is related to the record ranking, but the grievances between Kobe and Howard, this game must be won!
"System, tell me quickly, what task?"

[The host said a word to Harden's ear: Do you really like women with big P shares? 】


Xu Feng was speechless. Why is the system getting more and more vile? Doesn't this embarrass Harden?
However, it is normal to say something that disturbs the opponent's mind on the field.

For example, in the finals between the Bulls and the Jazz, the two teams were tied. At the last moment, Malone, nicknamed "The Postman", scored two free throws. If he made the free throws, there was a high probability that he would win the game.

Immediately before the free throw, Pippen whispered in his ear: "The postman doesn't work on weekends."

And that day happened to be the weekend!
So Malone really missed two free throws.

so amazing.

However, what the system asked Xu Feng to say this time was not too much. Harden originally liked women with big P-shares, and everyone in the league knew it.

It was just a little joke with him.

After Xu Feng smiled wryly, he decided to finish the task first.


In the live broadcast room of Fujixun Sports, Yang Yi and Wang Meng are explaining the game.

Yang Yi, who has always been very unfriendly to Xu Feng, had a great time in the first half.

Although Xu Feng performed well in the first half, he scored 24 points, while Harden scored 23 points, the two were evenly matched.

But Harden had two more assists than Xu Feng, which was caught by Yang Yi.

"See, there is still a gap between Xu Feng and the top players. Harden is the better one. He can drive his teammates."

Wang Meng looked at Yang Yi and said with a smile: "Teacher Yang Yi, I remember you said that Harden is not a top star, he is not that strong, he is not that weak, and his level is just like that!"

Yang Yi has a thick skin, he doesn't care about being slapped in the face.

He shook his head and said, "That's right, Harden is like that, Xu Feng is not as good as Harden."

Mina next to him interjected: "Teacher Yang Yi, Xu Feng is still number one on the MVP list!"

Yang Yi snorted: "The first is only temporary, the season is still long, if it is not guaranteed, it will be surpassed by Curry, and maybe James will also surpass it!"

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room had already scolded Yang Yi crazily, but Yang Yi turned off the barrage and didn't care at all.

Wang Meng couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "Xu Feng is pretty good, even Dayao praised him, he is a superstar in the NBA, and he has a bright future."

Yang Yi stopped talking. Now that Dayao is the head of the Dragon National Basketball Association, he dare not speak ill of Dayao.

Moreover, he started his career with Dayao and the Rockets. The shrewd Yang Yi would never mess with his job.

However, with Xu Feng here, he might suffer a big loss!

The halftime break is over and the second half begins.

All the main players of both sides appeared on the stage, except Kobe.

Lakers offense.

When Lin Shuhao was dribbling in the backcourt, Xu Feng suddenly ran up to Harden and asked in his ear, "Brother Deng, do you really like women with big buttocks?"

Harden's expression froze immediately.

Although he didn't care that everyone knew about this habit, it still made him feel very embarrassed when someone suddenly asked him this question during the game.

Before he could think of how to answer, Xu Feng had already walked away.

[Ding, the host completes the new task of the system and gets a chance to draw a lottery]

At this time, a huge turntable appeared in Xu Feng's mind, with dozens of partitions on it, and a button next to it, which said "Start".

So Xu Feng clicked on it.

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