After the advertisement program, it entered the game session. Next, a few audience members were invited to come on stage.

Xu Feng put on a pair of big shoes and stood up.

Suddenly, Xu Feng saw a familiar audience. The female audience was very beautiful and kept smiling at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng scratched his head, but still couldn't think of it, but the host Black had already announced that the game had begun.

The content of the game is that Xu Feng puts on big shoes, unable to run or jump, and then plays a three-on-three match with the audience.

The female spectator walked up to Xu Feng and whispered, "Mr. Xu, my name is Xiaoqi, and I belong to Fujixun Sports."

Xu Feng suddenly remembered, yes, it is Xiaoqi!

"Why are you here?" Xu Feng asked.

"I came to watch your game. It just so happened that there was such a show, so I came."

Seeing the two chatting in a whisper, Blake walked over and asked, "Do you know each other?"

Xiaoqi replied generously: "I'm the host of the Longguo sports program, and I'm here to watch the game this time."

It dawned on Blake, but the show had to go on, so the game began.

Xu Feng, Xiao Qi, and an audience member were in a group, and the other three were in a group, having a great time.

The two cooperated quite tacitly, because Xiaoqi himself can play basketball.

The game was very fun, and Blake was so amused that he laughed.

After the game session, we entered the advertising time.

During this period, Xu Feng chatted with Xiao Qi and Black for a while.

Although Xiaoqi looked like a little girl in front of Xu Feng, a little bit shy, but in front of Black, she behaved gracefully.

After the advertising program, enter the third link.

The third program is a bit sensitive, it is to talk about some personal issues of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng didn't feel any embarrassment at first, but when he met Xiao Qi just now, Xu Feng suddenly felt a little awkward.

Black asked: "Mr. Xu Feng, I heard that you already have a girlfriend, and she is a very capable and beautiful girl, right?"

To Xu Feng, this is almost an open matter, so Xu Feng nodded without hesitation: "Yes, my girlfriend and I have a very good relationship, and her career is also very good..."

Speaking of this, Xu Feng noticed Xiao Qi in the auditorium, his face became unsightly.

Blake continued, "Can you tell me how you met?"

Xu Feng fell into the memory, and said slowly: "The first time we met, it was at the entrance of the hotel, and she came to ask me for an autograph."

Blake opened his eyes wide, applauded and said, "It's so romantic!"

Xu Feng said with a smile: "I didn't think so at the time, but after thinking about it later, it was indeed very romantic, and we didn't expect at the time that we would meet in the future."

"And what happened afterwards? Do you remember the second time we met?" Black's gossiping heart rose again, and the audience below also pricked up their ears.

"The second time... I remember it was after a game, I signed autographs for the fans, and there was a long queue. I thought I was about to sign, but she appeared again."

When talking about this, Xu Feng still had a smile on the corner of his mouth, still recalling Yin Suwan's appearance at that time.

The audience in the audience were all moved, and some people still had tears in their eyes, perhaps thinking of their past.

Xiao Qi rested her chin on her right hand and listened quietly to Xu Feng's narration, with a complicated expression on her face.

Black signaled to the staff and started playing background music, and the scene immediately became more romantic and warm.

After more than a minute, Blake continued to ask: "If your girlfriend was standing in front of you now, what would you say to her?"

Xu Feng thought for a while and said, "Maybe I can't say anything, I just hug her!"

Now the audience will say "Oh..." and will smile in satisfaction.

"You really won't say anything?" Black seemed a little disappointed.

"Well... I might say to her: We are better now, we should do something for the country."

Black didn't expect Xu Feng to suddenly mention the topic of the country when he was talking about his personal relationship, and he was obviously taken aback.

This is the difference between the Dragon Kingdom and the United States.

In the Dragon Kingdom, it is natural to put the country first, while in the United States, when talking about personal relationships, only personal relationships are discussed.

"For the country? How to explain?" Black asked puzzled.

Xu Feng replied: "When the two of us first met, we were both at a low point in our careers. I thought I was in the Lakers or a substitute. I just played two good games. She is a project manager for a sporting goods company. I'm about to go bankrupt and return home."

"Later, we all got better. After gaining a sense of satisfaction, we felt that only by doing more for our country and compatriots can we continue our happiness."

"I said this, not to establish any image or personality, we both really think so."

"To make money, we have enough to spend, but in addition to making money, we have more meaningful things to do."

Black nodded slightly, he understood what Xu Feng wanted to express, and he admired Xu Feng very much.

In the league of the NBA, the vast majority of players are there to make money. You can say other things, but if it affects other people's money, then stop doing it.

Only Xu Feng can strike a balance between making money and playing.

Now regardless of salary, the stock in Xu Feng's hands alone is already more than one billion yuan, and this is not counting the annual dividends.

Now Xu Feng's annual salary is 2500 million meters, which is not the maximum salary, because he is a rookie and an international player.

This is why the Lakers can sign so many players.

And Yin Suwan, as the "eldest princess" of Feita Sports, naturally has a lot of money, because Feita Sports belongs to her father.

And there is only one daughter in his family.


Blake asked again: "So do you have any plans to get married now?"

Xu Feng shook his head and said, "Marriage is certain, but we haven't discussed the specific time, because now we are young and our careers are on the rise, so we don't have time to think about it."

"In the NBA, I don't have any accolades yet, she's in Sporting Goods, she hasn't established herself internationally. So we both have a long way to go."

Blake nodded slightly: "To be honest, I am very envious of you couple. It feels like a fairy family. You have a big structure and you work hard. It's so rare."

After sighing for a while, Black turned to the audience below and asked, "Do any of you have any questions for Mr. Xu Feng?"

Xiao Qi was the first to raise his hand. Black knew that the two knew each other, so he pointed to Xiao Qi: "Okay, the girl in pink, you can ask."

Xiao Qi stood up, looked at Xu Feng and asked, "What do you think is the most important thing between lovers?"

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