The Lakers counterattacked, Xu Feng dribbled the ball past halftime, and Barnes stuck to the defense tightly.

But Xu Feng, who rushed up, was unstoppable. With one acceleration, he was half a body ahead of Barnes, and then rushed to the three-step basket.

In desperation, Barnes grabbed Xu Feng's jersey, but it was useless. Xu Feng still scored a layup.

The referee whistled and called Barnes for a foul.


The Lakers played this ball with momentum, one defense and one offense, and the domineering side leaked!

The fans at the scene were very excited and cheered loudly. The Lakers players also jumped up and down, and their morale was high!

In the Tengxun live broadcast room, Wang Meng and Yang Yi were explaining the game.

Seeing Xu Feng's fast break, Wang Meng was extremely excited. He hugged his bald head and shouted repeatedly: "My God, the Lakers' offense and defense are suffocating!"

Yang Yi's face was gloomy. He had never praised Xu Feng. When the Clippers had the upper hand just now, he was smiling.

Especially Paul played well in the first quarter today, and Yang Yi danced and danced, so happy that he forgot his last name.

But as a commentator, he can't always keep a calm face and keep silent.

"The Clippers are careless. They will adjust it during the intermission."

"There is still a gap in strength between the two sides. The Clippers are too strong overall, and the Lakers lack a commander like Paul. I am still optimistic about the Clippers."

Wang Meng disagreed with Yang Yi's statement: "Xu Feng is a bit like James, he can be the commander in the main lineup, and Lin Shuhao is actually the backup commander."

"Although they can organize, they are far behind Sao Paulo." Yang Yi pouted.

He accidentally told St. Paul out.

Today's female guest is Mina. After hearing this, she covered her mouth and laughed. Everyone knows that Yang Yi is a fan of Paul, and he is a diehard fan.

Even in a game, calling Paul a grandfather became a joke among the fans.

Wang Meng shook his head and said: "Although Paul's organization is very good, he is limited in height after all, and his vision and attack power are insufficient."

When Wang Meng dared to talk about Paul's shortcomings, Yang Yi became a little anxious, and he immediately said: "Paul has been assisting the king for so long, doesn't it explain the problem?"

Wang Meng shrugged: "But he hasn't touched the floor of the Western Conference Finals yet, and he hasn't made it past the second round. Doesn't that explain the problem?"

Yang Yi blushed, his neck was thick, his mouth moved, but he didn't say anything.

Mina hurried out to smooth things over: "Actually, Paul is very good, but this year's Lakers are also very strong. Either team may win or lose today."

Wang Meng knew that he had angered Yang Yi just now, and he didn't feel very good. After all, Yang Yi had been in the basketball circle for many years and had a lot of connections. Wang Meng didn't want to offend him.

"Yes, I also like Paul very much. He is a very comprehensive traditional point guard. In fact, he is very hopeful to break out of the West this year!"

After hearing Wang Meng's words, Yang Yi felt better and his face was not so ugly.


During the intermission, the Lakers locker room was full of laughter and laughter, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

Xu Feng's performance just now was terrific, leading the Lakers to play a wave, which greatly boosted the morale of the whole team.

"Xu Feng, the Clippers actually don't have that many tactics. It's just that Paul breaks through the ball to let his teammates shoot three-pointers, or to the inside. It's their substitute, which is a bit difficult to deal with." Tucker said while wiping his sweat.

Xu Feng nodded: "Their substitute, Crawford, does have a strong ability to attack independently. Xiao Ding, when the substitute is playing against each other in the second half, you should defend him!"

Ding Yanyuhang was stunned. Although his recent performance is not bad, but only on the offensive end and defensive end, his performance is average.

And Ellington and Bojan in the bench lineup have good defense.

Seeing that he didn't understand, Xu Feng explained: "You can't guard against him by yourself. You are tall and can be the main defense. Ellington can assist in the defense. You can definitely restrain him!"

Ding Yanyuhang understood, nodded and said: "Okay, I will try my best to prevent him."

Kobe also came over and said: "Our main lineup also needs to strengthen its defense. I am not satisfied with the defense in the first half. McGee, you have to pay attention to your footsteps and move faster!"

Now McGee is obviously more convinced by Xu Feng, so he didn't take Kobe's words seriously, so he muttered: "I'm a center forward, how fast can I go?"

Kobe was in a hurry and was about to get angry when he saw Xu Feng staring at him.

He suddenly understood that his temper had changed a lot, but he was still anxious occasionally, which would damage the atmosphere of the team.

So Kobe walked over, patted McGee on the shoulder, and said: "You are indeed fast, but you can go faster, you can definitely do it."

McGee didn't say anything more, Kobe's tone eased a lot, and he could accept it.


The second half of the game started, and the Clippers went through the intermission, and sure enough there was another change.

Paul is no longer obsessed with holding the ball, but after halftime, he hands the ball to Barnes or Griffin.

Both of these two have a certain ability to hold the ball. When they hold the ball, they can let another person cover and block Xu Feng.

In this way, it can always be guaranteed that one person will avoid Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's assisted defense has a strong restrictive effect on Griffin's offense, so the Clippers' tactic perfectly avoids Xu Feng.

And Griffin's offense with the ball is also very threatening in the league.

Paul gave up part of the ball, which enriched the Clippers' offensive methods.

This sudden change of tactics played a very good role. The Clippers began to chase points again and overtook the score.

Xu Feng frowned, and he looked at Paul again, secretly admiring him.

Paul is worthy of being a master tactician with a broad mind. He gave up the ball and helped the team.

In the past few minutes, Paul didn't increase any statistics, but it allowed the Clippers to overtake the score.

Lakers coach D'Antoni hurriedly called a timeout, and he had to respond to this tactic.

During the timeout, D'Antoni signaled Xu Feng to think of a solution.

Xu Feng coughed and said: "When Tucker is defending Griffin, he must resist his lower body. At the same time, Kobe or Livingston will flank and harass him. Paul and Redick don't care about it for the time being. "

This should be a bit of a gamble.

Griffin really played very well just now, without passing the ball.

But if Paul and Redick are emptied and Griffin passes the ball, the Lakers will be in danger.

Paul and Redick, who are open, have high shooting percentages.

But since Xu Feng said it, everyone should give it a try, because Xu Feng's tactical response has almost never failed.

The time-out is over and the game continues.

The morale of the Clippers players is up again, especially Griffin, who is even more arrogant, and glances at Xu Feng from time to time.

In the last season, he was slapped in the face by Xu Feng several times, and he didn't dare to confront Xu Feng head-on.

But he still does something provocative whenever he gets the chance.

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