"Thank you for your encouragement. I will persevere. After the season, if I really get this award, I will share it with you. But to be honest, I value the award in the playoffs more." Xu Feng nodded.

Kelly said: "We also look forward to the performance of the Lakers in the playoffs. Last season was so difficult, and you led the team to the Western Conference Finals. This season is so worth looking forward to."

"Let me ask another question. This season, your defensive ability has also been greatly improved. In the DPOY selection, you are also ranked first. The second is Green of the Warriors. What do you think?"

Xu Feng replied: "I think for many players, the defensive attitude is greater than the ability. As long as there is a positive attitude, it will not be too bad. I hope that the Lakers teammates will actively defend. Because in the playoffs, if you want to To go further, we must improve our defense."


After the interview, Xu Feng accepted the cheers from the fans again!
Today's performance was really shocking.

Originally, in the previous game, James scored 37 points and led the Heat to defeat the Pacers.

Curry scored 44 points and led the team to beat the Trail Blazers.

Both have the potential to be the best players of the day.

But once the game between the Lakers and the Clippers is over, there is no suspense about the best player, and Xu Feng deserves it!

After leaving the arena, Xu Feng saw Yin Suwan's sports car parked outside, so he knew that Yin Suwan must have watched the game, so he came here to pick him up.

After getting into the car, Xu Feng smiled and said, "How are you going to reward me today?"

Yin Suwan blushed, and said angrily, "I knew I wanted to be rewarded, and today you want to reward me too!"

"Oh? What's your reward?"

"In today's negotiation, I squeezed out Nike and became the biggest sponsor of the NBA! Of course, your contribution is the greatest!"

After Yin Suwan finished speaking, Xu Feng was also very excited.

Although Xu Feng is very popular now, it is not possible to squeeze out Naike overnight. Yin Suwan must have done a lot of work in market development.

Now Feita Sports is the biggest sponsor of NBA, which is of great significance.

At least the league will not suppress Xu Feng and other brands of stars like before.

In addition, Feita Sports will usher in explosive growth.

"Xiaowan, today's Feita Sports stock price..."

"Big rise! The stock price in China has gone up and down, and it is estimated that it will last for several days." Yin Suwan said excitedly.

Xu Feng's shareholding has now increased to 20.00%. According to this growth rate, Xu Feng's assets will reach about 50 billion this year.

For a player who was still fighting for a ten-day non-guaranteed contract last year, that's skyrocketing.

"Xiaowan, then we should celebrate. How do you say to celebrate?" Xu Feng had been calm about the changes in the stock price before, but today, he also felt very excited.

This is not only a stock price issue, but more importantly, it is a strategic victory to squeeze out Naike!
"Well, I discussed it with my dad, and we are going to let all the staff share this victory together."

"Share together? How?"

"Our employees at home and abroad will hold a celebration meeting, and then each employee will be given a certain amount of bonuses according to their position!"

Xu Feng nodded approvingly. Although he didn't know much about management, he still admired Yin Suwan's decision.

Feita Sports has developed too fast in the past two years, and the employees are really hardworking, and the number and scale of employees have increased rapidly.

So at this exciting moment, it is necessary to hold such an event to share some benefits with everyone, and to increase cohesion.

This is very necessary for the long-term development of the company.

"Okay Xiaowan, then do as you said, what do I need to do?"

"I've thought about it. As the biggest hero of our company, you want to tell everyone a paragraph at the beginning of the event. You can think it yourself, or you can find someone to write it. Our company's planning department is still very strong."

Xu Feng thought for a while and said, "Let me write it myself. Although my level is not that high, I want to say something from my heart."

Yin Suwan smiled and leaned her head on Xu Feng's shoulder: "I also think it's better for you to write by yourself. In fact, your speech can still move people because you are an honest person."

"Am I honest?"

"Honestly... do you have something to hide from me?"

"Of course I have. For example, I'm talking to you without telling you now. In fact, I really want to..."

Yin Suwan's face turned red again, and she punched Xu Feng with a fist: "You bad guy, aren't you tired after playing?"

"That's different, two kinds of tiredness!"

Yin Suwan covered her mouth and smiled, and asked softly, "Then what are you and I doing?"

"That's sweet tiring!"

"Hmph, you're exhausted!" Yin Suwan pushed Xu Feng away, started the car, and drove towards her residence...

Yin Suwan's work efficiency was very high. Three days later, Feita Sports' celebration meeting was held.

Because the next two games of the Lakers, the opponents are relatively weak, and they are still away games, so Xu Feng did not participate.

This is the strategy of the Lakers club. When Xu Feng is not in the game, he can train some newcomers. For example, Randle, who was selected this year, needs more playing time.

And if Xu Feng is there, Tucker is more important, because of Tucker's defense, the corner three-pointer is more stable.


At the celebration meeting of Feita Sports, Xu Feng took the lead in speaking.

When Xu Feng walked onto the stage in a formal gray suit, the audience burst into applause!

In fact, all employees are very clear that Feita Sports' growth spurt in the past two years is all due to the rise of Xu Feng.

So when Xu Feng came on stage, he received the warmest applause.

Not only that, but there are also many fans of Xu Feng among the employees. They are naturally very excited when they see their idol.

Xu Feng stood on the stage and applauded with the staff. On the big screen at the back, all kinds of highlight highlights of Xu Feng in the game were played.

The applause lasted for more than three minutes before it stopped under Xu Feng's signal.

"Brothers, sisters, and colleagues, you have worked hard!" Xu Feng sincerely bowed at ninety degrees to express his sincere gratitude.

This made the employees feel flattered. They were still sitting just now, but now they all stood up and applauded again.

One minute later, Xu Feng straightened up and said with emotion: "For more than a year, I really felt those four words, which are changing with each passing day! With your efforts, Feita Sports has achieved continuous take-off, and our performance has soared !"

"For you, this is not only a huge challenge, but also an unforgettable journey! I hope that all of you can get what you want in this company! Develop and grow together with the company!"

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